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News & Updates,

6/11/07: I wrapped up the Devimon Saga in the Digimon Adventure episode summeries. Woohoo!!

5/30/07: Wonder of wonders! I finally have a new Megaman episode script up! You can check it out here.

5/25/07: I took a break from episode summeries to bring you a short little piece on the little-known Digimon Tiger handheld game. Check it out in the Digimon Misc. section.

5/14/07: Alright! Some resemblence of a weekly update! I added a new episode summery for Digimon Zero Two episode 16.

5/7/07: I finally got my lazy ass around to adding a new episode summery to the Digimon Zero Two section. I also modified the Digimon Anime section adding some nice looking new buttons, including the addition of the Savers section. In addition, I've got the first episode summery for Digimon Frontier, and a new Editorials section, where I discuss the upcoming dub of Digimon Savers.

3/26/07: Well clearly, I haven't been able to update the site reguraly. However, I do have something special this time. I just saw the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie today. We haven't seen the Turtles on the big screen in 14 years, and I'm glad to say it kicked ass. And so, I decided to update the Game Reviews section with a few of the classic TMNT games. So get a slice of pizza and enjoy.

12/15/06: Wow, I've really been neglecting this place as of late, huh? What with what I've been doing on Alpha Movement and Cossack's Comrades recently. Heh, does anyone even come here anymore? Anyway, I have the episode comparason for Digimon Adventure episode 9 up, and I'm working on a new section for Digimon Savers.

9/11/06: Welcome back. I added two more episode summaries and comparasons for Zero Two. Also, I don't know if anyone's tried to e-mail me lately with my address, but it has been acting funny lately, and I just now got it to work properly. So if anyone tried mailing me during that period, I haven't been ignoring you!

9/4/06: It's been too long since I updated anything. I did more work on the Robot Master database, and I also added three new episode comparisons in the Digimon Zero Two section. Oh, and rejoice, for Shadowflare is now three years old!

6/28/06: Shadowflare may have been down for a couple of days, due to a misunderstanding with Angelfire about my account. But things should be back to normal now.

6/15/06: I've been slowly but surely modifying the Robot Master Database. Hopefully it's better than before.

5/5/06: I've gradually been adding to the Digimon Zero Two summeries. I've also finished my walkthoughs for The Power Battle and The Power Fighters.

4/11/06: Added two new episodes summaries to Digimon Adventure; episodes 7 and 8. Also, it sounds like there's going to be a fifth season of Digimon after all: Digimon Savers. Hopefully, it goes well.

3/13/06: I've been on a bit of a One Piece binge lately, so I decided to review two of the One Piece games that have come out on the Reviews section. Also, I have a new affiliate, Zymeth's Final Destination ; a great-looking site with some well-done sprite comics.

2/24/06: Added more summaries to Digimon Zero Two, and starting profiles for the Digimon Tamers section. Cheers.

2/10/06: Sorry it's been so long. I've been busy with Alpha Movement. I'm currently revamping the Digimon section, especially with regards to the anime portion. I'm combining parts of it into something sort of like the "_________ Uncensored" sites that were done for Dragonball Z, Sailor Moon, and One Piece. Hopefully, it'll come out a little better-organized than before.

11/28/05: I'm pleased to announce that Shadowflare has it's own domain;!! Also, thanks to fellow MMC member Shadowblade, I was able to access Wily Tower on the Genesis Wily Wars. So, I've got a walkthrough section for it here. I haven't got a button on the main section yet (actually, I took it down when I thought I'd never be able to do it), but it's coming. Plus, I figured this would be a perfect time to (finally) put up the Genesis Unit's profiles up in the Robot Masters section.

11/22/05: I finally have screenshots for the first three GameBoy game walkthroughs, plus, I have a new one for MM4. Have a happy Thanksgiving everyone.

10/28/05: Welcome back. I have reviews up for four excellent Halloween games that you'll definately want to be playing with the lights out: Castlevania: Dracula X, Clock Tower, Gremlins 2, and Uninvited. In addition, I added a link to The Castlevania Dungeon to the Links page. Anyone who likes Castlevania is sure to like this. Enjoy, and have a great Halloween!

10/25/05: Hello, hello. I have two new Reviews up, with some spooky Halloween ones coming up this weekend. See you then.

