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Playstation: Digimon World

Release date: June 8th, 2000
You can explore massive, adventurous realms with your own Digimon, or digital monster. You'll interact with hundreds of characters--both good and evil--during your quest, so you'll want to prepare your Digimon for nonstop battle action. By training and caring for your Digimon, you'll enable it to evolve into an even more powerful creature that will lead you deeper into the digital fantasy of Digimon World. With a little work, you'll be able to "digivolve" your character into a monster that will make you proud. Digimon World features lifelike 3-D character animation set against hand-drawn 2-D environments, which, in my opinion, makes it look awesome.

You can start out with either Agumon or Gabumon depending on the answers you give to Jijimon at the beginning. Which do you like better, day or night.
Day- Agumon
Night- Gabumon
Most of the game is spent on you raising your digimon such as feeding, letting it sleep, and even taking it to a potty when nature calls. Your job is to find and recruit the Digimon ho have gone wild and left the city. Unfortunetly, you can only have one Digimon. When you recruit Digimon they go to the city where they open a shop of some sort, or upgrade an existing one. You have to raise your Digimon just like a Tomagotchi. And, like a Tomagotchi, the Digimon do die. But they leave behind an egg that inherits the parent Digimon's techniques. You will get into battles throughout your adventures on File Island. You have little control over your Digimon at the beggining of the game. But if you raise it well, and smart, you will be able to have more advanced commands like Gaurd, Dodge, (3)Use a specific Technique, and so on. This game is full of adventure, and some humor. If you like RPG's you probably like this. If you like First Person Shooters, Blood, Gore etc, 1st: See a psychiatrist, 2nd: keep away from this game ;)

*Read the Digivolve Guide to learn more about digivolving digimon
*The Game Faq has a walkthrough and helpful hints