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Amakusa Shiro Tokisada

Pic from Samurai Shodown 4

Amakusa Shiro Tokisada-- formerly a simple Christian-turned-revolutionary, now an immortal sorcerer! His goal: create a Utopia in the name of God, and search for a truly good cup of coffee (face it, Amakusa will keep coming back until he finds the Sacred Bean (TM) :)

Amakusa appeared in all four Samurai Shodown games. In SS1 (early 1788), Amakusa was the main villain, a spirit who possessed the body of Hanzo's son, Shinzo, and corrupted through the evil influences of Ankokushin Ambrosia. In SS2 (late 1788), Amakusa returned to the world of mortals from the afterlife, but was not the villain; it was actually a Shinto priestess possessed by the evil spirit Mizuki. The big change came in SS3 (early 1789); Amakusa became a playable character, who sought to challenge Zankuro in order to gain enough power to create his Utopia. And finally, SS4: Amakusa's Revenge (late 1789), Amakusa became the main villain AND a playable character! In that story Amakusa was split in two; evil Amakusa ressurected the soul of Zankuro and tried to control him for more power, but failed (Zankuro was sealed in a statue, fueled by the life force of Hazuki, the sister of Kazuki and Sogetsu), while the good Amakusa seeks his evil counterpart in order to return to the afterlife.

Let's get a few things straight here: Amakusa is a man, not a woman, despite his appearance and refernece from the animated movie. Go look up a history book and you'll see that Amakusa is very much male. (Yes, that also means he really existed; so did Hanzo and Jubei).

Interesting but useless fact: "Amakusa Korin," the Japanese title to SS4, means literally Amakusa's descent. From what, I wonder?

Why Amakusa is THE MAN!

  1. Very high attack power
  2. Superior jumping ability + triangle jump
  3. Faster than Tachibana Ukyo :)
  4. The hair, man! Gotta love the hair!
  5. His weapon... a wonderful thing to watch fly around
  6. Long range (SS4)
  7. Awesome BGM theme (see links below for track samples)
  8. Flasy teleportation (compare it to Sogetsu...*splash*)
  9. You can't play him like ARK scrubs (includes Galford)
  10. Only a MASTER would dare play using him (ego points for you!)
  11. You just gotta love those digitized yells he makes!

Vital Information

Name: Amakusa (?) Shiro (white) Tokisada (hungry)
Title: The Child of God
Nationality: Japanese
Weapon: Pherenx Stone (magic sphere; romanization varies)

Misc. Info: Amakusa really existed. He was called "Child of God" and led Christians in rebellion against the oppressive Japanese government during the Shimbara uprising. They crushed much of the government's army, which was previously thought impossible. However, their luck turned bad and they were forced into a last stand at a fortress, which only ended after most of the rebels had died of starvation.  When the army stormed the fortress, Amakusa's body was nowhere to be found.

The story of the real Amakusa has become legend in Japan; no two accounts agree on his ultimate fate, but, just as there are numerous variations to the King Arthur legend, all share common themes and events. Whichever is correct, we may never know....

Amakusa truly is immortal.

Quotes (SS1)
I awake from 100 years of sleep to kick some butt!
Tokugawa, you filth!  I stab at thee.
Know my vengeance, you murderer of my ancestors.
You fight well.  But my ambition will be realised!
You seek me?  I am touched!  Come now.. and die!
Come on, come on!  I promise to kill you quickly!
Come, let me cure you of the disease called life.
My power will bring you to your god.  Abayo!
My religion says all men are equal.  Peasant!
Kneel before me and be saved.  Not!  Die, fool.  Hahahaha!
Why not accept your end?  This battle bores me.

Timeline of Events (1788-1790)

16?? (Pre-SS)
The Christian Shimbara Revolution in Japan against the oppressive Tokugawa government was lead by Amakusa. However, in the final battle on the rebels' fortress failed to yield Amakusa's body.
No body was found, but without a doubt Amakusa died. And his soul burned in vengeance, drawing the attention of Ambrosia.

