Steven Nicholson New Orleans Freelance Camera Operators & Videographers
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Steven Nicholson New Orleans CameramanContact Information
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Deal Memo

Fax (call first) or Cut and Paste this completed form and e-mail to Be sure to include 'Deal Memo' in the subject line. This memo along with your deposit is required at least one week in advance. Until received and confirmed, your shoot date is not secured.

This is to confirm that you, acting under your company authorization, have retained the services Mr. Nicholson as the Lighting Cameraman or D.P. on the production of: __________________ as per our recent correspondence.

1. Mr. Nicholson will Shoot from (date): __________________ through: __________________.

2. Mr. Nicholson will be paid a day rate of $325 per each 10-hour day (labor plus camera package, if applicable. see rate sheet). Overtime will be paid at a rate of $48.75/hr when the work day exceeds 10 hours per day and $65/hr when the work day exceeds 12 hours per day.

3. Payment balance is due upon completion of videography by check or secure online payment.

4. Cancellation policy: If less than 72 hours notice, then 70% of the expected gross will be billed.

5. A Beta SP of the completed project will be provided to me for archival purposes.

6. When traveling from New Orleans, the production company will provide 1st or Business Class Air Transportation, and is responsible for Hotel room and taxes, and will provide automobile transportation while on location. A per diem will be paid at a rate of thirty dollars per day for all days to include Travel and Shoot days

7. Please immediately acknowledge any questions or problems regarding this contract. Signing of this completed contract denotes the acceptance of all terms herein. Steven Nicholson reserves the right to void this agreement if not properly signed, dated, and received within three days. Any changes to this agreement must have written approval by all parties.

Steven Nicholson
Lighting Cameraman or D.P.
print name:_____________________
signature date:__________________

A one-week advance deposit of $300 secures your production date and money orders sent to the above address are accepted. You may also pay by credit card by clicking the links below or by calling the above telephone number. It only takes a minute to setup your account. Remember, you can book as far ahead as you like and this amount can be applied to your total bill. See rate sheet.

Click to make secure payment online
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