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Site  Diary

C'mon, you expect the site diary to be flashy with images? It's probably the most simple page there is!! I'll just post past updates here, so you can find out what's going on. Well, bye bye.

September Updates

September 21: Okay. I am such a jerk. I'm totally disappointed at myself. (I'm seriously kicking my tush.) When I first started this site about a year and some months ago, I thought "Dear Lord, please... Don't let me become a sucky webmistress! Please! Anything but that!"

And I did become one. D'oh! >_< I haven't updated in a month. Bad bad me. It's like this site was on haitus for a while, and I guess it has. School started, work all day, simply no room to work on this site at all. Then, my dad had the idea of taking away my computer and exchanging it for a really cruddy one. I couldn't complain, he's my dad after all. =P So I had to to upload all my website files back, plus my Photoshop program for a picture fest. Then, all this mayhem started which you all know about. Eh, it's been very, very rough ever since September waltzed in.

Once my time slot has an opening, I'll get cranking. ^_^ Darn, I was on a roll too! I like updated every two days from August 25- 31. I was starting to feel good. *sweatdrop* For the next update, I'll add up some new fanfiction, fanart, and some other thangs. BUT that will prolly be on a hold until I get a long-awaited project done. *glances sheepishly at Ishida_LoneWolf* (Sorry dear! F, not D! Typo girl here.)

Also, big thank yous to everyone. I heart you lots. Thank you so much. ^_^ Some of you who contacted me with your thoughtfulness made me cry. I know I know, I'm such a softie...

August Updates

August 31: Aww, today is the last day of August. *sniff sniff* At least we get to say Hiya to September tomorrow. *rubs hands together* Yay. Only a few more days until school for most of us. Oh what fun. But chin up, I have an update for you. ^_^

In Laughs and Candy, there's a new find-it in Where in the World is Matt. Whoo, I haven't done one of those since last year! But I got a sudden urge, and wham bam kazzam kablooey, you've got yourself a new quest! *grin* Find Wack around this site. Don't know what the heezy I'm talking about? That's why you gotta go to Laughs and Candy to find out! Do I have good marketing skills or what? *laughs*

In Goodies, a new trendy wallpaper to adorn your desktop. One of my 'mastermind' creations to say the least. ^_^; Just... go. 

Also notice the prettily colored scrollbar on the main page to your right. *does a Vanna White* If you can't see it, that's okay. At least your computer isn't crashing. ^_~ It feels so good to learn a bit of new javascript and html. *deep, content sigh* So okay, everything is all wrapped up for today. Ta ta and toodles for now, I must water my pet boulder Steven.

August 29: Hickery dickery doo everyone. I'm in a very gleeful mood today, so I thought of doing a small update. =)

I uploaded three fanarts of mine. (Gaspoid!) They're very cruddy, let me tell you. I didn't color it that's why. And I don't think I'll ever get to coloring it. *laughs* But I like it. Maybe I'll try to cg it, but the chances of that are slimmy. And in links, very crunkin' Mimato shrines are up. I was tremendously happy that Mimatoism hasn't died down yet. ^_^ So check them out, bling bling!

I have a very odd way of talking. Maybe that's because I'm so inarticulate that I make my own words. Hey, it has never hurt me once. So, gotta go. Bye now!

"Ah don't eat nuttin for 49 cents, yo!"-Jack in the Box Commercial. Yes, word up.

August 27: Hi guys. I have a teeny weeny but nice update for everyone. ^_^

In Yamato Info, there's two brand spankin' new mini-sections. C'mon everybody, clap with me! *claps* They're sections about Yama's possessions. You know, things that define Yama-ness. Then there is Room 202. Oooh. You know you wanna check Room 202 out. It's a happy photo gallery. *smile* Strike a Pose has been updated with a handful of new eye candy. In Sitey, I added a QTAAF section to aid some of you. ^~

Well, that's about it for sections. I'm really slacking off as a webmistress, sadly. From now on, I'm not gonna say anything about the site's future because I might not be able to get to that. I don't want anybody to get disappointed, because I know I would be.

I have a new question and thought of the week, so yay. =) This about wraps everything up, so I'll holla at ya'll later. Payce and stay awesome.

August 25: Hiyallz. ^_^ This isn't an update, persay. I just wanted to jot some of my thoughts down. My randomness... Oh, and also to "assure" you that I wasn't dead. Because I know how it feels when you go visit a website that you like and it hasn't been updated for ages and then you get cranky. *pause* Wait a minute, let me take that back since nobody likes this place to begin with. *laugh*

Some things I could definitely do for the next update : Goodies, Strike a Pose, and Laughs and Candy. The thing is, I just don't put anything on my website. A section needs potentional to it, you know what I mean? I could also cough up a few links for you to visit, but I've been dry on any new findingz. ^^;; It's a dry season for Yama, yes indeed.