Early 1788 (SS1)
Amakusa's soul is corrupted by Ambrosia. With a drive of revenge against the Tokugawa government, Amakusa returns to Earth and possesses the body of Shinzo to walk among mortals once more. To help secure his power Amakusa travels to Green Hell (where Tam Tam lives) and steals the mystical Pherenx Stone. A group of warriors possessing Samurai Spirits travel to Nagasaki to challenge Amakusa.
Tam Tam recovers the Pherenx Stone, but it is Hanzo who defeats Amakusa, setting Shinzo's spirit free. Gen-an was killed during these events. Earthquake plunders Amakusa's treasures. The running man (the one who throws bombs) reveals to Jubei that he was helping Amakusa because Amakusa kidnapped his sister.

Late 1788: Shin Samurai Spirits (SS2; Six months later)
Amakusa once again walks Earth. Twelve Samurai Spirits rose to the challenge, only to discover that Amakusa had reformed; he was no longer under the influence of Ambrosia. However, Mizuki, another agent of evil, succeeded in banishing Amakusa back to the afterlife. Mizuki possessed the body of the Shinto priestess Bizuki, and was terrorizing the world in Ambrosia's name.
Nakoruru banishes Mizuki's spirit back to the demon realm, but the cost is her life; she becomes a spirit servant in Daishinzen's name. Bizuki's spirit is freed. Cham Cham recovers the Tanjil Stone (sister of the Pherenx Stone) from Mizuki. Gen-an is revived by Ambrosia, and Earthquake disappears into the demon world. Kuroko reveals himself.

Early 1789: Blades of Blood (SS3; Six more months later)
Twelve Samurai Spirits rise to challenge Zankuro; among them, Amakusa, apparently under the thumb of Ambrosia again. Once again Amakusa retrieves the Pherenx Stone to amplify his powers far greater than before. Evil reeks of this evil wizard, which has Rimururu hunting after him.
Zankuro falls to the power of Shizumaru, but Amakusa recovers the body. Amakusa wants to harness Zankuro's power to create his Utopia at long last. His evil swelled so that his skin is now hued purple (purple indicates the darkest/evilest level of ki/chi one can attain, fyi).

Late 1789: Amakusa's Revenge (SS4; Six more months later... get a pattern here??
Amakusa returns to his native land of Shimbara. He travels to his old fortress, Amakusa-jo. There he ressurects the soul of Zankuro, but Zankuro proves much too powerful for Amakusa. In desperation Amakusa seals Zankuro in a statue, held in check with the soul of Hazuki. Meanwhile, another Amakusa walks the Earth; in Shinzo's body was the good half of Amakusa's soul, torn apart long ago from his evil half. Amakusa seeks to rejoin with his other half before it can be destroyed by any other Samurai Spirit; Hanzo in particular. This Amakusa doesn't reek of evil, and avoids most attention attributed to his evil half.
The two halves of Amakusa are reunited after Kazuki defeats Zankuro and rescues Hazuki. Standing on a cliff overlooking the ruins of Amakusa-jo, he releases Shinzo for Hanzo, and returns to the afterlife.

Early 1790 (SS64; Six more months, blah blah blah)
A new, mysterious servant of Ambrosia emerges, collecting souls for his master. With the aid of Shiki, Yuga seeks Haohmaru, the chosen man, to help complete his sinister plan.
Unknown outcome.

Not long afterward Yuga was defeated, but was later revived, with a new agent of darkness... Asura!

Amakusa Picture Gallery

How to play as Amakusa (SS1 SNES version, courtesy Sega Sages): This code enables you to play as Amakusa in the two-player or countdown game. At the Takara logo screen, press A, Y, X, B. A voice confirms that you've done the trick correctly. At the title screen, select the game you want to play. Then, at the character-select screen, select any character and hold L + R to select Amakusa. In the two-player game, continue to hold down the buttons until your opponent has selected his character.

Samurai Shodown 3 Amakusa FAQ 1

Samurai Shodown 3 Amakusa FAQ 2

Samurai Shodown 4 Amakusa FAQ

More FAQs available at the Video Game FAQ Archive.

I have the themes of Amakusa from both SS3 and SS4 (.mp3)! You need an mp3 player to hear the latter. More themes can be found at the Samurai Shodown Music Page.

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