character profiles
NAME: Seiya Kou
Meaning:Light of the Star Arrow
astrological sign:Leo
Birthday:July 30
Blood type:A
favorite colors: n/a
hobbies:American Football
favorite foods:hamburgers
Least favorite food:n/a
Strong points:Sing, Keyboard player, writing lyrics, composing music
has trouble with:girls
Family:Yaten, Taiki
Seiya is one of the Sailor Starlights, he like the other starlights transform into girls. Seiya is an odd character; he wastes no time to put the moves on Usagi. Day in and day out, he is always trying to get her. Haruka being the big brother type doesn't like Seiya all too much.
Seiya transforms into Sailor Star Fighter
special attack: Serious Laser
NAME:Taiki Kou
Meaning:Light of the big air
Birthday:May 30
astrological sign:Gemini
blood type:AB
Hobby:reciting poetry
favorite food:sushi
least favorite food:n/a
has problems with:Arguments
Family:Yaten, Seiya
Taiki is another Sailor Starlight. He see the world scientifically, and doesn't see anything else. He plays the keyboard and writes lyrics.
Taiki transforms into Sailor Star Maker
Special Power:
Gentle uterus
NAME: Yaten Kou
Meaning:Light of the Night Sky
astrological sign:Aquarious
Birthday:February 8
Blood type:B
favorite colors: n/a
favorite foods:Caviar
Least favorite food:n/a
Strong points: Keyboard player, arrangements
has trouble with:physical exertion
Family:Seiya, Taiki
Yaten is the most famine of the starlights, as well as being the shortest. He is mean, and picks on peoples faults, because they aren’t as perfect as him. He is a bit self-centered. Mina seems to have a big crush on him though.
Yaten transforms into Sailor Star Healer
special power:
Star Sensitive Inferno