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Drawing is my favorite thing to do. As long as I have a pen and a piece of paper, I am happy.
My Computer Pictures My Scanned Pictures My Poems My Stories
Melgipson's Birthday Congo's Halloween Home

Running cheetah
Running Cheetah, 1998
The Cheetah is the fastest land animal on earth. It can run up to 70 mph.
(Lakeview Elementary School)

Inuit boy, April, 1997, (Oil Pastel)
This drawing is about an Inuit boy building a snow man.
(Brentwood Park Elementary School)

Les Miserable

Les Miserable (Cosette), 1998
Ichthyosaurus, 1997
(Brentwood Park Elementary School)

Giraffe, Aug 16, 1997 (Colour Chalk)

Cheetah, August, 1997 (Colour Chalk)
Cheetah is one of my favorite animals.

Elephant, 1997 (Water Colour)
Can you tell the difference between an African elephant and an Asian one? The African elephant ears are shaped like Africa, and the Asian elephant ears are shaped like India, where they live.

Cavemen making wheel
Caveman Making the wheel, April, 1997 (Water Colour)
These two cavemen are making the wheel.

Lost Totem
Lost Totem Pole, 1997 (Oil Pastel)
This picture's idea came from Emily Carr's totem pole paintings.

Van Gogh style picture
Sun above the forest, 1998 (Oil Pastel)
This picture has wavy lines in it, like Van Gogh' paintings
(Lakeview Elementary School)
The Kindergarden class
In My Kindergarden Class, 1996
(Drawing class of Mr. Dai Changzhou)
The Race, 1996
(Drawing class of Mr. Dai Changzhou)
Winter fun
In the winter, Jan, 21, 1996
(Drawing class of Mr. Dai Changzhou)

I would like to get your comments, please drop an email to me.

This home page was first built on June 18, 1998. Last revision on July 26, 1998.
©Copyright: This web site contains the original artwork of Toni Zhang.
All rights reserved.