July Rants- 2003
7-30 And I guess I’m tired. I know everyone under the sun has warned me about getting burnt out on my job, and I wouldn’t say I’m burnt out on that, but my other project, this research I’m doing. I decided that if it became too much or other members of my team didn’t pick up the slack, or if this other member whom I dislike starts being a b**** then I would walk. I have worked very very hard on this research all summer, and no I don’t expect anything in return, I just want the other members to recognize the importance of the research and get a little more into then than have been. And I know my limits and if that is what is causing me the most stress…I think I need to take care of myself, I can always do it the following year. And so that is my thing recently. Wanting a life. I think it is finally becoming clear to me, that I’m right here where I always wanted to be. I am here, I made it. I’m alive and thriving. To me, that is awesome. I lost it more times than I can count, I’ve run, I’ve hid, I’ve hung off a cliff…but I’m here. A little scarred maybe, but not permanently (well sorta lol). Night time is still a struggle at times, times alone are still a struggle, but I’m learning. Being home is still a struggle, but I think time will heal some of that. Eh what am I saying…I believe some of what I am saying, but I’d be lying if I said the other side of me isn’t yelling at me. It is definitely kicking and screaming and making its stance known. But the fact is that part is growing more silent as the other side gathers strength…about damn time lol. I think I will still struggle for a while, and maybe at times in the future…but as I said earlier- I am here, I made it! Alright enough revelations for now, I’m tired lol. Long days ahead for the next few weeks, we’ll see how long I can keep this act up, but hey maybe this isn’t an act, maybe this is the real thing this time. It’s gotten hard to tell the difference! It’s like I’m in uncharted territory so I can’t tell what’s real, what’s an act, what’s what really!
Eh, what the hell am I saying,
I think I am rambling…so good night all, stay safe and take care. In light of that- how do I ever gain worth if I equate it with how much I can do? For some reason in my mind I cannot let up, or else I will fail. Which of course is a bad distortion of reality. I mean, I “know” that I won’t be a complete and utter failure if I don’t do everything, but my mind still tells me that I need to feel that way or I will let up. So the question remains- how do I give up that thought, without giving up my life. I am so wrapped up in that mode of thinking, that I think if I let go…it’ll kill me. Every time I have tried to let up just a little, I go bonkers, I flip out… thus returning to my un-healthy life style. I need to figure out a way to give myself worth, constant worth, but at the same time not equate it to work. Or how much I can accomplish. I
try listing my accomplishments: I
work an obscene number of hours for these children A
list of stuff that I’ve done for my kids that I work with. Then
I try to disqualify that stuff- The fact is that I did work my ass off…I could
have been lazy and gone to any old college. If
I can’t keep producing…what is my function in this world? I seem to have this
internal need- this need of having to have a function. I can’t just exist, but
must do for others. Or else I have no worth. So as everyone can now plainly see- I have one hell of a great illogical, distorted mind. And the problem with all of that right now- it is so very painful to let go of some of these thoughts because of the fear of emptiness- that I will be empty without producing, without doing, without driving myself. I remember that empty feeling- I felt it when I was planning and almost carried out my suicide two years ago. You want to know what scares me? THAT is what scares me, that is what keeps me driven. To never have to feel that again. I’m sure many of you out there know what I am talking about. What happened two years ago fucking scares me and I have tried to stay away from that time as much as possible. And I’ve come up against those feelings before- that is when I become the most suicidal, the most out of control. What scares me even more right now…as I am flirting with all this stuff- I can already feel myself losing grip and heading back down that emptiness trip. And that is what my mind protects…that is why I stand in my way- it’s my own twisted way of protecting myself from the unspeakable. So now what do I do? That is the million dollar question. Any answers?
I Surrender
Forever I did pretend,
But look there is a bend,
And so I surrender,
The great pretender- 7-15 So today is another day and I worked so much, it left no time for thinking. This of course, as I’ve stated in the past, has its good points and bad points. So conclusions made today? Not many. I’m still grasping at my last rant and the choice that is looming. Because that is one choice I have to make. I just don’t have any idea how to go about it. How to convince my stubborn ass to let go. It’s almost like a joke. I sit here wondering…have I ever let go of anything?? Well, I suppose a few things- I wouldn’t be talking to my father OR brother if I hadn’t given up a few things…like extreme anger toward the both of them. But
I’m still having trouble conceiving of what I have to let go of exactly. I mean
I know for one I need to be okay with where I am and slow down. I keep re-reading
my words from last night and I have never spoken truer words than the paragraph
about being where I should be, and needing to stop driving forward. I can’t
get much more forward!! But for some reason, I am standing in the way. I know where I need to be. But I don’t know how to get there and parts of me are unwilling to travel there. They won’t let go. It is so painful for me to let go. I don’t know how to do it. And honestly, I’ve hit the point where I need to put up (get to the other side) or shut up (retreat back to bad side). I can’t sit here in the middle, I need to make a move. Of course I’m frightened. First, there is the letting go…I can’t even imagine how to broach that. And then there is the ‘how do I get there.’ I wonder if there will be some event that will push me over the edge?? I thought I’d hit rock bottom so many years ago…came pretty damn close to suicide, though no attempt was actually made. Self injury was pretty bad, have the scars to show for that. And I basically went down to hell every waking moment of my life for a while there. And that- that is what pushed me to therapy. So what if that was the push to therapy etc…but…but what if some other event needs to happen to finish pushing me across that line…to finally say, ya know what I’m done with this shit. I surrender. I am in a fight with myself. There is the loud obnoxious voice that tells me to keep going, keep going and it will go away, I will make my goals, I will accomplish what I set out to do- I will be someone in this life. But then, I have the weaker voice telling me that that is not how its supposed to be. I need peace and happiness there too. I need to find myself and find my peace. But the other side snaps back and says no, I need to stay driven to reach my goals. So I need to figure out a way to get that side to surrender. Geez, it’s so funny to hear myself talk like this. You think I could just say shut up and move on with my life. Give up a pointless fight and just get over myself. But it’s not that easy. For whatever reason one of the most painful things in the world is me giving up. Me surrendering. I guess I’ve been this way so long…and to really look at it- that is how I survived. My survival of my past was driving forward. But now I am forward, now I am in a damn good position. Good school, great job, a few good friends…a place to call home. But I still drive forward, when what I really need to do is stop and just feel good that I got here. I need to convince myself that I have arrived at where I’ve always wanted to be. I’m out on my own and making it. I have two parents…count that- two. I do have a father…I do have a mother, who I just have to learn to deal with. And not just one father, but I have two, which I’m learning can co-exist. So my task- convince myself that things are alright. My world is not upside down, I’m not alone, I’m not lost. I am where I need to be, I’m where I want to be. I’ve got the world at my feet. I can put my mind to things and get what I want. But somewhere in the confines of my mind, I have the little voices shouting that I’m inferior…that I may fail…that I am failing. School is still up in the air…my grades aren’t the best in the world. My attention to things and follow through on projects suck. I work too much, I care too much to stop working so much. I drive myself to the ground and the moment I let up, I feel like shit. My future happiness is contingent on one course of my life, when it should be more flexible. So many things swirling through my mind right now. And now is the time for action, for choice. So the question remains… what will I choose?
