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Do you like writing poems?
I do. Here are some poems I wrote for fun.
My Computer Pictures My Scanned Pictures My Poems My Stories
Melgipson's Birthday Congo's Halloween Home

Horses That Live in the City

No real horses live in the city,
The ones we have are wood.
The carousel horses go round and round,
Decorated in beautiful jewels.
In saddles with carvings,
It goes round and round and round.

This little horse too is made out of wood,
And also lives in the city.
The rocking horse in the house,
Goes rocking, rocking, rocking by.
Just as beautiful without jewels,
In the saddles like before,
It goes rocking, rocking, rocking by.

Horses that live in the city,
Are just as beautiful as in a farm.
Ours don't move round about,
They just go round and round, or rocking by.

Deep in the Forest

Deep in the woods,
Hungry eyes prowl.
Each day is an adventure,
They might have a successful hunt,
Or their tummies might growl.

Deep in the forest,
Deers run for their lives.

Some may survive,
some must die.

Deep in the woods,
Wolves feast on a deer,
Leaving just some bones,
meat and some hair.

Deep in the forest,
The day has past.
So the great horned owl,
Comes out at last.

Deep in the forest,
Wonders lay deep.
Just go see,
And take a peek.

The Woods

Owls flying in the night,
Doing their midnight flight
Deer hopping here and there,
Lynx chasing snowshoe hare.

What is rare are Grizzley Bears,
As for wolves, you need not fear.
Animals here and there,
The woods are my favorite place,
Just right here.

The Zoo

Lions in the zoo,
Dolphin in the pool.
The polar bear is really cool,
All the wolves do is eat and drool.
Some of the chimps use tools,
The zoo is just too COOL!


I may be happy, I may be mad.
I may be shocked, I may be sad.
I may be good, I may be bad.
But to be myself, I am glad.

Jack and the Giant

I know a boy named Jack.
He climbed a big bean stalk.
Jack met the giant's wife,
And the giant came home with his knife.

The giant slept, Jack stole his trove,
He climbed down the big bean stalk,
And put the trove in a sack.
He climbed up the bean stalk again and again,
And was never poor like when it began.

A Tiny Rain Drop

A tiny rain drop.
Oh, that's no matter.
Oh, flatter.
Now I'm wet.

Robber at the Bank

Someone robbed the bank today.
A strong man saw it and passed away.
The bank robber took lots of money,
His giant nose made him look funny.

He had a mask on his face,
He just left without a trace.
You say he looks like me, policeman?
It was my twin, arrest him then.

My Father

My hairy father looks like an ape,
To be Super Monkey, at a cape.
My mum no longer wants to kiss him,
When he goes away, she doesn't even miss him.

He is so hairy, he gets hair all over the tub,
I have to scrub it, rub-a-dub-dub.
He looks like he got hair on his hair,
He is so hairy, he scared a bear.

His skin will hardly ever show,
When will he start shaving? Nobody knows.

Witch's Brew

One frog, two toads, three little mice,
Add some bat wings, and it'll taste nice.
Then drop in a lizard's eye,
Ears of fox, wings of fly.
Teeth of a shark, milk of a deer,
Add some snake venom, here and there.
Let it burn till it goes KAPLEWEE!!!
How does it taste like?
Yuck, papoowee!

The Very Fat King

There was once a very fat king,
Who liked pizza more than men.
He would grow fatter and fatter each day,
They thought he would brust and not be seen again.

He had a son and called him "Pizza".
They ate every pizza they have met.
Gobble up Canadin, Hawaii, and cheese,
Eat up pizza every chance they get.

They had a cat and named him "Cheese"
Only kind of pizza kitty would eat.
Wherever it came from, he didn't care,
Up your nose or on your feet.

They had a baby, and called her "Peparoni".
Pizza was the first word she ever said.
She could find pizza and eat it all up,
They thought if they didn't have pizza, she would be dead.

That's the story of the fat king,
His son, his pet and his baby.
Will they ever stop eating pizza?
Well, just maybe.

I would like to get your comments, please drop an email to me.

This home page was first built on June 18, 1998. Last revision on July 26, 1998.
©Copyright: This web site contains the original artwork of Toni Zhang.
All rights reserved.