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Rogues' Gallery


The cast list of Souls of Fire.

Crystal Tokyo

Neo Queen Serenity. The ruler of Earth and its people, she is a benevolent monarch that would like to usher a true era of peace and happiness. However, darkness is attracted to light... and she is reluctant to carry the battle on further.

Sailor Mercury. Advisor to Queen Serenity.

Sailor Mars. Psychic soldier and Shinto priestess.

Sailor Jupiter. Strong soldier with a big heart.

Sailor Venus. The leader of the Sailor Senshi defending Crystal Tokyo.

Sailor Uranus. Powerful sailor soldier who was sent to Tau Ceti to deal with Pharoah 90's stellar strikes on Earth.

Sailor Neptune. Powerful sailor soldier who was sent to Tau Ceti to deal with Pharoah 90's stellar strikes on Earth.

King Endymion. Husband of the Queen of Earth, he serves as an advisor.

Princess Serenity. The daughter of Neo Queen Serenity and King Endymion trains in the past with the past Sailor Senshi for the inevitable battles in the future, yet she is not ready to fill her mother's footsteps.

Sailor Saturn. The whereabouts of the Soldier of Death remains unknown.

Sailor Pluto. The Guardian of Time is rumored to be deceased.

Fenril Knights

Ayame Mishima. The leader of the Fenril Knights by default, as she inherited their mighty underground fortress prepared by her uncle. She seeks revenge against Neo Queen Serenity because her edicts effectively destroyed the family business and killed her uncle. She puts much stock in her company's machines... sometimes too much. While she keeps a cold exterior in truth she is a normal girl, and quite prone to mood swings. She hates being the leader, but recognizes that her position landed her that job anyway.

Shion Kagami. A mercenary by trade Shion sells his services as a hacker; his reach goes far in the community to unknown bounds, if any. He parts with his sister, Chika, to join the Fenril Knights at the insistance of his sometime client, Ayame. He ultimately has no reason to fight, but wishes to test his skills against what is thought to be unconquerable.

Kanna Rajura. She studied to become a master tactician, patterned after her idol, the ancient Chinese prime minister Zhuge Liang. Fights with a death scythe, a weapon of her own design that changes from a scythe to naginata. Having nothing to live for on this new Earth Kanna dedicates herself to doing what she does best: fight and win wars.

Ranma Saotome. Torn by the happiness of Akane and his distaste of the world, Ranma reluctantly parts with his beloved and joins the Fenril Knights, unsure if he made the right choice. Nonetheless, he makes a powerful ally of the Fenril Knights, and his ultimate decision may decide the course of the war forever.

Ryoga Hibiki. Alone and depressed, Ryoga feels he is unworthy to live in such a perfect world as Earth has become. Unsure as to what to do in life his pendulum could swing in either direction in the coming battles.

Shizuka Minazuki. Priestess of Genbu, experienced summoner, and demon hunter by trade, this naive and cynical girl owns a pet boa constrictor, Thanatos. Prefers her shotgun over her twin swords because she is a fan of Westerns. She fights to find the truth of what happened to her fellows at the Shrine of the Four Gods, particularly her mentor and trusted friend, Mizuki. Has a strange outlook on life, and personality is often described as paradoxial, yet many tend to like her for it.

Tatewaki Kuno. A master of kendo, Tatewaki joins the Fenril Knights after seeing what the Silver Crystal had done to his eccentric family. Unable to tolerate the change in even his hated father Tatewaki takes up the sword to right these wrongs that hurt him so. In actuality he feels he no longer understands what goes on in the world... as if he did in the first place.

Kodachi Kuno. Tatewaki's sister, and Ayame's friend and mentor. Her fighting style is based off rhythmic gymnastics, and she knows it is impractical against the Sailor Senshi.

Miranda Kusao. A generally angry martial artist who rivals Ranma in raw talent. She bears a rivalry with her nemesis, Kodachi, and by extension, Ayame, dating back to their high school days. Due to her noble code she prefers to fight for just cause, and the cause of the Fenril Knights suits this well.

Shampoo. A Chinese Amazon skilled in many arts. She fights against Neo Queen Serenity because she is distrustful of her motives for taking over the world. She sees Ayame as weak and would like nothing better than to overthrow her and take her place, but she also understands that many others would not follow her, either.

Mousse. The Master of Hidden Weapons and a childhood friend of Shampoo's. His poor eyesight forces him to wear thick lens glasses and his fighting style is distanced. Although he'd like nothing more than to be Shampoo's husband Mousse hates the way the world turned out.

