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Power Levels

Raditz vs. Farmer

Raditz : 1,200
Farmer with Shotgun : 4

Raditz vs. Goku and Piccolo

Raditz : 1,200
Piccolo (with weighted clothing) : 322
Piccolo (without weighted clothing) : 408
Piccolo's Makankosappo (1st Try) : 1,330
Piccolo's Makankosappo (2nd Try) : 1,440
Goku (with weighted clothing) : 330
Goku (without weighted clothing) : 416
Goku (with Kamehameha): 1,030
Gohan: 1 to 1307 (his power changes with his emotions)

After the Battle

Kame-sennin: 139
Kame-sennin's Turtle: 0.001
Krillin: 206
Tenshinhan: 250
Yamucha: 177
Chaozu: 145

Z Fighters vs. Saibamen and Nappa

Saibamen: 1,200
Yamucha: 1,200
Krillin: 2,200
Tenshinhan: 2,000
Chaozu: 613
Piccolo: 3,500
Gohan: 2,800

Goku vs. Vegeta and Nappa

Goku: 5,000
12,000 kaioken x1
16,000 kaioken x2
24,000 kaioken x3
32,000 kaioken x4
Nappa: 4,000
Vegeta: 18,000
Ozouru Vegeta: 23,000
Ozouru Gohan: 28,000

Gohan and Krillin vs. Freeza's Thugs

Gohan: 14,000
Krillin: 13,000
Freeza's Thugs: 10,000

Vegeta vs. Kui

Vegeta: 24,000
Kui: 18,000

Vegeta vs. Dudoria

Vegeta: 24,000
Dudoria: 21,000

Vegeta vs. Zarbon (1st time)

Vegeta: 24,000
Zarbon: 23,000
Zarbon Monster: 33,000

Vegeta vs. Zarbon (2nd time)

Vegeta: 48,000
Zarbon: 26,000
Zarbon Monster: 34,000

Vegeta, Gohan, Krillin vs. Ginyu Force

Krillin: 30,000
Gohan: 31,000
Vegeta: 52,000
Gerudo: 10,000
Recoome: 65,000

Goku vs. Ginyu Force

Goku: 180,000
Jeice: 75,000
Burter: 70,000
Recoome: 65,000
Ginyu: 120,000

Goku in Ginyu's Body

Ginyu in Goku's Body: 23,000
Vegeta: 138,000
Krillin: 60,000
Gohan: 100,000

Nail vs. Freeza / Vegeta vs. Freeza (1st Time)

Nail: 400,000
Vegeta: 500,000
Freeza (form 1): 500,000
Freeza (form 2): 1,000,000

Piccolo vs. Freeza

Piccolo (merged with Nail): 800,000
Freeza (form 2): 1,000,000
Freeza (form 3): 3,000,000

Vegeta vs. Freeza (2nd Time)

Vegeta: 400,000
Freeza (form 4): 12,000,000

Goku vs. Freeza

Freeza (form 4): 12,000,000
Goku: 300,000
Goku Kaioken x10: 3,000,000
Goku Kaioken x20: 6,000,000
Super Saiyan Goku: 15,000,000

I have no idea what the power levels past this point are. I got the below power levels from Planet Namek. They guessed on the power levels below but they are probably right.

Future Trunks vs. Furiza Bot and King Cold

SSj Goku: 40,000,000
King Cold: 30,000,000
Freeza Bot: 25,000,000
Trunks: 35,000,000

The Cell Saga

SSj Goku (not sick): 45,000,000
SSj Trunks: 45,000,000
SSj Vegeta: 47,000,000
Piccolo: 20,000,000
Gohan: 15,000,000
Android 16: 65,000,000
Android 17: 60,000,000
Android 18: 60,000,000
Android 19: 10,000,000
Android 20: 5,000,000
Cell: 65,000,000
Kamicolo (Piccolo & Kami combined): 60,000,000
Cell (after absorbing Android 17): 180,000,000
Vegeta (after spirit of time training): 110,000,000
Trunks (after spirit of time training): 150,000,000
Perfect Cell: 250,000,000

Cell Game

Piccolo: 160,000,000
Vegeta: 170,000,000
Trunks: 175,000,000
SSj Gohan: 95,000,000
SSj Goku: 250,000,000
SSj2 Gohan: 270,000,000
Super Perfect Cell: 270,000,000

The Buu Saga

Piccolo: 280,000,000
Gohan: 290,000,000
Vegeta: 340,000,000
Goku: 340,500,000
Chibi Trunks: 140,000,000
Goten: 135,000,000
Android 18: 110,000,000
Kaioshin: 170,000,000
Kibit: 160,000,000
Yamoo: 300,000,000
Supopovitch: 300,000,000
Dabura: 330,000,000
Fat Buu: 380,000,000
Majin Vegeta: 360,000,000
SSJ3 Goku: 375,000,000
Majin Buu: 390,000,000
Gotenks: 290,000,000
SSJ Gotenks: 380,000,000
SSJ3 Gotenks: 410,000,000
Majin Buu + Gotenks & Piccolo: 420,000,000
Gohan's Zet sword: 360,000,000
Gohan (after Kaioshin training): 430,000,000
Buu +Piccolo, Trunks, Goten & Gohan: 450,000,000
Vegetto: 500,000,000
Kid Buu: 455,000,000