Lyrics running
through my head:
(Just washing it aside
7-13 And
also this poem:
I have decided that I am my own worst enemy. There is nobody that is being a
greater impediment to my recovery than myself. I have
no earthly idea who I am and thus, how in the hell do I know if I’m getting
better or what direction to take or anything. So who am I? I’m a person who
loves sports, loves children and loves helping other people. I like to play
video games and pretty much any kind of game. I love computers, I love snuggling
in my bed during a thunder storm. I love having this website and helping other
people. I like learning new things, especially with psychology. I like making
other people happy, I like making good grades in school. I don’t like
feeling exhausted, I don’t like feelings period. I don't
like being embarrassed or feeling like a loser. I don’t like my family
half the time, I don’t like feeling lost. I don’t like math or getting bad grades
on papers. I don’t like the feeling that I can’t concentrate,
I don’t like the feeling like I’m never good enough or not reaching my potential.
I don't like the dark when I can't see anything because then
I think someone or something is going to get me. I don’t like being
trapped, I don’t like intimacy, I don’t like myself, I don’t like how I act
sometimes. What I don’t know about my feelings is where it all comes from. I know sources of some pain, but I just can’t pin point things.
More about me: I feel like I’m never good enough. I feel no worth unless I’m
producing something, doing something. I just don’t feel like I’m good enough
for anyone and thus must work harder and harder. Did I cover it all? Ever since last week I have felt like a fake me, like I’m just going through the motions, but not really feeling anything. I hate that. I can’t articulate how I feel, at all. I just don’t know how to speak of the war going on in my head. It’s a freakin disaster. So here, I’ll make use of my time. I can probably counter all of the above statements with rational thoughts:
With my mom- I am my own person and don’t need to be what she wants me to be.
If she can’t deal with that, then that is her problem, not mine. I need to do
good enough for me, not her. So there, there are my freakin rational thoughts. Are they really rational? I’m not sure, but they sound rational to me. Though I know these rational thoughts the others still invade. It’s like I tell my rational self to ‘fuck off.’ It’s like I have two selves within me, constantly battling. It’s the rational side and other side. Each knows about the other and they are constantly trying to gain power in my head. I know both sides, yet can’t choose, or rather, I “know” but don’t “feel,” is a more accurate way to put it. It is so much hard work facing yourself and all the shit that goes with it. I think about it- all my life I’ve spent my time running…and so now I’m on this uphill battle and I just keep slipping back. So many times I’ve come close to just losing myself completely. It’s so much easier just to give into the dark and just let go. But for some reason I keep fighting, even when I have no more juice left to fight, I go on. I don’t know what keeps me going. But here I am fighting as always. I just wish it wasn’t so fucking hard. Well, this has turned into one hell of a long rant. So final thoughts: I’ve spent my life avoiding and right now it’s so damn hard to face stuff. I feel fake right now. I feel angry and sad..and I just don’t know how to get those feelings out of me. I just want to scream. I know what I used to do (hehe hence the site lol), but part of me chooses not to do that. However, I am getting closer and closer to just saying fuck it and returning to old habits that got me through the “lost” times. It’s fucking ridiculous that I am a fairly intelligent person, but I have no idea who I am, and I’m so freakin lost. I feel like a loser because of that. And hence why I’m not good enough. Look at me- I have the knowledge but here I am screwing up my life again. Yeah, real bright- go me…not. Alright that’s enough ranting, this is long enough as it is. Take care.
