Steven Nicholson New Orleans Freelance Camera Operators & Videographers
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Steven Nicholson New Orleans CameramanContact Information
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Rate Sheet

DAY RATES Cameraman only Cameraman and
camera package
Cameraman, camera package,
sound man and gear
Full day (5-10 hours) $400 $950 $1500
Half day (0-5 hours) $300 $700 $1100

Camera package includes Sony BetaSP or DVCam with complete optional field accessories, lighting & audio support.

cameraman and/or sound man (10-12 hours) = $60 each man per hour
cameraman and/or sound man (over 12 hours) = $80 each man per hour

Tape Stock = Clients encouraged to supply own tape or may purchase at $30 each.

See deal memo
The deal memo along with your deposit is required at least one week in advance of your shoot.
Until this contract and deposit are received, your shoot date is not secured.

A one-week advance deposit of $300 secures your production date and money orders sent to the above address are accepted. You may also pay by credit card by clicking the links below or by calling the above telephone number. It only takes a minute to setup your account. Remember, you can book as far ahead as you like and this amount can be applied to your total bill.

Pay Online

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