November just zoomed by this year and not just for me. I sure do hope December goes a bit slower. And I hope it's less sad than the past two months have been.
There have been so many deaths. My dear friend Kim and Craig's friend Bobby's mom, David's cousin Raymond and our former next door neighbor, Mike Bright. Yes, the one that
I complained about over the years. So far December has started out with us finding out that David's aunt has breast cancer that will require surgery and that TBC's drummer
needs knee surgery. Oh yeah, and there's the two trips to the hospital for me with excruciating pain in the back of my head. One of those trips required an ambulance. Things have got to look up.
Thanksgiving was a real treat for me. I wasn't able to do the meal for the above reason so my may dad did Thanksgiving. My husband and brother helped him with clean-up while I sat on my butt trying to not feel too guilty.
It was different after years of being the one to do the holidays.
I'm having a hard time with the holidays this year. This is the tenth Christmas without my mom and it's hurting even more than usual for me for some reason. This is the first year that I didn't bother to decorate for Halloween
or Thanksgiving. I had planned to but didn't. I'm seriously planning to put out the effort for Christmas although I have to admit that I'm starting to understand why my mom never felt like decorating. I never thought there could
come a day when I wouldn't feel like it. I think part of that is losing all of the yard cut-outs that I had worked so hard on over the years. I used to do it for the kids, not just ours but the kids of the community also. I used
to love to see people stop in front of the house and hear kids laughing and squealing with delight. We always figured ourselves for the kind who would go bigger & better each year until we were eventually out there each night
dressed as Santa & Mrs. Claus, handing out candy canes.
I guess you just never know what life will give you.

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