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Epicar's Study [s].

> l west wall
You walk up to the west wall. A large oaken bookshelf stands in front of you. Most of
the books look ancient, save three near the top. You reach and pull down each of
the books, one at a time.
The books are entitled "Barnum, the Warwizard of Tyrniall", "Barnum, the Sorcerer of
Eluten", "Gyrael, the Dark Knight of Chaos" and "Epicar, the Sorcerer of Barbizon".

You carry the books to a desk at the center of the room, sit down, and open the books.

Barnum, the Warwizard of Tyrniall

      Table of Contents:
    Barnum vs. Zedar

Barnum, the Sorcerer of Eluten

      Table of Contents:
    Barnum vs. Christian
    Barnum vs. Therac
    Barnum vs. Therac 2
    Barnum vs. Chaeth
    Barnum vs. Jules

Gyrael, the Dark Knight of Chaos

      Table of Contents:
    Gyrael vs. Prism

Epicar, the Sorcerer of Barbizon

      Table of Contents:
    Epicar vs. Yllems (tourney)
    Epicar vs. Caralia (tourney)
    Epicar vs. Balian
    Epicar vs. Zyranyth
    Epicar vs. Cellix
    Epicar vs. Orion (tourney)
    Epicar vs. Bob, Elkanah (tourney)
    Pollox vs. Oloth

After reading the pages that you find interesting, you return the books to their places
on the shelf and walk back to the middle of the room.