10/6/05: Been a while. Well, I've been focusing a lot towards Alpha Movement right now. Since Cutman, the former leader, left, I've been picking up the pieces and trying to turn it into something really awesome, hopefully on par with the other MM team sites out there. Anyways, it's hard to work on two sites at once, which is why I haven't been around in a while. No worries, though. I haven't forgot it completely. In fact, I added a little article on the great Protoman that I wrote a while ago but never got around to posting it. You can find it on Megaman's Misc page.

8/16/05: A card list is finally out for the upcoming Digimon CCG Royal Knights starter deck. It's available on the CCG website, and I've reporduced it here in the Digimon Card games section.

7/30/05: I added Boosters 2 and 3 of the new Digimon CCG to the card lists. Yeah, they've been out for a while, but our area still doesn't get them for some reason, so I find myself out of the loop. I do know that next month comes Starter 3 of the CCG, called Royal Knights, mostly because it features, well, the Royal Knights! Look for it sometime in late August. Also, I finally made a page for the Pendulum V-Pets. Yes, it's true! That only took forever, didn't it?

7/21/05: The forum has been dead for months. I added a little to it, and a couple new posts. Hopefully we get some people coming back. Many forums I've been to discourage VS topics (I can understand why, because the forums can easily become overrun by them.), so I added a category in my forums just for them. Hopefully we'll get some interesting topics if more people show up.

7/11/05: BAM! I've taken Shadowflare up a notch and upgraded my account. I've overhauled my character profiles for Digimon Adventure with manga scans that I scanned and colored. I like how they came out; I think I'll try doing the others that way too.

7/5/05: Good God, it's been ages since I've updated. Of course, part of that reason is because I'm just about of of room on my Angelfire account. Soon, I'll just have to bite the bullet and buy some extra Megs.

Anyway, this post is pretty much to rant on something I just saw. So I was browsing eBay a little bit ago, when I came across a brand-newly-packaged Digimon DVD set. It was released by a new group called Alliance Entertainment. I almost let out a shout of joy when I saw it, for I thought the time had finally come: when Digimon was finally released in the States subbed and uncut (it had the same box art as the Japanese box set). But I took a closer look before I celebrated too soon. Sure enough... ENGLISH DUB ONLY >_< . This is really beginning to piss me off. Every other anime out there has been released as a dual language uncut version. Even Dragonball Z and Sailor Moon, two of the other most notoriously badly-dubbed anime, have long been released in their true untarnished form. Why is Digimon the only one that hasn't?! Has it been so unsuccessful in the States that they think it'd be a waste of money to acquire the uncut Japanese version? But I understand Digimon had long been Fox Kids' highest rated show on their block (maybe that's just my wishful thinking; IMO, all the other shows on Fox Kids sucked in a way few things have sucked before). Or maybe Saban is just hell-bent on making sure that their hack-job is the only version that those of us outside Japan have access to. Many Digimon purists have accused Jeff Nimoy of declaring in an interview that he thinks the dub is superior to the original. No such statement was found, but there must be someone in Saban's executive offices that thinks so, because they certainly don't want us to see anything other than their dub. Am I just a conspiracy theorist? Does it seem to anyone else that Saban is going to such great lengths to hide the orignal Japanese version to cover the fact that they did such a crap-eriffic job dubbing it? Eh, okay, I'm done ranting. Here's to hoping that we'll eventually see subbed, uncut Digimon. Maybe by the time I'm 90...

4/24/05: I finally finished the Game Reviews section, along with my walkthrough for Megaman & Bass. Check 'em out!

4/22/05: Still working on the Reviews section. It's nearing completion! Yay.

4/21/05: I've added some stuff. I updated my links page, and I finally finished my Megaman 3GB walkthrough. I started it and left it hanging for the longest time. In addition, I added my critiqes for MM3&4GB and Megaman Soccer.

4/10/05: I'm pleased to report my first affiliate! The Megaman X2 team, Code: Island Attackers! You can check it out using the link on my front page. I've also started building more on my dark hybrids site, Dark Spirit. I barely started it months ago, then left it. Well, I haven't totally forgotten it, and it's beginning to take shape.

3/20/05: First of all, Shadowflare has now reached 1000 hits! Thanks to all who helped make it happen. May Shadowflare see many thousands more!

Also, I wanted to finally give a heads up on those anticipated games out there. First of all, I think we can safely assume that Capcom canned the GBA Megaman Anniversary Collection. I've heard no mention of it at all lately, and its release date has vanished from most game sites. As for Digimon World 4, it's been pushed back to the end of May.