First thought: What in the Hell was I thinking/doing last week. I was so far gone it’s scary. I can’t tell you how many times I felt like putting my car through a tree, or taking a blade and having fun. I mean if you really think about it, just a flick of the wrist, for blade or car and your gone. Or at least very fucked up. Looking back to last week, I was definitely out of my mind. I was thinking all kinds of crazy shit. I shudder just thinking about it. How do I fly off the handle like that? What suddenly pushes me over the edge??? Ah, that’s enough thinking about that. Second thought: My role in my family. I’m the kid to make my family look good. I was thinking, that to my mom, because I have become successful she probably doesn’t think she’s done anything wrong. And for the life of her, she can’t figure out what I have to be depressed or anxious about. If I were to think about it, I’d say from the outside I’m pretty successful. Great job, great school, good grades, pretty self sufficient- I am doing pretty great in this world, compared to a lot of people. Yet on the inside, I’m pretty homeless and aimless. But the outside me my mom can show off to other people. I can’t tell you how many times she has told me that she talks about me all the time and how people comment about me to her etc. I know that makes her feel good because it makes her feel like she has done a good job, at least that is my perception of it. So as long as my inside me doesn’t interfere with the outside me, then she’s fine with that. My mom is a very outward person, meaning she cares a lot about looks. Though talking to you, she may convince you otherwise. So as long as I stay the “good” child, she’s fine, but the moment I crumble her perfect image, the moment I slip up and make her look like she’s done something wrong…that’s when I run into trouble with her. Lately I’ve been wondering why I get along so well with her. I wonder if it’s because I haven’t had a break down in a while. I’ve been pretty normal lately. No hospital since October, no real big fights etc. In fact, I’ve done nothing but good, from my job promotion to the work I’ve done with the kids etc. The outside me is perfectly intact with no sign of the inside me invading that territory. Ugh, who knows, maybe I’m just making this shit up and it’s not really true. Next thought please. Third thought: I’m not sure I really had a third thought, except that I’m really tired of talking about my mom…it sounds like I’m fucking whining and it’s getting on my nerves. I won’t see her for a while, so it’s all fine and dandy, I can’t stop thinking about her and what my next move has to be- ugh I need her out of my head.
Fourth thought: I’m starting to get in a crappy mood, so I’m going to end these
rants and get in a good mood. I am definitely doing better though, as everyone can tell in my rants- I pretty much flipped out. That is scary to me, because at any time I could have done something I regretted…but at the same time, that is how I know I am getting better- because I DIDN’T do something. I think in the past I would have definitely cut or downed a few pills. But I didn’t, which is a relief. This week I also bought some Vitamin E lotion and started using that…gotta get rid of these nasty scars, so let’s hope this at least fades them a little so I’m not afraid to get a tan. Well gotta go work- later everyone!
7-3 (4:21pm) And so here I am. At the end of my rope again. So exhausted that I can’t see straight and I sure as hell can’t think straight. I stopped really talking to anyone, including my counselor…I just shut everyone out, because in my head that was the safe route. No more turning over ugly stones, no more forcing myself to the truth, no more trying to protect the rotten thoughts in my brain. No more fighting my defenses- which is the most difficult thing to do. Out of everything, those remain the most out of control. But, I’m trying again to fight them and get them under control, as well as the rest of me. Today, I took the rest of the day off. I feel crappy and I’m exhausted. Granted I’m making that day up on Sunday, but at least for today I can breathe. I am even thinking of taking off a Thursday to Sunday to fly down to Ohio and mend some more broken fences with my father and brother. Why? Because as much as I’ve fought it, they are both a part of my life and I can’t deny that. And that would give me a breather, away from work and away from my family here. I love my mom etc but I’ve seen them almost every single weekend, and yes I need a break from them as well. And if I were to stay here, I would most definitely work instead of taking a break. I don’t know if I’m on the right path again, but at least I’m coming out of the fog that I’ve found myself in these last few weeks. Now that’s not saying I might post again freakin’ out about something ;-) I am no doubt sitting in a depression, but at least for this moment in time I am calm…and for me, a moment of calmness is pretty damn good.
7-3 (1:00am) So I just don’t know what to do anymore. I’m caught in a stand still. It’s like I’ve reached my limit with everything, and now I just don’t know what to do. And that is what scares me so much. The last time I was like this was my first time crashing. I did everything for everyone, did everything I was supposed to do. But like everything, I reached my limit, there was no more I could do. Yet people wanted more, and down I went. So I give up, I don’t know how to live life anymore…apparently I’ve been doing a pretty shitty job. So what do you do when you have nothing left to give?
