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Dragon Ball Z
Dragon Ball GT

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Episode List.

Below is a list of almost all of the DBZ episodes. The names of the sagas are before the episodes and descriptions of the episodes are below the episodes name (The descriptions are from the back of the DBZ tapes). I am missing some of Cell Game and all of the buu saga, but I will have them eventually. All of the episodes names are the way FUNimation has them. If you know the names of the episodes the way they are in Japan (If they aren't the same... Im not sure if they are), than please e-mail me.

1. The Arrival of Raditz
The Saiyans are a race of alien warriors who crave destruction. They have sent their mighty warrior, Raditz, to the Earth to search for his younger brother, Kakarot, and to finish the job his brother neglected - to destroy all traces of human life on the planet! Raditz confronts Gokou, one of the Earth's greatest defenders, and shocks everyone by revealing that Goku is really Kakarot with amnesia! Raditz commands Goku to accept his heritage and attack the Earth. When Goku refuses, Raditz kidnaps Goku's son Gohan an commands Goku to destroy 100 Earthlings by the next morning to save his son's life.

2. The World’s Strongest Team
Still reeling from the shock, Gokou suddenly finds help from an unlikely source... his arch-enemy Piccolo! Despite their differences, they both realize that they must team up if they want to have a chance against Raditz. However, once their battle against the Saiyan has begun, it becomes obvious that, even together, they are not powerful enough to challenge Raditz!

3. Gohan’s Hidden Powers
How will they make up the difference? What sacrifices will have to be made to protect the Earth? It seems that Gokou must sacrifice his own life to destroy Raditz and save the human race.

4. Gokou’s Unusual Journey
Gokou sacrifices himself to ensure the destruction of Raditz. Piccolo takes Gohan to train in preperation for the battle of a century against the Saiyans.

5. Gohan’s Metamorphosis
Piccolo takes Gohan to a deserted wasteland to train him to utilize his incredible power. Gohan is left alone to survive for six months, while Piccolo watches over him from afar. On the night of the first full moon, Piccolo witnesses an incredible scene as Gohan becomes a gigantic ape!

6. Gohan Makes a Friend
Gohan gradually gets used to living in the wasteland, even though he misses his parents. One day, he helps an injured dinosaur and the two become friends. Later, Gohan's new friend is attacked by another evil dinosaur! See if Gohan can save his new friend!

7. Trouble on Arlia
The evil Saiyan warriors Nappa and Vegeta are getting closer to Earth, eager to gather the seven Dragon Balls and realize their wish for immortality. On the way to Earth, the two warriors decide to stop by planet Arlia to have some fun. Watch out because fun to a Saiyan warrior means destruction!

8. Home for Infinite Losers
Gokou has fallen off Snake Way into the land of no return. There, two ogres give Gokou a test; they promise that they will show him the way back to Snake Way if he wins a competition against them.

9. Princess Snake’s Hospitality
A selected group of warriors have gathered at the top of Korin Tower. There they will prepare them for the Saiyans. Meanwhile, Gokou reaches the end of Snake Way only to fall into the treacherous hands of the beautiful Snake Princess.

10. Escape from Piccolo
Gohan misses home very much. One day, hes escapes the wilderness, but his handmade boat is wrecked in a storm. Gohan is saved by orphan children on an island and makes some new friends. When he almost reaches home, Piccolo reminds him of his mission: to save Earth!

11. Showdown in the Past
Earth's warriors, Krillin, Tien, Chiaotzu and Yamcha, are training at Kami's lookout, but get frustrated at the speed of their training. Kami's assistant, Mr. Popo, instructs them to know themselves to become stronger, and to learn about their enemy to defeat it. Mr. Popo sends their spirits to the virtual reality of the Pendulum Room, where the warriors experience the overwhelming power of the average Saiya-jin. Then they learn the terrible reality that the two Saiya-jins who are approaching Earth are twice as strong!

12. The End of Snake Way
Gohan is continuing his training under Piccolo. One night, Gohan suddenly transforms to a giant ape again and attacks Piccolo! Piccolo discovers that a moon image is projected from Gokou's old Saiya-jin space pod and Piccolo must destroy the pod before Gohan destroys him. Meanwhile, Gokou finally reaches King Kai's small planet at the end of Snake Way. There, Gokou finds that he must train in gravity that is ten times stronger than Earth's.

