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Digimon World 2
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Digimon World 3
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Digital Card
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-Game FAQ
-Card Fusion
Rumble Arena
Here is a
list for Digital Card Battle Fusions. Of course, this is
an incompletre list. I will be adding to it, when I find
more Digivolutions. There are also pictures for the
Digimon. If there aren't, there will be soon. Be patient.
Tell me if any of the pictures don't work, because there
are a lot and I can't check them all myself. (S) means a
Special Fusion, and you will see a little cinema type DNA
Digivolution (not the ones from the show) :( There are no
Mega cards, but there are Mega Digimon. They are just
considered Ultimate for the Card Game, but they are a lot
more powerful than the Ultimate Digimon Cards. General Fusions:
Same Type -> Option
Fire + Water -> Plant
Water + Darkness -> Rare
Plant + Fire -> Darkness
Plant + Darkness -> Water
Water + Rare -> Plant
Plant + Water -> Rare
Rare + Fire -> Water
Ultimate Fusions:
BlueMeramon + Meteormon -> MegaKabuterimon
Lillymon + Paildramon -> LadyDevimon
R-Gatomon + Aquilamon -> Silphimon (S)
Angemon + Ankylomon -> Shakkoumon (S)
Stingmon + ExVeemon -> Paildramon (S)
Shakkoumon + Devimon -> MetalGreymon
Phoenixmon + Veedramon -> AeroVeedramon
Digitamamon + Infermon -> Diabormon
Paildramon + Omnimon I -> Imperialdramon (S)
Etemon + Andromon -> MetalEtemon
MetalEtemon + Angewomon -> Piedmon
Lillymon + Myotismon -> Rosemon
MagnaAngemon + Jijimon -> Seraphimon
Silphimon + Garudamon -> Valkryimon
Shakkoumon + Zudomon -> Vikemon
WaruMonzaemon + Monzaemon -> Puppetmon (S)
HerculesKabuterimon + Megadramon -> GranKuwagumon (S)
WereGarurumon + RealMetalGreymon -> Omnimon II (S)
WereGarurumon + WarGreymon -> Omnimon I (S)
MagnaAngemon + Angewomon -> Magnadramon (S)
MegaSeadramon + WaruSeadramon -> MetalSeadramon (S)
LadyDevimon + Myotismon -> VenomMyotismon (S)