What bothers me the most I think is my behavior during these times. Like I mentioned before- Inside I couldn’t be more fucked up, I feel so much inside, I am so angry, sad, scared and whatever the hell else…but outside I couldn’t be more pleasant to everyone. Sometimes I want to say something, but I just can’t bring myself to do it. Which I’m an idiot for not saying something to help myself. But I’d rather torture myself than even think about asking another person for help. I can’t do it. I’m not someone else’s problem, just me, it’s my problem, so why should I burden someone else with such crap. I guess that’s one thing I just can’t seem to ‘unlearn.’ Well I better stop writing before my thoughts get worse. I’m brain dead tonight…tired of thinking, tired of writing…just pretty much tired of everything. Tired
of these unwanted thoughts,
These times make me think of over two years ago when I almost killed myself...should have done it then and saved myself all this shit. That's when I had the most guts to do it. Sorry I'm bitching like this...I just feel...I just can't same to get ahead. Why in the fuck do I keep getting so damned depressed. I have everything going for me, I mean everything. And here I am praying to God to kill me or give me the guts to do it myself. I feel myself splitting again. On the outside I seem so very normal...I can smile and laugh with the best of 'em. But on the inside I"m thinking dreadful thoughts, as soon as I'm out of view of someone, my smile get's wiped off, and who the hell knows what I look like but it's not good. I'm also at the time where I can't tell anyone. There used to be people I'd tell if I was in a shitty mood, I might have even discussed why...but now I just avoid the questions and make life seem peachy. And I don't know what to fucking do about it. Especially since I don't know what precipitated all this. Every time I think things are going smoothly this shit happens. It's like my mind is protecting me from something. I get to close, nope, gotta move back...time to get way depressed again so that's all I think about then. I'm so fucking unhappy right now and I don't know what the fuck to do about it. I am so tired of feeling this way. Hell I even let a tear slip down...well sorta, the eyes watered, but nothing fell. Shit I can't even do that right. I wish I had just done the deed way back then to save myself and everyone else this shit. Current
Rants |
July Rants- 2003
7-30 And I guess I’m tired. I know everyone under the sun has warned me about getting burnt out on my job, and I wouldn’t say I’m burnt out on that, but my other project, this research I’m doing. I decided that if it became too much or other members of my team didn’t pick up the slack, or if this other member whom I dislike starts being a b**** then I would walk. I have worked very very hard on this research all summer, and no I don’t expect anything in return, I just want the other members to recognize the importance of the research and get a little more into then than have been. And I know my limits and if that is what is causing me the most stress…I think I need to take care of myself, I can always do it the following year. And so that is my thing recently. Wanting a life. I think it is finally becoming clear to me, that I’m right here where I always wanted to be. I am here, I made it. I’m alive and thriving. To me, that is awesome. I lost it more times than I can count, I’ve run, I’ve hid, I’ve hung off a cliff…but I’m here. A little scarred maybe, but not permanently (well sorta lol). Night time is still a struggle at times, times alone are still a struggle, but I’m learning. Being home is still a struggle, but I think time will heal some of that. Eh what am I saying…I believe some of what I am saying, but I’d be lying if I said the other side of me isn’t yelling at me. It is definitely kicking and screaming and making its stance known. But the fact is that part is growing more silent as the other side gathers strength…about damn time lol. I think I will still struggle for a while, and maybe at times in the future…but as I said earlier- I am here, I made it! Alright enough revelations for now, I’m tired lol. Long days ahead for the next few weeks, we’ll see how long I can keep this act up, but hey maybe this isn’t an act, maybe this is the real thing this time. It’s gotten hard to tell the difference! It’s like I’m in uncharted territory so I can’t tell what’s real, what’s an act, what’s what really!
Eh, what the hell am I saying,
I think I am rambling…so good night all, stay safe and take care. In light of that- how do I ever gain worth if I equate it with how much I can do? For some reason in my mind I cannot let up, or else I will fail. Which of course is a bad distortion of reality. I mean, I “know” that I won’t be a complete and utter failure if I don’t do everything, but my mind still tells me that I need to feel that way or I will let up. So the question remains- how do I give up that thought, without giving up my life. I am so wrapped up in that mode of thinking, that I think if I let go…it’ll kill me. Every time I have tried to let up just a little, I go bonkers, I flip out… thus returning to my un-healthy life style. I need to figure out a way to give myself worth, constant worth, but at the same time not equate it to work. Or how much I can accomplish. I
try listing my accomplishments: I
work an obscene number of hours for these children A
list of stuff that I’ve done for my kids that I work with. Then
I try to disqualify that stuff- The fact is that I did work my ass off…I could
have been lazy and gone to any old college. If
I can’t keep producing…what is my function in this world? I seem to have this
internal need- this need of having to have a function. I can’t just exist, but
must do for others. Or else I have no worth. So as everyone can now plainly see- I have one hell of a great illogical, distorted mind. And the problem with all of that right now- it is so very painful to let go of some of these thoughts because of the fear of emptiness- that I will be empty without producing, without doing, without driving myself. I remember that empty feeling- I felt it when I was planning and almost carried out my suicide two years ago. You want to know what scares me? THAT is what scares me, that is what keeps me driven. To never have to feel that again. I’m sure many of you out there know what I am talking about. What happened two years ago fucking scares me and I have tried to stay away from that time as much as possible. And I’ve come up against those feelings before- that is when I become the most suicidal, the most out of control. What scares me even more right now…as I am flirting with all this stuff- I can already feel myself losing grip and heading back down that emptiness trip. And that is what my mind protects…that is why I stand in my way- it’s my own twisted way of protecting myself from the unspeakable. So now what do I do? That is the million dollar question. Any answers?
