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character profiles
NAME: Ami Mizuno
Meaning:friend of water
astrological sign:virgo
Birthday:Septermber 10
Blood type:A
favorite colors:light blue
favorite foods:sandwiches
Least favorite food:Yellow-tail tuna
Strong point:calculations
has trouble with:love letters
Family:mother and father

Ami Mizuno, her parents are devoiced, she lives with her mother who is a doctor. Ami hardly hears from her father (painter) he lives in Paris, and send Ami paintings. Ami is the smartest of the inner scouts, she studies and she loves to play chess.

Alter ego:Sailor Mercury special powers:
Shabon Spray: creates a mist, or fog

Shine Aqua Illusion:this will freeze anything that it is aimed at.

Mercury Aqua Mirage

Super Sailor Mercury
Mercury Aqua Rhapsody