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  Usagi Tsukino

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Makoto Kino

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character profiles
NAME: Makoto Kino
Meaning:wisdom of trees
astrological sign:saggitarius
Birthday:December 5
Blood type:O+
favorite colors:green, and pastel pink
hobbies:cooking, and fighting
favorite foods:cherry pie
Least favorite food:n/a
Strong point:cooking
has trouble with:airplanes
Dream:to be a bride, and own a bakery and flower shop

Makoto Kino, she is the most empathetic of the senshi. Makoto, has a heighten insight on peoples feelings. She is usually in a good mood, unless her friends are in danger. Makoto has bad luck with men, and is always looking for the right person. She has lived by herself after her parents died in a plane crash.

Alter ego:Sailor Jupiter
special powers:
Flower Hurricane:flowers spin around.

surpreme thunder
this creates a lightning bolt, the lightning is then redirected to the enemy

sparkling vital pressure

Sailor Jupiter (star power)
Jupiter Coconut Cyclone

Super Sailor Jupiter
Jupiter Oke Evolution