Higure Furui. An old man using magic attuned to the Wind element, he feels his time on Earth is waning, but Higure still works to leave his mark on the world. Seeing himself as a wise old man he tries to encourage thinking among his fellows, who are often blinded by emotion. Very cool-headed and practical.

Pantyhose Taro. A loner of a martial artist, Taro hates his name. He despises those weaker than he and respects no one, and in result nobody likes him. He is cursed to transform into a monstrous chimera under cold water, and is a strong force in the war against Neo Queen Serenity.

Ukyo Kuonji. Reluctant to fight, knowing that Crystal Tokyo is home to one large business boom waiting to happen. Money drives her thinking, but Ukyo possesses a kind heart nonetheless, and is perhaps the most approachable of the Fenril Knights.

Cinder. A powerful kami warrior cloaked in heavy robes, his telltale feature is his large, mechanical left eye, which glows brightly under his hood. He is Miranda's sensei, and broods a terrible secret under his robes.

Sypha Blade. Although human in form this Chinese black sorcerer is an immortal kami, hiding her true physical form through arcane arts. Her past is shrouded in mystery but her intellect is unmatched with well over a thousand years of experience.

Hokuto Takemasa. The reclusive esper is known as a Shadow Weaver, a hereditary order that can manipulate the shadow stream to their will. She does not rely on her psionic powers much, but realizes how desperately she needs her shadow power to win in conflicts, now that her source of power is cut off by Neo Queen Serenity's planar seal. She is obsessed with Fate.

Children of Chaos

Pharaoh 90. The oldest and most powerful of the prophecized Children of Chaos that were predicted to seek out the light of the Silver Crystal, this star creature and his spawn hold dominion over Tau Ceti. He turns his sights toward Earth to expand his dominion, as the planet both possesses an environment he can live in and a light that calls to him....

Neherenia. This being (also known as Zirconia) threatened the Moon Kingdom in the early days of the Silver Millennium, but Queen Serenity thwarted her, sealing her. She attempted to get revenge on Serenity's daughter, but was ultimately destroyed.

Metallia. The creature responsible for the destruction of the Moon Kingdom, marking the end of the Silver Millennium. Her attempts to make the Silver Crystal her own proved the undoing of herself and her fellow brethren.

Vizier. A space-borne creature of mysterious origins, he is responsible for an ecological disaster that ultimately resulted in the Great Sleep. The monster's reign of terror was short-lived as by then the Sailor Senshi were more than a match for him.

Death Phantom. Also known as Wiseman. Former advisor to Prince Diamond of the Black Moon Family, Death Phantom survived the onslaught of two Silver Crystals, but not without a price. He masterminded the war between Crystal Tokyo's Sailor Senshi and the so-called Fenril Knights for his own devious ends. He is the master of the Black Crystal, the dark twin of the Silver Crystal. The light that cannot be touched by the dark beckons him....

Other Characters

Akane Tendo. Ranma's fiancee due to arranged marriage, the two have come to love each other in a shaking relationship.

Philip Taydome. Chief Engineer of Mishima Heavy Industries, he specializes in robotics. He is responsible for develping the GAIA, URANOS, and CRONOS series machines, and serves the niece of President Mishima unquestionably.

Konatsu. Assistant to Ukyo at Ucchan's Okonomiyaki, he provides a one-way love relationship toward his boss.

Cologne. Owner of Nekohanten (Cat Cafe), mentor of Shampoo and Mousse. She makes it a point to watch Ranma due to study his seemingly-unlimited martial arts ability.

Happosai. Founder of the art Ranma practices, he also gave Pantyhose Taro his name.

Mizuki Shimozuki. Shizuka's mentor and a high level priestess of Genbu, she is one of the few to know her student's numerous secrets.

Chief Dumas. A communications engineer that is a member of Chief Taydome's team of elite scientists and engineers, Dumas' work was invaluable in the development of the Fenril Knights' ultimate weapon.

Shang Long. A colleague of Higure's, Shang Long is the underworld resistance leader of the Cult of Orochi, one of the numerous terrorist groups living in the shadow of the Crystal Court.

Ziel Kagura. A Wind-User with demon blood, Ziel controls the winds around him with great proficiency. As one of Shion's closest friends he is loyal to a fault, but undoubtly skillful for a non-martial artist.

Shingo Tsukino. The younger brother of Usagi Tsukino, grown-up. Having participated in the uprisings Shingo remembers many of those exiled by Neo Queen Serenity.

Chika Hisho. Shion's step-sister and Shingo's fiancee, she is interested in the film industry.

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