3/7/05: I added another episode script for The Megaman in the Moon. Plus, I finally added another section to the Misc. Section, Who's Who Among Megaman Stage Enemies. A detailed look at recurring stage enemies throughout the series.

3/6/05: Episode scripts are back. I added them for Robosaur Park and The Incredible Shrinking Megaman. I also have buttons for the Megaman Reviews section.

3/3/05: I fixed the Megaman reviews I had up before and added plenty of new ones. I nw have reviews up for MM1-8, plus MM1&2GB. I also made some new buttons for the Digimon section.

2/19/05: Jazwares is coming out with a third wave of figures, as indicated by pictures from a recent Toy Expo. The new figures in the set include, Cutman, Gutsman, Elecman, Shadowman, Dr. Wily, Rush, Megaman X (his Command Mission armor), and Megaman with various weapon armor colors. Click here for pictures of the expo.

2/5/05: Wow. I haven't poted here in a while. That doen't mean I've done nothing here, though. I've touched up a few things here and there. I've also joined a MM Team. I am Launch Octopus on Alpha Movement: The MMX Team. It's coming along great, so check it out.

Some other things on release dates: The official release so for The Megaman Anniverasy Collection for GBA is 3/1/05. Let's hope it'll be out within the month now. That same date is the projected release for Digimon World 4. Two promising games on the same day!

12/31/04: Happy New Year. I finished the Etemon saga in the Digimon Adventure story synopsis, and I've also been cleaning up various sections of the site.

11/27/04: I saw a couple of new Jazwares Megaman figures today, so I wrote a bit about them here. Also, I've made another new page, separate from Shadowflare. Dark Spirit is a shrine to the Dark Hybrids from Digimon Frontier. I've got next to nothing up so far, but I hope to have it up soon!

11/6/04: And you thought I forgot about the Megaman portion of my site. I've added new buttons to the wakthrough section and finished the Power Battle walkthough. Starting on Power Fighters.

10/30/04: For this Halloween, I've got new reviews about some of the Castlevania and Resident Evil games.

10/03/04: I've finally added my desk page, and added some game reviews to it. Most of the are the Star Wars games I've played (mainly on the early Nintendo systems) as a sort of tribute I guess to the recent DVD trilogy release.

9/9/04: Well, GameStop still doesn't have DRA2, despite what their website says. I did manage to find Digimon Racing, though. Expect a review up in the digimon games section shortly.

9/8/04: Okay, it would seem that yesterday's rant might have been a bit premature. I did some hunting around today, and according to GameStop's and EB Games' websites, Digimon Rumble Arena 2 and Digimon Racing have arrived! Digimon World 4 is delayed quite a bit though; the release dates vary, but it probably won't be out until sometime in 2005.

9/7/04: Grrr...Bandai really needs to fire whoever's in charge of their shipping department. Nobody at all can agree on when Digimon Rumble Arena 2 or Digimon Racing is supposed to come out. I made some calls to all of the game stores in my area. No one had it, and no one knew when it was supposed to arrive. Looking around, I see all sorts of release dates: 8/24, 9/2, 9/3, 9/4, 9/7, 9/8... Not even Bandai's own website knows when it's coming out; it still gives 'August 2004' as the release date. Just how chaotic are things over there?

8/28/04: Well, it seems Digimon Rumble Arena 2 has been pushed back again. Not by much fortunately. We can now expect to see it in stores September 8th. I do have a list of the digimon it, though. I have it up in the new games section, along with Digimon World and both Battle Spirit games.

8/27/04: *sigh* Once again, I went looking for the new digimon card game, and once again, my search was in vain. This is looking like the new CCG will retain the same crappy distribution that the later series of Digi-Battle had. If you're in the right parts of the country, great; if not...TOOOOO BAAAAD!!!!!
Digimon Racing was nowhere to be found, either...Maybe Digimon just isn't that popular in Ohio, and no one here thinks they'll sell too good.
Oh, one more thing I found out looking through my News archive; Shadowflare is a year old today!! ^^ It's been a pretty good year, I'd say. The site has come along better than I thought...I just need some viewers. Then again, I really need a hit counter...Yeah, still plenty more to do.

