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Do you like to read or write stories? If you do, I hope you like the stories I wrote here.
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Sally X and Her Extinct Animals
by Toni Zhang

"Quagga: half zebra half horse. It was hunted for its meat and skins."

Sally X read about extinct animals so that one day, she could discover an animal that was thought to be extinct.

"Dodo: extinct bird. Hunted to extinction by hungry sailors who killed dodos for food."

"Mom," said Sally later that day, "I'm going out to find an extinct animal."

"That's very nice, dear." Her mother said.

"Let's see, I'll need food, water, ropes, sleeping bag, my jacket, a tent, and my binoculars." Sally listed." I'll need all of those things to go looking for an extinct animal."

"Good luck!" her father said.

"So long!" Sally X called. "Let's see, food ,check. Water, check. Ropes, check. Sleeping bag, check. My jacket, check. A tent, check. My binoculars, check. Uh-no! I forgot my extinct animals book! Mom!"

"Brrrr . . . How can it be so cold out here?" Sally asked herself while camping outside. "Well I don't care. When I find you, extinct animal, I'll get fame, fortune! No wind will stop me now!"

The next day," I found a passenger pigeon! Horray! Horray! Hor. . . wait. It's not a passenger pigeon! It's the ones we find everyday at the park! Shesh."

"Come on, Sally. your going to be late for school!" called her friend, Belle who walked to school with Sally every day.

"Tell Mrs.Franklen that I have more important things to do." answered Sally.

"But. . ."

"Just tell her that, Belle."

"Okay then."


"See ya." Sally thought that was a good excuse.

"No, Belle!"

"What now, Sally?"

"Tell Mrs.Franklen that I'm looking for an extinct animal, too."

"Sure thing. I just hope that she won't throw a temper tantrum. you know how she is."

"I assure you she won't."

"Okay then."

"Thanks again. Bye."

At school Belle told Mrs.Franklen Sally's excuse. Mrs.Franklen did throw a temper tantrum. Mrs.Franklen sent Belle back to find Sally X and bring her to school.

"Tell Miss.X that I command her to come to school right now!"

Belle did as she was told.

"Sally! Sally!" called Belle.

No one answered so Belle wandered around the park. Then she heard someone say something.

"A Tasmanian devil! Ha ha! Horray! Horray! Horra . . . wait. It's a dog! Mr.Jone's dog! Hey, doesn't he look a bit mad? Ahhhhhh!!!!!!"


"Whoa, doggie!"



"Sally! Come back here!!!!"

Tong! The dog's leash was tied to a tree and didn't let him go any farther.

"Na na-na boo-boo!" tanted Sally.

"Sally! Mrs.Frankle. . ." Belle couldn't finish. She was too tired."Mrs.Franklen wants you to go to school." Belle panted.

"Did you tell her everything I told you to?"


"Did she listen to you?"


"Well I guess I'm in trouble."

"You bet."


"Why were you out?" demanded Mrs.Franklen when Sally got to school.

"Looking for an extinct animal." Sally sadly said.


"Looking for an extinct animal." repeated Sally.

The look in the teacher's eyes softened.

"Sally, extinct means gone forever. There are no more dodos left, but I'm glad you care about them." explaned Mrs.Franklen.

"Well," thought Sally," Tomorrow is another day. Fame, fortune, here I come!"

by Toni Zhang

One day, the teacher made an announcement ." Listen up, everyone! We have a new student!" Everyone whined. "This is great. Great, great, great." groaned Johny.

"His name is Xerox." continued the teacher. "He says that he's from Planet X. He's going to sit beside you, Johny."

"AHHHHHHH!!!" Johny screamed and ran out of the classroom. "Man," Johny thought while hiding in the washroom. "that Xerox is going sit beside me! He
looks like an alien!"

When Johny finally came back to the classroom, the teacher made him stay after school and write 50 copies of the sentence: "I will not scream and run out of the classroom without asking".

When Johny was finished, he rushed home and slammed the door shut. "Don't slam the door" remind his mother.

The next day, Johny whined, " Mom, I am sick. I can't go to school".

"Well you don't have a temperature", said his mother. "You are going to school, dear". So Johny went to school.

"Today, we are going to learn about human body" announced teacher. After an hour watching a boring video about the human body, ten kids thought their brains rotted, three were asleep, seven were bored stiff and nine thought they died. Only Xerox wasn't bored. He watched all of it.

"How can he stand it"? Johny told his friend Paul. "I don't know. May be, he has a special brain that can't rot", exclaimed Paul. "Wow", said Johny, "I like one of those brains".

The very next day, there was a giant UFO in the parking lot. All the people saw it. Inside was Xerox with his father, mother and sister. "Thanks for teaching me the human body", called Xerox from the UFO as it flew off.

We told NASA about it but they wouldn't believe us. Johny, Paul and people in the school believe it. Johny saw it. Seeing is believing.

Death of the Dinosaurs
By Toni Zhang

Compy the Compsognathus, was looking for some grub until he heard a giant rumbing noise. A herd of Triceratops came stampeding into view. The ground shaked as the huge creatures passed by. Compy moved out of the way just in time, but he had to wait for a minute to get rid of the shock.

Compy rampaged through the lush ferns, looking for a meal. He spied an insect and raced after it. Then Compy stopped in his tracks. A gigantic shadow appeared over him. The insect flew away but Compy didn't care. There was a T-rex towering over him. Compy ran full speed ahead, with a 20 foot rex tramping after him. Compy ran into a lush green forest, where there were plenty of other dinosaurs and he hoped the T-rex would go after them. Sure enough, the Rex found a duck-bill to chase.

Suddenly, Compy saw a bright flash of light in the sky. It was like a giant rock with fire flaming behind it. Then, Compy realized it was coming towards the planet. He joted away as some of the plant-eaters watched in fear. That's when Compy saw the T-rex was stomping away, too. Now the other plant-eaters made a break for it. Suddenly, Blam!!! The rock crashed into the earth. Sudden flashes of bright sparks flashed when the meteorite crashed.

Comy was shocked as the sky turned ugly grey from the dust. The dust didn't fall from the sky and the sun didn't show. The world turned cold and Compy shivered.

Over the weeks ,the plants didn't grow, and plant-eaters ate every plant they could find. Meat-eaters got easy pickings , because without food, the plant-eaters grew weaker. Still the dust in the sky didn't fall. Soon, Compy also grew weaker. He almost got eaten by a Deinonychus until it found a dying Tenontosaurus and went to eat it. In a few months, there were no plants and only dying plant-eaters. All the meat-eaters had a feast. Meat-eaters stole from other meat-eaters. Compy stayed alive by stealing meat from other dinosaurs.

After a year, meat-eaters killed each other because all the plant-eaters were gone. Suddenly everyone began to starve. Even Compy. One by one they died of starvation. Finally the dust fell from the sky but all that was left on the ground was bones of t-rexs, duck-bills, long necks, and every other life. Only crocodile-like animals and little mammals survived. They were starving but some lived by eating away on bones.

After many years,humans found the bones of dinosaurs and studied them. They found over 100 dinosaurs. This story could have happened and maybe not. What do you think happened?

I would like to get your comments, please drop an email to me.

This home page was first built on June 18, 1998. Last revision on July 26, 1998.
©Copyright: This web site contains the original artwork of Toni Zhang.
All rights reserved.