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Girl's Defensive Plays

Defensive plays in girl's and boy's lacrosse differ for a number of reasons. Most importantly, girl's wear little protective equipment, making it necessary to restrict any contact-type defensive moves for reasons of safety. In most leagues, mouth guards and safety goggles are mandatory. Lightweight gloves may also be worn.

Blocking moves, executed without touching the opposing player, are allowed under most circumstances. In the pictures on the left and below, the move is called shadowing.

Stick checking is allowed in the older age groups. The checks must be to the head of the stick only and only when the opposing player is carrying the ball. These checks must not be "held", but must be of a quick, hit-release, nature.

Doubling-up, or putting two defensive players on one offensive player, is also used as a blocking defense. The image above actually illustrates "tripling". The offensive player went on to make the goal despite the defense.