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A Cat's Grin...Max...Christmas Greeting!... Cat Pics

I had been in fur-withdrawel for about a month after Max died. I missed him terribly. We went back to Lolipop Farms, our local ASPCA, where we had adopted Max 19 years ago. We came home that day with two beautiful, 3 month old babies! They weren't litter mates, but they were made for each other, and for us!

Lily was brought to the animal shelter with her mother when she was only a month old! About a week before we adopted her, her mother was adopted, so she spent some time as an orphan. She is four months old now, and an absolute spitfire! If a cat could have ADD, Lily would be the poster-girl! In one short month she has used up a few of her nine-lives already! She fell into a chair jumping at a toy and spent three weeks with a little cast on her leg. She's been closed into cupboards and (gasp!) the refrigerator! She's fallen into the toilet and the dishwater. She has climbed up through ceiling tiles and subsequently fallen through the ceiling. She's the sweetest kitty, though, and loves all the affection we give her!

Chester is the sweet lug! He was dropped off at the shelter just the day before we adopted him. I don't think he was treated too kindly in his previous home as he was very nervous and seemed to be afraid of everything. It took some work and extra attention, but he's much better now. He's a little chubby and not quite as daring as Lily. One of his favorite things to do is to give Lily baths. (She only tolerates them for a few minutes, then she bites him!) He is a patient and quiet kitty (he didn't even meow until about a week ago!) Chester is destined to be a great mouser and lap cat! We love him dearly!

"Hey, Mom! We found this neat little hole in your quilt!"

"It was such a fun game!"

"Then we got really tired!"