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... for Better Thinking, Listening, and Speaking in Arizona

District 3 Home Page
Seven Basic B's
  for Publicity

Press Release Samples
   New Officers
   Speech Contests
   Speaker Speakers
   Anniversary Event

Club Newsletter
   Tips from TLI

   The Story
   of Toastmasters

.     PR's Agenda for Meeting 
Publicity - External

Chairman:  _________________________________
Committee:   ________________________, ___________________________
                 ________________________, ___________________________

        To provide a creative and frequent program of publicity on behalf of the club, its members, 
        and the programs generated by Leaders Plus Toastmasters.

        To maintain a consistent program of publicity on Leaders Plus Toastmasters.

Information for NEWSPAPERS

        •  Bimonthly  meetings
        • Wednesday  Nite live
        • Election of Officers
        • Award and Recognition received by members and/or the club
        • Speech contest winners and participants
        • Special dinners/ featured speakers, etc. (Anniversary dinner, etc.) 
        • Monthly programs
                modules - Tuesday night special  training
        * Youth Leadership Programs
                Begins at .....    .
                Participating in ...
                Completes and receives .. certificate, etc. 
        • Speechcraft
                beginning... midway... finishes with dinner,
                 “John Doe, finds speaking easier at ....  ....”
        • Participation in community/event (?)
        • Features on members  (Juris, Janette Gann,  Nancy Starr, PJ Glaus 
                  with LPTM mention)
        • Others 

 •  Seek to develop ideas and means of securing radio
and television interviews for Leaders Plus TM members
which provide for a development of their speaking
skills and an opportunity to show how toastmasters has
worked in their lives. 
*   (?) Radio Interviews - Talk Shows - with members
talking about an area of their expertise and referring
to Leaders Plus Toastmasters.
•   One could be on Toastmasters or fear of speaking,
however, we could get more than one interview by
leading with another subject and bring Leaders Plus TM
in as a part of that person’s life. 

Other  Ideas: ________________________, 

Radio:          TM Member               Station                         Date
1.   ________________________ 
___________________________  _________________
2.  ________________________ 
___________________________  _________________
3. ________________________ 
___________________________  _________________
4. ________________________ 
___________________________  _________________

Brochures to be placed: 
. ________________________ 
___________________________  _________________

1.   ________________________ 
___________________________  _________________
2.  ________________________ 
___________________________  _________________
3. ________________________ 
___________________________  _________________
4. ________________________ 
___________________________  _________________

Other:   _______________  ___________________________ 

Check out American Cable TV, equal access programs.


        Develop  ideas on how the club bulletin can be used
outside the club meeting for building awareness of
Leaders Plus Toastmasters.
        One functional concept behind the new newsletter is
to provide an educational lead story which can be of
interest to communication improvement minded people.





        Develop and implement a consistent plan for
publicizing Leaders Plus Toastmasters. 

Review of current on-going publicity:

1.   ________________________ 
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2.  ________________________ 
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3. ________________________ 
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4. ________________________ 
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5.   ________________________ 
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6.  ________________________ 
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7. ________________________ 
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8. ________________________ 
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Special Notices:
        Press Releases to be prepared for all special 
Leaders Plus TM functions:  (for example: :
installation dinners, special speakers, awards,

Feature stories:
        Seek to find opportunities for feature stories on
Leaders Plus TM members in area newspapers. 

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