I Surrender
Forever I did pretend,
But look there is a bend,
And so I surrender,
The great pretender- 7-15 So today is another day and I worked so much, it left no time for thinking. This of course, as I’ve stated in the past, has its good points and bad points. So conclusions made today? Not many. I’m still grasping at my last rant and the choice that is looming. Because that is one choice I have to make. I just don’t have any idea how to go about it. How to convince my stubborn ass to let go. It’s almost like a joke. I sit here wondering…have I ever let go of anything?? Well, I suppose a few things- I wouldn’t be talking to my father OR brother if I hadn’t given up a few things…like extreme anger toward the both of them. But
I’m still having trouble conceiving of what I have to let go of exactly. I mean
I know for one I need to be okay with where I am and slow down. I keep re-reading
my words from last night and I have never spoken truer words than the paragraph
about being where I should be, and needing to stop driving forward. I can’t
get much more forward!! But for some reason, I am standing in the way. I know where I need to be. But I don’t know how to get there and parts of me are unwilling to travel there. They won’t let go. It is so painful for me to let go. I don’t know how to do it. And honestly, I’ve hit the point where I need to put up (get to the other side) or shut up (retreat back to bad side). I can’t sit here in the middle, I need to make a move. Of course I’m frightened. First, there is the letting go…I can’t even imagine how to broach that. And then there is the ‘how do I get there.’ I wonder if there will be some event that will push me over the edge?? I thought I’d hit rock bottom so many years ago…came pretty damn close to suicide, though no attempt was actually made. Self injury was pretty bad, have the scars to show for that. And I basically went down to hell every waking moment of my life for a while there. And that- that is what pushed me to therapy. So what if that was the push to therapy etc…but…but what if some other event needs to happen to finish pushing me across that line…to finally say, ya know what I’m done with this shit. I surrender. I am in a fight with myself. There is the loud obnoxious voice that tells me to keep going, keep going and it will go away, I will make my goals, I will accomplish what I set out to do- I will be someone in this life. But then, I have the weaker voice telling me that that is not how its supposed to be. I need peace and happiness there too. I need to find myself and find my peace. But the other side snaps back and says no, I need to stay driven to reach my goals. So I need to figure out a way to get that side to surrender. Geez, it’s so funny to hear myself talk like this. You think I could just say shut up and move on with my life. Give up a pointless fight and just get over myself. But it’s not that easy. For whatever reason one of the most painful things in the world is me giving up. Me surrendering. I guess I’ve been this way so long…and to really look at it- that is how I survived. My survival of my past was driving forward. But now I am forward, now I am in a damn good position. Good school, great job, a few good friends…a place to call home. But I still drive forward, when what I really need to do is stop and just feel good that I got here. I need to convince myself that I have arrived at where I’ve always wanted to be. I’m out on my own and making it. I have two parents…count that- two. I do have a father…I do have a mother, who I just have to learn to deal with. And not just one father, but I have two, which I’m learning can co-exist. So my task- convince myself that things are alright. My world is not upside down, I’m not alone, I’m not lost. I am where I need to be, I’m where I want to be. I’ve got the world at my feet. I can put my mind to things and get what I want. But somewhere in the confines of my mind, I have the little voices shouting that I’m inferior…that I may fail…that I am failing. School is still up in the air…my grades aren’t the best in the world. My attention to things and follow through on projects suck. I work too much, I care too much to stop working so much. I drive myself to the ground and the moment I let up, I feel like shit. My future happiness is contingent on one course of my life, when it should be more flexible. So many things swirling through my mind right now. And now is the time for action, for choice. So the question remains… what will I choose?
Lyrics running
through my head:
(Just washing it aside
7-13 And
also this poem:
I have decided that I am my own worst enemy. There is nobody that is being a
greater impediment to my recovery than myself. I have
no earthly idea who I am and thus, how in the hell do I know if I’m getting
better or what direction to take or anything. So who am I? I’m a person who
loves sports, loves children and loves helping other people. I like to play
video games and pretty much any kind of game. I love computers, I love snuggling
in my bed during a thunder storm. I love having this website and helping other
people. I like learning new things, especially with psychology. I like making
other people happy, I like making good grades in school. I don’t like
feeling exhausted, I don’t like feelings period. I don't
like being embarrassed or feeling like a loser. I don’t like my family
half the time, I don’t like feeling lost. I don’t like math or getting bad grades
on papers. I don’t like the feeling that I can’t concentrate,
I don’t like the feeling like I’m never good enough or not reaching my potential.
I don't like the dark when I can't see anything because then
I think someone or something is going to get me. I don’t like being
trapped, I don’t like intimacy, I don’t like myself, I don’t like how I act
sometimes. What I don’t know about my feelings is where it all comes from. I know sources of some pain, but I just can’t pin point things.
More about me: I feel like I’m never good enough. I feel no worth unless I’m
producing something, doing something. I just don’t feel like I’m good enough
for anyone and thus must work harder and harder. Did I cover it all? Ever since last week I have felt like a fake me, like I’m just going through the motions, but not really feeling anything. I hate that. I can’t articulate how I feel, at all. I just don’t know how to speak of the war going on in my head. It’s a freakin disaster. So here, I’ll make use of my time. I can probably counter all of the above statements with rational thoughts:
With my mom- I am my own person and don’t need to be what she wants me to be.
If she can’t deal with that, then that is her problem, not mine. I need to do
good enough for me, not her. So there, there are my freakin rational thoughts. Are they really rational? I’m not sure, but they sound rational to me. Though I know these rational thoughts the others still invade. It’s like I tell my rational self to ‘fuck off.’ It’s like I have two selves within me, constantly battling. It’s the rational side and other side. Each knows about the other and they are constantly trying to gain power in my head. I know both sides, yet can’t choose, or rather, I “know” but don’t “feel,” is a more accurate way to put it. It is so much hard work facing yourself and all the shit that goes with it. I think about it- all my life I’ve spent my time running…and so now I’m on this uphill battle and I just keep slipping back. So many times I’ve come close to just losing myself completely. It’s so much easier just to give into the dark and just let go. But for some reason I keep fighting, even when I have no more juice left to fight, I go on. I don’t know what keeps me going. But here I am fighting as always. I just wish it wasn’t so fucking hard. Well, this has turned into one hell of a long rant. So final thoughts: I’ve spent my life avoiding and right now it’s so damn hard to face stuff. I feel fake right now. I feel angry and sad..and I just don’t know how to get those feelings out of me. I just want to scream. I know what I used to do (hehe hence the site lol), but part of me chooses not to do that. However, I am getting closer and closer to just saying fuck it and returning to old habits that got me through the “lost” times. It’s fucking ridiculous that I am a fairly intelligent person, but I have no idea who I am, and I’m so freakin lost. I feel like a loser because of that. And hence why I’m not good enough. Look at me- I have the knowledge but here I am screwing up my life again. Yeah, real bright- go me…not. Alright that’s enough ranting, this is long enough as it is. Take care.
