Cockatiel Tips: Cockatiels
are great as pets! They adapt well to their
surrounding and they give owners a lot of love.
In 1991 we bought our 1st cockatiel and by 1996
we had 12 cockatiels. After much pleading,
we finally gave some to relatives and close
Taming is easier when tamed alone. When we
bought "Pokey" we kept him away from
the other birds. After constantly repeating
" Pokey is a pretty bird". Pockey
started saying it. When we later put him in with
the others, he repeated it to them. Now all the
males say the same phrase, " Pokey is a
pretty bird".
Nesting- We paired off Pokey and Snowball
into a cockatiel nest box. Of the 9 eggs that
snowball produced, 6 of them hatched into the
most adorable little cockatiels. Snowball and
Pokey felt overwhelmed so I assisted them in
feeding the brood. The babies did not like the
store bought rearing food, so we fed them soft
food. Scrambled eggs were their favorites.
Chewing Cockatiels love to chew or gnaw,
so provide them with something before they find
it on there own. My birds favorites are wires and
window sills.
Cages Cockatiels need room, as they love
to fly. Since our cockatiels are often out of
their caged, I keep their wings clipped.
Accidents happen so consider keeping
styptic powder and the vets phone number handy.
Food My birds enjoy a variety of foods.
Some foods they eat in addition to their
cockatiels mix are: apples, peas, eggs, chips,
cake, millet spray and treats. All these are
given in moderation.
Preening is common among cockatiels.
Usually our birds preen each other in the face/head
Feather Plucking happens and as a result
of preening/plucking "Pokey" has lost
all his head feathers. I have tried separating
him from the female that does this to him, then
he cries and refuses to eat. When together he
does not seem to mind his oddity, or her picking
at him.....but I sure do.
Perches there are many to choose from, my
birds prefer the limbs I wash and bring into
their cage. If you wish to bring limbs in from
outside, make sure they are safe ( non-toxic),
for your birds.
Hissing & Biting; We have a hisser.
Anytime she becomes disturbed she hisses.
Cockatiels will bite. I had one bite me and draw
blood. I felt this was really my fault. I adopted
him because his owners were having trouble with
him, and I rushed him in hand taming. He was
being territorial.
Beak,Claw, Wings, All can become
overgrown. I file and clip my birds.
Sexing- I think sexing a young cockatiel
is difficult. as the birds age the female
cockatiel tends to have lighter cheek patches,
darker beaks, than the males.
Bathing and Misting some
birds enjoy it, and some don't. However all my
birds love to have me spray a light mist over
their heads.