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Seal animation

Toni's Homepage

Once I got a fortune cookie which said: "You have a deep interest in all that is artistic." Guess what? I do!

Here you can see some of my artworks: drawings, poems, stories. I hope you will enjoy them. Thanks for the visit.

My Computer Pictures My Scanned Pictures My Poems My Stories
Melgipson's Birthday Congo's Halloween Home

My dad taught me how to draw bumble bees when I was two years old. Since then, I started to draw all kinds of stuff. Cartoons, animals, people, you name it. The one thing I like drawing best are my own made-up animals.

Computer pictures Here are the pictures I drew on computer using windows paint program and mouse. There are not many colours available, but you can still draw something nice.
Scanned Pictures Here are the pictures I drew on papers and then scanned into computers. I used pencils, oil pastel, colour chalk, water colour, etc.

It may take some time to load these pictures.

My poems Here are the poems I wrote.

I know a boy named Jack.
He climbed a big bean stalk.
Jack met the giant's wife,
And the giant came home with his knife.

Beanie Baby Story Series:
Melgipson's Birthday

"Horray! It's August 1st! It's finally my birthday!" Cried Melgipson the Koala.

Beanie Baby Story Series:

It was finally Halloween. Congo the Gorilla thought about all the candy he would get. But first he had to find a costume.

Sally X and Her Extinct Animals

"Quagga: half zebra half horse. It was hunted for its meat and skins."

Sally X read about extinct animals so that one day, she could discover an animal that was thought to be extinct.

Story: Xerox

One day, the teacher made an announcement: "Listen up, everyone! We have a new student!"

"His name is Xerox." continued the teacher. "He says that he's from Planet X. He's going to sit beside you, Johny."

Story: Death of the Dinasours

Compy the Compsognathus, was looking for some grub until he heard a giant rumbing noise. A herd of Triceratops came stampeding into view. The ground shaked as the huge creatures passed by...

Frog animationArt creation is fun. I really enjoy it. If you have your web pages or you know some cool web sites, could you tell me the web address?

Here are some web site I like to visit:





I would like to get your comments, please drop an email to me.

This home page was first built on June 18, 1998. Last revision on July 26, 1998.
©Copyright: This web site contains the original artwork of Toni Zhang.
All rights reserved.