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Mari-San's Yamato Ishida Shrine V.02 Blur

I can see you. With MY eyes. I can do it with my mouth closed. I bet you can't. MWAHAHA!


I don't want to explain so more, since what this page is all about is so obvious. ^_^ This is just a page where the stuff is so small to put anywhere else...

Old Layout

The "Black and White, Depressing" Layout
Well, that's what I called it.

This is the layout that started it all. ^_^ I really loved this layout. It sorta looks gloomy, doesn't it? The whole layout is a dark green. Everything is green, except for the wedged black&white pictures. Most of the words were  s p a c e d  o u t  l i k e  t h i s. It gave it style. I found that really painstaking, so I stopped. ^^;


You want to submit stuff? Read this first. Remember, it HAS to have Yama as be one of the main subjects, or it can be a group thing. ^_^

About Fanart

Let's talk about submitting fanart, shall we? ^_^ Okay, I'd probably accept any nice fanart, just follow the guidelines:

Weeell.. I guess that's about it. Now, all you've gotta do it send it to me.  

About Fanfiction

Now let's talk about submitting fanfiction. It's a whole lot different than fanart, but then again, is really quite alike...

Other Shtuff

Here's some other stuff you can send me.

Okay, that's all the rules for sending in a fanfic. Now go ahead and e-mail me. I just love to read in my spare time. I cry, I laugh, I get mad... *sigh* What a nice reading world I'm in... 

Want to know how to view the site better? Lookie here!

If some links don't work, click on it again, maybe even numerous times more. It'll eventually work. And if you click bajillion times and it still doesn't work, be nice and tell me. I won't be offended if people find my mistakes. Thanks. How to view this site better:

Past Stuff

I'm just sooooo bored right now. I need stuff to keep myself busy. I have to think up more site ideas. Well, ciao. ^_^

go back to main page

..:: Yamato Info :: Cutie Quotes :: Why Yamato? :: Say My Name :: Fanart :: Fanfiction :: The Oath :: Matt-osis :: YPAC  
:: Seiyuu Appreciation :: Goodies :: Miscellaneous :: Links ::..