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.: Affiliates :.
The Anime/Game Center
The Playaz

Become an Affiliate

What you get...
- A link to your site on all of my pages.
- One of your banners will appear randomly with my other affiliates on the main page. (your banner must be 88 x 31)
- A link to your site on my links page.

What you have to do...
- Put a link to my site on all of your pages that show your affiliates. I would like for you to use one of my banners (you can find them on my links page).
- You must completely fill out the form below.

Also, you must have a good layout and update often (if you need help making a new layout, e-mail me and I will try and help). I would also like proof of how much visitors you get a day (a tracker would be good). Don't worry about how much visitors you get. Just as long as you get some. And before you send in the form, please make sure you have no broken links.

Site name:
Site URL:
Hits per day:

Category (links page):
Dragon Ball/Z/GT sites
Other anime sites
Other sites

Your e-mail address:

Anything else you want to tell me?