First thought: What in the Hell was I thinking/doing last week. I was so far gone it’s scary. I can’t tell you how many times I felt like putting my car through a tree, or taking a blade and having fun. I mean if you really think about it, just a flick of the wrist, for blade or car and your gone. Or at least very fucked up. Looking back to last week, I was definitely out of my mind. I was thinking all kinds of crazy shit. I shudder just thinking about it. How do I fly off the handle like that? What suddenly pushes me over the edge??? Ah, that’s enough thinking about that. Second thought: My role in my family. I’m the kid to make my family look good. I was thinking, that to my mom, because I have become successful she probably doesn’t think she’s done anything wrong. And for the life of her, she can’t figure out what I have to be depressed or anxious about. If I were to think about it, I’d say from the outside I’m pretty successful. Great job, great school, good grades, pretty self sufficient- I am doing pretty great in this world, compared to a lot of people. Yet on the inside, I’m pretty homeless and aimless. But the outside me my mom can show off to other people. I can’t tell you how many times she has told me that she talks about me all the time and how people comment about me to her etc. I know that makes her feel good because it makes her feel like she has done a good job, at least that is my perception of it. So as long as my inside me doesn’t interfere with the outside me, then she’s fine with that. My mom is a very outward person, meaning she cares a lot about looks. Though talking to you, she may convince you otherwise. So as long as I stay the “good” child, she’s fine, but the moment I crumble her perfect image, the moment I slip up and make her look like she’s done something wrong…that’s when I run into trouble with her. Lately I’ve been wondering why I get along so well with her. I wonder if it’s because I haven’t had a break down in a while. I’ve been pretty normal lately. No hospital since October, no real big fights etc. In fact, I’ve done nothing but good, from my job promotion to the work I’ve done with the kids etc. The outside me is perfectly intact with no sign of the inside me invading that territory. Ugh, who knows, maybe I’m just making this shit up and it’s not really true. Next thought please. Third thought: I’m not sure I really had a third thought, except that I’m really tired of talking about my mom…it sounds like I’m fucking whining and it’s getting on my nerves. I won’t see her for a while, so it’s all fine and dandy, I can’t stop thinking about her and what my next move has to be- ugh I need her out of my head.
Fourth thought: I’m starting to get in a crappy mood, so I’m going to end these
rants and get in a good mood. I am definitely doing better though, as everyone can tell in my rants- I pretty much flipped out. That is scary to me, because at any time I could have done something I regretted…but at the same time, that is how I know I am getting better- because I DIDN’T do something. I think in the past I would have definitely cut or downed a few pills. But I didn’t, which is a relief. This week I also bought some Vitamin E lotion and started using that…gotta get rid of these nasty scars, so let’s hope this at least fades them a little so I’m not afraid to get a tan. Well gotta go work- later everyone!
7-3 (4:21pm) And so here I am. At the end of my rope again. So exhausted that I can’t see straight and I sure as hell can’t think straight. I stopped really talking to anyone, including my counselor…I just shut everyone out, because in my head that was the safe route. No more turning over ugly stones, no more forcing myself to the truth, no more trying to protect the rotten thoughts in my brain. No more fighting my defenses- which is the most difficult thing to do. Out of everything, those remain the most out of control. But, I’m trying again to fight them and get them under control, as well as the rest of me. Today, I took the rest of the day off. I feel crappy and I’m exhausted. Granted I’m making that day up on Sunday, but at least for today I can breathe. I am even thinking of taking off a Thursday to Sunday to fly down to Ohio and mend some more broken fences with my father and brother. Why? Because as much as I’ve fought it, they are both a part of my life and I can’t deny that. And that would give me a breather, away from work and away from my family here. I love my mom etc but I’ve seen them almost every single weekend, and yes I need a break from them as well. And if I were to stay here, I would most definitely work instead of taking a break. I don’t know if I’m on the right path again, but at least I’m coming out of the fog that I’ve found myself in these last few weeks. Now that’s not saying I might post again freakin’ out about something ;-) I am no doubt sitting in a depression, but at least for this moment in time I am calm…and for me, a moment of calmness is pretty damn good.
7-3 (1:00am) So I just don’t know what to do anymore. I’m caught in a stand still. It’s like I’ve reached my limit with everything, and now I just don’t know what to do. And that is what scares me so much. The last time I was like this was my first time crashing. I did everything for everyone, did everything I was supposed to do. But like everything, I reached my limit, there was no more I could do. Yet people wanted more, and down I went. So I give up, I don’t know how to live life anymore…apparently I’ve been doing a pretty shitty job. So what do you do when you have nothing left to give?
