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Character Information
- Mihoshi Bio
- Ryoko Bio
- Ayeka Bio
- Kiyone Bio
- Washu Bio
- Tenchi Bio
- Ryo-Ohki Bio

Episode/Movie Guides
- Tenchi Muyo
- Tenchi Universe
- Tenchi In Tokyo
- The Mihoshi Special
- Tenchi In Love
- Daughter of Darkness
- Tenchi Forever

- Mihoshi Gallery
- Ryoko Gallery
- Group Gallery
- Sasami Gallery
- Kiyone Gallery
- Washu Gallery
- Mihoshi Quotes
- Tenchi Midis


One hot summer day, a fetching young girl named Mayuka appears to Tenchi, calling him Daddy! Jealousy and envy follow as Ryoko and Ayeka battle for Tenchi’s attention with an apparently new rival. Who could Mayuka’s mother be!? Hiding in the background, Yuzuha, the Demonness of darkness, is about to get her revenge against Yosho for a grudge held for over 700 years! She begins her plan by using Mayuka to steal Tenchi away to the "Dimension of Darkness". So it begins again, Tenchi must fight to save his friends and Mayuka, daughter or not!

All Tenchi characters are Copyright © 2000-2001 Pioneer
All Rights Reserved.

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