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*Page started on 01-26-01* *Last Update on 08-5-01*
scented //black orchid

Thank you for coming to my new page!
This is a page dedicated to all
things sailormoon other anime
may be mentioned here or there.
I'm just starting but this page
will get better. As of now I
have bios, galleries, polls,
links, summaries, lyrics and much,
much more. Oh, and please, please,
please sign my guest book! Thanks!!

Site News!!
7-1-01- Hey you, yeah you...guess what? I'm back on line!!!!YAY!!I'm sooo happy!! I'm sure all of you thought I was never gonna come back, am I right? Cause' I've seen some site that say that there not gonna be updated for a "while"...which means years! But don't fret cause' I'm never gonna do that! I love working on my site, and I'm going to do all I can to make it grow as big as possible! I bet you all want to know what I'm gonna do next, right? Well, first of all I'm going to finish anything that isn't finished on my page before I start on anything new. I still don't know about the fanart, but it looks as though your gonna have to wait a bit more...gomen. Phew! Well, that's all for now, byes!

8-5-01- Hi I know I haven't done anything yet but don't worry I'm working on it. The reason was because my computer needed a new power source or whatever! And now my internet is going to get cancled, for a cheaper one, but don't worry I'm gonna get it soon. I have very big plans for this site. I'm thinking about puting a new layout, but it will be a LOT of work, so I'm not sure...oh and after I'm finished with every thing on my SM site I'm going to work on other anime(which is only links now). I'm also going to work on making an RPG site. I had started out on making a Chrono Cross site but I decided that it would be better to put all kinds of games so that it wouldn't get boring. I just recently got into RPGs, and now I love'em. You can go to the Chrono Cross site I started, I actually did get to do a lot of things... C.C.Affiliations Hope you like it! Byes.

8-6-01- Hi, I've already started working on finishing any unfinished sections. I'm working on the following: Places in Sailor Moon, Sailor Moon Crystals and Minerals, and Glossary of Japanese Terms. So, look in those sections for new info!

Site News
The Galleries
Senshi Bios
Places in Sailor Moon
My Awards
Apply for Awards
Sailor Moon Crystals and Minerals
Words of Wisdom
Season Summaries
Glossary of Japanese Terms
Complete Senshi List
Timeless Fanfiction
Recomend my Site
Animated GIFs
Sailor Moon Quiz
Materials Collection
Link Me
Other Anime
*Coming Sometime in the Future*

Can you vote for me? Pretty please, with a cherry on top? I'll be your bestest friend! *_- he he, I sound kinda despret, don't I.

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