13. A Fight Against Gravity... Catch Bubbles!
After Gokou passes King Kai's test to make him laugh, the training begins. Gokou's first task is to catch King Kai's pet monkey, Bubbles, in a gravity that is ten times stronger than Earth's. King Kai tells Gokou that the planet Vegeta, the Saiyans homeworld, had the same gravity as his place and that the two Saiyans that are on the way to Earth are even stronger than King Kai himself! This test reinforces Gokou's determination to train even harder to defeat them.

14. The Legend of the Saiya-jins
Gokou's next task in his training is to hit Gregory, a super fast grasshopper, with a heavy hammer. King Kai is amazed to see how quickly Gokou can conquer the gravity and decides to teach him the ultimate techniques called 'Kaio-Ken' and 'Spirit Bomb'. One day, King Kai reveals more to Gokou about his Saiyan heritage. Gokou learns that the planet Vegeta had vanished and he is one of he only four Saiyans that survived. Gokou will have to confront the rest of the surviving Siayans soon.

15. Black day for the Planet Earth
Gokou completes his training under King Kai and is ready for the battle against the Saiyans. While Gokou hurries back on the Snake Way to Earth, the evil Saiyans, Vegeta and Nappa, finally land on Earth and launch a diabolical wake-up call for the planet. They first sense the power of Piccolo and Gohan and proceed to them. Their purpose is to find the Dragon Balls and make their wish - immortality. Can Earth's Special Forces hold out until Gokou arrives?

16. The Battle Begins... Gokou Where Are You?
Vegeta and Nappa reach Piccolo, Gohan and Krillin. Vegeta recognizes Piccolo as the one who told Raditz about the Dragon Balls before finishing Raditz off, and then reveals that Piccolo is an alien from the planet Namek! The Saiyans then grow plant monsters, called Saibamen, to fight Earth's warriors first, just as Tien, Chiaotzu and Yamcha arrive to help!

17. The Saibamen Strike
The Earth's Special Forces show their newly developed power in their battle with the plant monsters known as the Saibamen. Unfortunately, the Saibamen are only a prologue to the real battle against their creaters- the evil Saiyans, Vegeta and Nappa.

18. Nappa... The Invincible?
Nappa powers up and picks Tien as his first prey. Chiaotzu tries a sneak attack, but Nappa's enormous power prevents anyone from helping Tien. Piccolo plans a new attack, but will it work on one who seems invincible?

19. Tien Goes All Out
Tien uses all of his powers to help Piccolo and Krillin attack Nappa, but Nappa continues to dominate the Earth's Special Forces. Just as Nappa is about to finish off Piccolo and Krillin, Vegeta calls a three hour break to see if Kakarot (Gokou) will show up. Where is Gokou?

20. Time’s Up!!
When the three hour truce ends Gokou has not arrived, so Nappa resumes his devastating attack. Suddenly everyone senses that Gokou will arrive soon. When Vegeta discovers that Gokou's power level is at least 5000, he orders Nappa to finish off the remaining three warriors before Gokou arrives!

21. The Return of Gokou
Nappa defeats Krillin and fires a massive power blast to finish off Gohan. Piccolo saves Gohan by sacrificing himself, but this also sacrifices Kami and the seven Dragon Balls necessary to wish everyone back alive! Gohan is enraged and uses all of his power to avenge Piccolo, but Nappa is too strong. Luckily for Gohan, Gokou finally shows up!

22. Gokou Strikes Back
Gokou arrives and surprises everyone with his new power. Vegeta orders Nappa to retreat, but the enraged Saiyan attacks Kriliin and Gohan instead. Gokou stops Nappa by using his new Kaio-Ken technique, and the injured Nappa pleads to Vegeta for help. The powerful Saiyan shows his ruthlessness by blowing up Nappa instead! Now it is time for the showdown between Gokou and Vegeta!

23. Gokou vs. Vegeta... A Saiya-jin Duel
Gokou must how face Vegeta, the prince of the planet Vegeta, the strongest Saiyan warrior, and a villain so ruthless he destroyed his own partner, Nappa, for being injured. When Gokou's double Kaio-Ken attack fails, Gokou breaks his promise to King Kai and uses the triple Kaio-Ken. Vegeta becomes so angry he decides to blow up the Earth.