8/23/04: The digimon sections are coming up nicely. I have a section up for Frontier (about time), anong with numerous other stuff. Well, Digimon Racing comes out day after tomorrow, with Digimon Rumble Arena 2 following in less than 2 weeks. Megaman Anniversary Collection (the GameBoy anthology) will be out in about a month now.

8/15/04: The Digimon Adventure Story section is completed up through the Devimon story arc. The Villains section is up as well.
Has anyone seen the new Eternal Courage Card game? First, they said it would come out last July, then it looked like it would be pushed back to August, but still no sign of them, and no word of any release date...

8/6/04: I'm finally making some headway on my Digimon section. I wrote episode reviews of Digimon Adventure Episodes 1-9. You can see them here.

8/5/04: By the way, here are the release dates for the three new Digimon games, according to Gamefaqs:

Digimon Racing: Aug. 24, 2004 (GameBoy Advance)
Digimon World 4: Aug. 24, 2004 (Playstation 2, GameCube, X-Box)
Digimon Rumble Arena 2: Sept. 2, 2004 (Playstation 2, GameCube, X-Box)

I sincerely hope these titles are successful. If they are, I have my fingers tightly crossed that we could see the Digimon anime subbed and uncut in the not-so-distant future.

8/3/04: I paid a visit to Bandai's web site and got some juicy info on the Digimon Eternal Courage card game. It should be out sometime this month, and I've got a page up discussing it, complete with card lists. Check it out here.

7/5/04: Pardon my dust; I'm doing some heavy-duty reconstruction around here. Also, I finally got an episode script uploaded for '20,000 Leaks Under the Sea'.

6/28/04: "And lo, the good lord did look upon his flock, and said 'Let there be the Megaman Anniversary Collection'. And thus, it was. And damn, it was good."
~ Jade 1:73

Yeah, it's been out for a few days. I got the Collection the day it came out (in fact, I was harassing the guy at GameStop about it before he had it unpacked). Unfortunately, I had Internet trouble, so I couldn't rave about it until now. I talk about it in my reviews section, posted here.

6/7/04: Hi. I haven't posted here in a while, but I've had little time to work on the page, since I just graduated from college, and I've been working at the odious task of finding a job. Well, Capcom hasn't announced any more delays yet, so it looks like we'll finally be seeing the Anniversary collection in just a couple more weeks! This is also going to be a big summer for die-hard Digimon fans such as myself. Bandai is releasing a brand-new revamp of the card game in July called "Eternal Courage". It sounds very promising. Plus, in August, Digimon Rumble Arena 2 and I think Digimon World 4 are also coming out. However, I've only seen Rumble Arena 2 announced for GameCube and X-Box. I would think they'd release it for PS2 as well. My fingers are crossed on that one...

5/15/04: Well, I have lots to talk about. I finally found the new series of the Jazwares action figure line today. I picked up the only robot master among them, Quickman (who is one of my favorites anyway). All I can say is, great job, Jazwares! I'm happy to say that they have vastly improved upon their original attempt at making these. Quickman looks great. If I have a complaint, it would be that the feet are a little too small, but the good points outweigh the bad this time. Also, I recived an email from Dave Speers, reminding me about some points I did miss on the Weapons Database; the weapons in Megaman & Bass (Wonderswan). If someone who's familiar with the game can tell me what they do, I'll be sure to give credit. Ditto for the PC games. I have the weapons entered, but as you can see, I don't have a lot to say about them. Finally, I wanted to say that eventually, Shadowflare will soon became a dual-purpose site: Megaman & Digimon. Note that I have a Digimon site in my Desk, but it's expanding too much to be a "mini-site", so soon, it will be side-by-side with Megaman.

4/23/04: Booya! My Weapons Database is finally complete! Every weapon in the series is in there now. Check it out! Please note, however, that I took a few creative liberties with Megaman's coloring on some weapons; namely those in MM1PC and the GameBoy games where we see no color change. So I made some up. Just so you know now so no one pesters me with how I know those colorations. Answer: I don't ;)

4/16/04: Yeah! Shiny new buttons on the homepage! I've also got the forum up, so check it out!

4/15/04: Hopefully, we'll be seeing the new Megaman anthologies out within a month or so. Megaman Network still has May 4th posted as Megaman Mania's release date. But we probably shouldn't take that too literally, since the folks at Capcom change that date as often as their underwear. I plan on making some changes to Shadowflare as well. Fear not, I won't take anything down; I'm just adding more stuff to it, not all of it being Megaman-related. Hopefully, I'll have time to really work at it this weekend. Later.

