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Highlights from concert with Disciple:
(click on image to view larger)

Disciple Concert
Dave and Barbe - Disciple Concert
Barbe - Disciple Concert
Barbe and Dave - Disciple Concert


St. Louis, MO 2002:
(click on image to view larger)

Band in St. Louis
Band is St. Louis - Arch
Dave singing - St. Louis
Dave playing guitar - St. Louis
Jason on drums - St. Louis
Barbe and Dave - St. Louis
Jason under Arch - St. Louis


Other Dark Spectacle Pics:
(click on image to view larger)

band - group picture
Barbe singing
Dave playing guitar
Barbe singing
Barbe singing
Barbe singing
Barbe & Dave in Qumran, Israel in front of cave where the Dead Sea Scrolls were found
A proud day - Dave with the Oscar Mayer WienierMobile
Dave (& travel guitar) at the Red Sea in Eilat, Israel
Dave Paris of Dark Spectacle
Dave at mic
whole band
Dave sitting on Couch
whole band
whole band
whole band
The Mouth that Roars
Dave with acoustic guitar
Dave sweatin' to the solo

Copyright 2001 Mr. and Mrs. Paris Music
Web site design by Memories