What bothers me the most I think is my behavior during these times. Like I mentioned before- Inside I couldn’t be more fucked up, I feel so much inside, I am so angry, sad, scared and whatever the hell else…but outside I couldn’t be more pleasant to everyone. Sometimes I want to say something, but I just can’t bring myself to do it. Which I’m an idiot for not saying something to help myself. But I’d rather torture myself than even think about asking another person for help. I can’t do it. I’m not someone else’s problem, just me, it’s my problem, so why should I burden someone else with such crap. I guess that’s one thing I just can’t seem to ‘unlearn.’ Well I better stop writing before my thoughts get worse. I’m brain dead tonight…tired of thinking, tired of writing…just pretty much tired of everything. Tired
of these unwanted thoughts,
These times make me think of over two years ago when I almost killed myself...should have done it then and saved myself all this shit. That's when I had the most guts to do it. Sorry I'm bitching like this...I just feel...I just can't same to get ahead. Why in the fuck do I keep getting so damned depressed. I have everything going for me, I mean everything. And here I am praying to God to kill me or give me the guts to do it myself. I feel myself splitting again. On the outside I seem so very normal...I can smile and laugh with the best of 'em. But on the inside I"m thinking dreadful thoughts, as soon as I'm out of view of someone, my smile get's wiped off, and who the hell knows what I look like but it's not good. I'm also at the time where I can't tell anyone. There used to be people I'd tell if I was in a shitty mood, I might have even discussed why...but now I just avoid the questions and make life seem peachy. And I don't know what to fucking do about it. Especially since I don't know what precipitated all this. Every time I think things are going smoothly this shit happens. It's like my mind is protecting me from something. I get to close, nope, gotta move back...time to get way depressed again so that's all I think about then. I'm so fucking unhappy right now and I don't know what the fuck to do about it. I am so tired of feeling this way. Hell I even let a tear slip down...well sorta, the eyes watered, but nothing fell. Shit I can't even do that right. I wish I had just done the deed way back then to save myself and everyone else this shit. Current
Rants |
July Rants- 2003
7-30 And I guess I’m tired. I know everyone under the sun has warned me about getting burnt out on my job, and I wouldn’t say I’m burnt out on that, but my other project, this research I’m doing. I decided that if it became too much or other members of my team didn’t pick up the slack, or if this other member whom I dislike starts being a b**** then I would walk. I have worked very very hard on this research all summer, and no I don’t expect anything in return, I just want the other members to recognize the importance of the research and get a little more into then than have been. And I know my limits and if that is what is causing me the most stress…I think I need to take care of myself, I can always do it the following year. And so that is my thing recently. Wanting a life. I think it is finally becoming clear to me, that I’m right here where I always wanted to be. I am here, I made it. I’m alive and thriving. To me, that is awesome. I lost it more times than I can count, I’ve run, I’ve hid, I’ve hung off a cliff…but I’m here. A little scarred maybe, but not permanently (well sorta lol). Night time is still a struggle at times, times alone are still a struggle, but I’m learning. Being home is still a struggle, but I think time will heal some of that. Eh what am I saying…I believe some of what I am saying, but I’d be lying if I said the other side of me isn’t yelling at me. It is definitely kicking and screaming and making its stance known. But the fact is that part is growing more silent as the other side gathers strength…about damn time lol. I think I will still struggle for a while, and maybe at times in the future…but as I said earlier- I am here, I made it! Alright enough revelations for now, I’m tired lol. Long days ahead for the next few weeks, we’ll see how long I can keep this act up, but hey maybe this isn’t an act, maybe this is the real thing this time. It’s gotten hard to tell the difference! It’s like I’m in uncharted territory so I can’t tell what’s real, what’s an act, what’s what really!
Eh, what the hell am I saying,
I think I am rambling…so good night all, stay safe and take care. In light of that- how do I ever gain worth if I equate it with how much I can do? For some reason in my mind I cannot let up, or else I will fail. Which of course is a bad distortion of reality. I mean, I “know” that I won’t be a complete and utter failure if I don’t do everything, but my mind still tells me that I need to feel that way or I will let up. So the question remains- how do I give up that thought, without giving up my life. I am so wrapped up in that mode of thinking, that I think if I let go…it’ll kill me. Every time I have tried to let up just a little, I go bonkers, I flip out… thus returning to my un-healthy life style. I need to figure out a way to give myself worth, constant worth, but at the same time not equate it to work. Or how much I can accomplish. I
try listing my accomplishments: I
work an obscene number of hours for these children A
list of stuff that I’ve done for my kids that I work with. Then
I try to disqualify that stuff- The fact is that I did work my ass off…I could
have been lazy and gone to any old college. If
I can’t keep producing…what is my function in this world? I seem to have this
internal need- this need of having to have a function. I can’t just exist, but
must do for others. Or else I have no worth. So as everyone can now plainly see- I have one hell of a great illogical, distorted mind. And the problem with all of that right now- it is so very painful to let go of some of these thoughts because of the fear of emptiness- that I will be empty without producing, without doing, without driving myself. I remember that empty feeling- I felt it when I was planning and almost carried out my suicide two years ago. You want to know what scares me? THAT is what scares me, that is what keeps me driven. To never have to feel that again. I’m sure many of you out there know what I am talking about. What happened two years ago fucking scares me and I have tried to stay away from that time as much as possible. And I’ve come up against those feelings before- that is when I become the most suicidal, the most out of control. What scares me even more right now…as I am flirting with all this stuff- I can already feel myself losing grip and heading back down that emptiness trip. And that is what my mind protects…that is why I stand in my way- it’s my own twisted way of protecting myself from the unspeakable. So now what do I do? That is the million dollar question. Any answers?