3/29/04: I'm starting on my MM2GB review and I decided to change the GameBoy names back to the regular names to avoid any confusion it could cause.

3/25/04: Hey, all. Sorry I haven't updated for a while. I'm redoing the story section, since I didn't like how the last one turned out. I have in a slightly more brief timeline format. Hopefully, this works out a bit better.

2/4/04: I finished the MM7 hint page and I'm starting Megaman & Bass. Yes, I know I skipped MM8, but I still have to find some way to take screenshots of the Playstation games. I was also doing some fooling around with the Megaman sprites from Marvel vs Capcom and I came up with a whole new set of weapon demo pictures for the Weapon Database. I've uploded a few, working on the rest. Cao.

1/19/04: What's this? Can it be? Yes! I have updated the site! I've been away for a month on Christmas break, and my recently getting Final Fantasy 10-2 has also played a part. Anyway, I've added more to the MM7 walkthrough up to Wily's Fortress. I also plan to add a section on items for that game.

1/18/04: Well, I suppose it was inevitable. Like it's PS2 counterpart, the release of MM Mania is also being pushed back to May. Although the release dates at most sites still say March 23, I fear that will change shortly. Now, I realize that things come up, and there are unforseeable gliches that need to be fixed, and I realize that Capcom wants to make sure that we get a quality product. But this is precisely why a game company shouldn't be so quick to hand out a release date. Look at the Anniversary Collection; it's original release date was February 24, announced at the same time the game itself was announced, early last fall. Then it got pushed back to March 9th, now May 25, a full three months after the original date. I suppose all I'm saying is, we should take game release dates with a grain of salt. Now for some good news; it seems Jazwares has gotten their act together and is redoing their line of action figures, with all new molds. I'll try to put a page up about them later.

1/11/04: Wow, I haven't done anything for a while. Being gone for Christmas break didn't help much. Well, I've heard some good news over the holidays and bad news. Bad news first; The release of the MM Anniversary Collection has been pushed back to May 25. >( Well, I guess I shouldn't be too upset; at least this means they're in no rush to get it out and risk having it filled with bugs and glitches. Now for the good news. Capcom is also rereleasing the Game Boy anthology on GB Advance. It's titled MM Mania and it's currently scheduled for release this March. Let's hope it doesn't get pushed back too...

11/24/03: I have the Hint sections up now for MM1-MM6, complete with screenshots! I'm currently working on MM7. I'll go back eventually and fix some of the spelling and grammar mishaps.

11/12/03: Hi. I haven't posted anything here in a while, but I've done quite a bit to the site; namely, the TV show section. I finished the robot master analysis, and put up episode synopsies, some of which I've done full episode scripts for! I've got full scripts for the first three episodes now, and I'm working on plenty others. Once I figure out how to capture DVD screenshots, I'll post some of them up as well. Oh, an added note about the episode scripts; I did them all by myself, and they took me quite a while to make, so if you want to post them elsewhere, that's fine but I want you to at least give me credit for them.

10/26/03: The site's coming along well. I have screenshots to compliment my Game Hints section. So far, I just have them up for Megaman 2 up to Bubbeman's stage. Oh, and these screenshots weren't ripped off other sites; these are my own, so I'd appreciate it if you let me know if you want to use any.

10/19/03: I want to give a big thanks out to Mandy Paugh of the Megaman Homepage for including Shadowflare on her links page. Thanks a bunch! I'm also thinking of some new ideas for the site, including a total redo of the Game Hinits and Story sections.

10/12/03: I've added a bunch of new stuff to the TV Series section, including my commentaries on many characters. I plan on making a new section on the various action figures. For now, you can see the pages here and here.

10/04/03: I happened to notice on MMNetwork's News board a post regarding a new line of Megaman action figures by Jazwares. I looked around on eBay, and I eventually came across a good picture of each figure in the set. I have to admit, I wasn't very impressed with what I saw. There are six figures in the set; three from the original series and three from the X series: Megaman, Protoman, Bass, Megaman X, Zero, and Vile. Looking at each, I can safely say that they are vastly inferior to the Japanese model figures by Bandai. They appear to be made out of a very cheap plastic, and they seem to be proportioned totally wrong. For example, the arms seem to be somewhat longer and thinner than they should be, and Bass's head seems really awkward for some reason. X and Zero come with a beam saber, but it's a lot smaller than I would expect; more like a large dagger than a sword. However, I may get Protoman and/or Vile, as they seem to have turned out to be the best-looking of the lot.