You know, MAYBE I can add some videos from Mikey make a multimedia section! *grinz madly* I know how to make videos... but I can't put them up on the site due to lack of html knowledge. Oh, botha. [insert deep sigh here] Whoo, what a downfall. I can't make audio clips either.

I really want to make a new layout, give the site a facelift since I have a really cool idea. But you know the feeling where you can picture something in your head but can't exactly put it on paper? I'm feeling that right now. Also, the layout requires javascript and frames (Boy, I've sure learned a lot since then! ^_^) and I know some of your computers can't do that, so poo.

In my childhood: I lived across the street from a horse without living somewhere that resembled a farm. Oh yeah, it's true. Imagine a little 2-year old Mari-San swinging from a real flexible tree branch and a couple feet away, a good neighbor is washing his horse on his driveway. =) I have real fond memories. I'd tell ya more, but I'm not Matt, and people only come here for Matt.

Oy, I better stop before this turns into my personal blogger. O_o Which leads to another thing: I don't get FTP and I never ever will, sadly enough. So payce, and WAL-MART!! *makes 'W' and 'M' with fingers*

August 18: Lookie, new things. Wow, somebody call the mockingbird, it's a miracle! *spazzes out* But anyhoo, back to business. 99.9% of this update was made by all the chillin' contributors. You guys totally rawk, you know that? 

Say My Name has a new fact tid-bit thing from Magan12. Because, hey; You can never learn too much about Yamato. Fanart has four new masterpieces from artistés Ashley, Dawn, and Jul-chan. Some new reads in Fanfiction, again from Ashley and Jul-chan. (Yeh-hay! ^_^) In Matt-osis, new symptoms for our 'extensive research' *laugh* has been added. Sankyuu, Dr. Mars and Dr. Ashley. (Yes, the same Ashley from all the other ones!)

In Laughs and Candy, this brand new quiz that's just *so* spectacular, done by the always awesome Wolf O'Donnell. Check out Digimon Weakest Link now, and give applause to Wolf. ^_^ Also in L&C, a mahvelous song spoof from SugarsVixen and a zany new weird convo from Jul-chan. (Jul-chan, again! ^_^) 

Okee, in Goodies, I have a spunky yet gloomy new wallpaper. Hope you enjoy it! In Sitey, Spryte64 gave me a pretty award. *sniff* I don't deserve it. Thanks. *writes down a note to huggle Spryte64* The Links page has a pinchful of links, so flock over there. *wink*

Mmkay, that's about it! *rubs hands together* Oof! I forgot something. Unless you're Kaorichan, don't bother reading this: Hee, I lost your e-mail address. Stupid me. BUT your request is done, after a real long time. You can see it here. I hope ya like it. ^_^

Well, now I'm really done. I hope everyone has a great weekend. This update was brought to you by the letter M and the number 4.

August 14: Hi ya'll. *tips imaginary hat* Yes, I know I've been neglecting this site. To the three of you who actually visit, much sorries. I may be the webmiss, but I am also human. Oh yeah, it can happen. ^_^

Anyhoo, a very small update. (Again, sorry.) I will add some more things that I've received from my mailboxes. Without all the people who submit their fanworks and other glorious things, this site would've been flushed down the toilet a couple weeks ago. ^_^; But lately, I've been terrified to touch Hotmail or do anything. Don't ask why or I'll curl into the fetal position.

But moving right along! In Laughs and Candy, I added a small section. It's so small. Maybe because I did it in about five seconds. *sweatdrop* I also added a very rambly 'editorial' which you should not read unless you come to this site to hear what *I* hafta say. And who wants that? More Yama, gawrshdarnit!

So that's about it, pathetically enough. The Shtuff of the Week is new. *snort* It's more like Shtuff of the Month now. But oh well. Ooh! I wanna make a shout-out. Yesh, a slow-jam shout-out. *sniff* You tell 'em, Fiero! ^_^; But anyhoo, Happy Belated Birthday to Duch on the 31st. =) I know it's a little late, but whatev. I made a page as a little gift. If you care to read it (Everyone loves presents, afterall) just look for the link on this main page. 

And, a belated birthday to my favortie crackhead. *goofy smile* I'll buy him a new scooter, or maybe give him a fluffy new pillow. But I know that will never happen, so boo hoo for him. *laugh*

That's all. Toodles! And you're allowed to through pecans at me. *waves bye* And crack is bad!!

2001 Updates
October-December Updates
August  Updates
June/July Updates
May Updates
April  Updates
March Updates

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