24. Vegeta... Saiya-jin Style!
Vegeta realizes that 'Kakarot' is stronger than he expected, so he uses the ultimate strategy - transforming to a giant ape. Gokou is in great danger! On the way to Master Roshi's, Gohan and Krillin sense Gokou's crisis and hurry back to help him. Meanwhile, Gokou decides to try his other new technique, the Spirit Bomb. But does he have enough time to gather the energy!?

25. Stop Vegeta Now!!
As the giant ape almost crushes Gokou, Yajirobe manages to cut off its tail! A furious Vegeta now attacks the other three warriors, while Gokou tells Gohan to fight against Vegeta to give Gokou a chance to give the Spirit Bomb to Krillin. As Vegeta corners Gohan, Krillin throws the Spirit Bomb at Vegeta!

26. Battle’s End
Even after getting hit by the Spirit Bomb, Vegeta is still alive! Although he is injured and weak, Vegeta seems still too strong for the Earth's warriors. Just as Vegeta is about to finish off Gohan, Gohan's tail grows back again! Gohan then transforms to a giant ape and starts attacking Vegeta!

27. A New Goal... Namek!
28. A Journey to Namek
29. Friends or Foes?!
30. Hunt for a Dragon Ball
31. Who’s Who?
32. Touchdown on Namek
33. Face Off On Namek
34. The Ruthless Freeza
35. The Nameks Versus Freeza
36. Escape From Dodoria
37. Secrets Revealed
38. A Collision Course
39. Stay Away From Freeza
40. Zarbon Transformed
41. The Eldest Namek
42. Get Vegeta!
43. Vegeta Revived
44. A Heavy Burden
45. Immortality Denied
46. Big Trouble for Bulma
47. Scramble for the Dragonballs
48. Arrival of the Ginyu Force
49. Elite Fighters of the Universe... The Ginyu Force
50. Time Tricks and Body Binds
51. No Refuge From Recoome
52. Enter Gokou
53. Gokou... Super Saiya-jin?
54. Ginyu Assualt
55. Incredible Force!
56. Freeza Approaches
57. Gokou is Ginyu and Ginyu is Gokou
58. Calling the Eternal Dragon
59. Gohan Defeat Your Dad!!
60. Captain Ginyu... The Frog
61. Password is Porunga
62. Piccolo’s Return
63. The Fusion
64. Fighting Power: One Million??
65. Piccolo the Super-Namek
66. Déjà vu
67. Freeza’s Second Transformation
68. Another Transformation?
69. Dende’s Demise
70. The Renewed Gokou
71. The End of Vegeta
72. The Ultimate Battle
73. Clash of the Super Powers
74. Freeza’s Boast
75. Bold and Fearless
76. Embodiment of Fire
77. Trump Card
78. Keep the Chance Alive
79. Power of the Spirit
80. Transformed at Last
81. Explosion of Anger
82. Namek’s Destruction
83. A Final Attack
84. Approaching Destruction
85. Gohan Returns
86. The Last Wish
87. Dual on a Vanishing Planet
88. Pathos of Freeza
89. Freeza Defeated!!
90. Mighty Blast of Rage
91. Namek’s Explosion... Gokou’s End?
92. Gokou’s Alive!!

93. The Heavens Tremble
94. Black Fog of Terror
95. Battle in Kami’s Lookout
96. Fight With Piccolo
97. Call For Restoration
98. Suicidal Course
99. Extreme Measures
100. The World Awakens
101. Brief Chance for Victory
102. Krillin’s Proposal

103. Freeza’s Counterattack
104. The Mysterious Youth
105. Another Super Saiya-jin
106. Welcome Back Gokou
107. Mystery Revealed
108. Gokou’s Special Technique
109. Z Warriors Prepare
110. Gokou’s Ordeal
111. The Androids Appear
112. A Handy Trick
113. Double Trouble for Gokou
114. Upgrade to Super Saiya-jin
115. The Secret of Dr.Gero
116. More Androids?!
117. Follow Dr.Gero
118. Nightmare Comes True
119. Gokou’s Assassin
120. Deadly Beauty
121. No Match For The Androids
122. Last Ditch Effort
123. Closing In
124. Unwelcome Discovery

125. Seized with Fear
126. The Reunion
127. Borrowed Powers
128. His Name is Cell
129. Piccolo’s Folly
130. Laboratory Basement
131. Our Hero Awakes
132. Time Chamber
133. The Monster is Coming
134. He’s Here
135. Up to Piccolo
136. Silent Warrior
137. Say Goodbye, 17