10/01/03: Well, it's the first of October, and I thought I'd give a heads up as to everything that's up and running on the site. I've written the story for all of the events up to and including Megaman World 3. Not all of it is necessarilly complete just yet. Hopefully, I can go back and rewrite some sections. I don't have the Reviews section up yet, but I hope to soon. For Game Hints, I have copleted hint sections for the first NES and Game Boy games, and MM2 and MM3 are partially complete. The Robot Master database is almost finished, I just want to find some more info for the Genesis Unit, and make pictures for the Wonderswan and comic robot masters, as well as Lamoon and Darkman. As for the Weapons database, I've got a lot up, but a lot left to do. I'll need to find out the names and functions of the weapons in the PC and Wonderswan games, and I still haven't gotten up weapons for the Megaman Killers or Stardroids. And the TV series section is up and I have some comments on it, but I want to add more to it, and I'm debating some ideas with myself on what to do with it. So much yet to do...well have a good month of October, everyone!

9/27/03: Shadowflare is one month old already!! Ooo, and I've got my first guestbook signature as well. Thanks, Blues!

9/26/03: I just got the first issue of the new Megaman comic from Dreamwave today. I've heard a lot of critisism from lots of fans about it. The only complaint I had about it was this; the cover (the alternate one, rather; I explicitly ordered the one with the "normal" cover, but they sent me this one anyway) wasn't all that great. The regular cover that I saw looked just fine, however. The comic itself was done very nicely as well. I know the storyline doen't follow the games as much as many fans expected, but I enjoyed it anyways. Many people are comparing it to the TV show, but that's probably for the reason mentioned above. At least the characters are drawn much truer to the games than in the TV show. Rush was there for a little bit, but he made no attempt to talk, so hopefully, there will be no Scooby Dooby Rush in future comics. Not a whole heck of a lot happens in this issue, but it is only the first one after all. I'm looking forward to the next issue. (Hopefully, we'll see some "real" robot masters next time as well. If the author decides to make up a few robot masters, that's fine by me; I just hope the guys we know and love show up.)

9/20/03: Well, I'm bearing down on finishing the robot master database. I have most of the robot masters, nearly all the stardroids, sans Terra, and King. I need to find some good pictures of the robot masters from the PC games and the Wonderswan Megaman & Bass.

9/17/03: I'm almost finished with the weapons database. I just have the weapons from the Megaman Killers and the Stardroids left (Oh, and those from the PC and Wonderswan games as well).

9/14/03: Hot damn! Just when you think Capcom has given up the ghost on the original series, they turn around and surprise you! Last Friday, Capcom has announced the release of "The Megaman Anniversary Collection" for Playstation 2 and Gamecube. It will contain nearly every original series game: Megaman 1 thru 8, along with The Power Battle and The Power Fighters for the first time on a console system!! It will also include lots of cool bonuses, such as a brand spankin' new soundtrack, anime sequences, artwork, and more! It's scheduled for release in Fabruary of 2004; I imagine I'll have many a sleepless night until then...Oh well. Megaman X7 hits the stores a month from today, along with Megaman Zero 2. So we've still got those too.

9/13/03: I've gradually added stuff, but this is the first I've posted it here in a while. I've finished the story for MMW2, and I'm starting MM4. I have weapon database files for all weapons through MM6. I did have some new artwork, but something went wrong and I'll have to rescan it. I also have some Links up and running. Talk to ya later.

9/08/03: Added some new fanart. Plus, I've added the story for MM3 and some more files in the weapons database.

9/06/03: I've started on several sections, including the Story section and TV Series. I've also added the MM1 weapons to the database, along with a couple from MM2. Robot Master files are up from MM1-MM5.

9/05/03: Still working on the Robot Master database. I'm going to try and get some more parts up.

8/29/03: Added a new fanart and I'm starting the Robot Master and Weapons databases. Enjoy.

8/28/03: The site is starting to take shape. I already have two images up in the Fanart gallery, and I'm working on the Archive and Links sections next.

8/27/03: Well, I have a home page with working buttons, but that's about it for now. Besides, its almost 1:00 AM. Good night.