I Surrender
Forever I did pretend,
But look there is a bend,
And so I surrender,
The great pretender- 7-15 So today is another day and I worked so much, it left no time for thinking. This of course, as I’ve stated in the past, has its good points and bad points. So conclusions made today? Not many. I’m still grasping at my last rant and the choice that is looming. Because that is one choice I have to make. I just don’t have any idea how to go about it. How to convince my stubborn ass to let go. It’s almost like a joke. I sit here wondering…have I ever let go of anything?? Well, I suppose a few things- I wouldn’t be talking to my father OR brother if I hadn’t given up a few things…like extreme anger toward the both of them. But
I’m still having trouble conceiving of what I have to let go of exactly. I mean
I know for one I need to be okay with where I am and slow down. I keep re-reading
my words from last night and I have never spoken truer words than the paragraph
about being where I should be, and needing to stop driving forward. I can’t
get much more forward!! But for some reason, I am standing in the way. I know where I need to be. But I don’t know how to get there and parts of me are unwilling to travel there. They won’t let go. It is so painful for me to let go. I don’t know how to do it. And honestly, I’ve hit the point where I need to put up (get to the other side) or shut up (retreat back to bad side). I can’t sit here in the middle, I need to make a move. Of course I’m frightened. First, there is the letting go…I can’t even imagine how to broach that. And then there is the ‘how do I get there.’ I wonder if there will be some event that will push me over the edge?? I thought I’d hit rock bottom so many years ago…came pretty damn close to suicide, though no attempt was actually made. Self injury was pretty bad, have the scars to show for that. And I basically went down to hell every waking moment of my life for a while there. And that- that is what pushed me to therapy. So what if that was the push to therapy etc…but…but what if some other event needs to happen to finish pushing me across that line…to finally say, ya know what I’m done with this shit. I surrender. I am in a fight with myself. There is the loud obnoxious voice that tells me to keep going, keep going and it will go away, I will make my goals, I will accomplish what I set out to do- I will be someone in this life. But then, I have the weaker voice telling me that that is not how its supposed to be. I need peace and happiness there too. I need to find myself and find my peace. But the other side snaps back and says no, I need to stay driven to reach my goals. So I need to figure out a way to get that side to surrender. Geez, it’s so funny to hear myself talk like this. You think I could just say shut up and move on with my life. Give up a pointless fight and just get over myself. But it’s not that easy. For whatever reason one of the most painful things in the world is me giving up. Me surrendering. I guess I’ve been this way so long…and to really look at it- that is how I survived. My survival of my past was driving forward. But now I am forward, now I am in a damn good position. Good school, great job, a few good friends…a place to call home. But I still drive forward, when what I really need to do is stop and just feel good that I got here. I need to convince myself that I have arrived at where I’ve always wanted to be. I’m out on my own and making it. I have two parents…count that- two. I do have a father…I do have a mother, who I just have to learn to deal with. And not just one father, but I have two, which I’m learning can co-exist. So my task- convince myself that things are alright. My world is not upside down, I’m not alone, I’m not lost. I am where I need to be, I’m where I want to be. I’ve got the world at my feet. I can put my mind to things and get what I want. But somewhere in the confines of my mind, I have the little voices shouting that I’m inferior…that I may fail…that I am failing. School is still up in the air…my grades aren’t the best in the world. My attention to things and follow through on projects suck. I work too much, I care too much to stop working so much. I drive myself to the ground and the moment I let up, I feel like shit. My future happiness is contingent on one course of my life, when it should be more flexible. So many things swirling through my mind right now. And now is the time for action, for choice. So the question remains… what will I choose?
Lyrics running
through my head:
(Just washing it aside
7-13 And
also this poem:
I have decided that I am my own worst enemy. There is nobody that is being a
greater impediment to my recovery than myself. I have
no earthly idea who I am and thus, how in the hell do I know if I’m getting
better or what direction to take or anything. So who am I? I’m a person who
loves sports, loves children and loves helping other people. I like to play
video games and pretty much any kind of game. I love computers, I love snuggling
in my bed during a thunder storm. I love having this website and helping other
people. I like learning new things, especially with psychology. I like making
other people happy, I like making good grades in school. I don’t like
feeling exhausted, I don’t like feelings period. I don't
like being embarrassed or feeling like a loser. I don’t like my family
half the time, I don’t like feeling lost. I don’t like math or getting bad grades
on papers. I don’t like the feeling that I can’t concentrate,
I don’t like the feeling like I’m never good enough or not reaching my potential.
I don't like the dark when I can't see anything because then
I think someone or something is going to get me. I don’t like being
trapped, I don’t like intimacy, I don’t like myself, I don’t like how I act
sometimes. What I don’t know about my feelings is where it all comes from. I know sources of some pain, but I just can’t pin point things.
More about me: I feel like I’m never good enough. I feel no worth unless I’m
producing something, doing something. I just don’t feel like I’m good enough
for anyone and thus must work harder and harder. Did I cover it all? Ever since last week I have felt like a fake me, like I’m just going through the motions, but not really feeling anything. I hate that. I can’t articulate how I feel, at all. I just don’t know how to speak of the war going on in my head. It’s a freakin disaster. So here, I’ll make use of my time. I can probably counter all of the above statements with rational thoughts:
With my mom- I am my own person and don’t need to be what she wants me to be.
If she can’t deal with that, then that is her problem, not mine. I need to do
good enough for me, not her. So there, there are my freakin rational thoughts. Are they really rational? I’m not sure, but they sound rational to me. Though I know these rational thoughts the others still invade. It’s like I tell my rational self to ‘fuck off.’ It’s like I have two selves within me, constantly battling. It’s the rational side and other side. Each knows about the other and they are constantly trying to gain power in my head. I know both sides, yet can’t choose, or rather, I “know” but don’t “feel,” is a more accurate way to put it. It is so much hard work facing yourself and all the shit that goes with it. I think about it- all my life I’ve spent my time running…and so now I’m on this uphill battle and I just keep slipping back. So many times I’ve come close to just losing myself completely. It’s so much easier just to give into the dark and just let go. But for some reason I keep fighting, even when I have no more juice left to fight, I go on. I don’t know what keeps me going. But here I am fighting as always. I just wish it wasn’t so fucking hard. Well, this has turned into one hell of a long rant. So final thoughts: I’ve spent my life avoiding and right now it’s so damn hard to face stuff. I feel fake right now. I feel angry and sad..and I just don’t know how to get those feelings out of me. I just want to scream. I know what I used to do (hehe hence the site lol), but part of me chooses not to do that. However, I am getting closer and closer to just saying fuck it and returning to old habits that got me through the “lost” times. It’s fucking ridiculous that I am a fairly intelligent person, but I have no idea who I am, and I’m so freakin lost. I feel like a loser because of that. And hence why I’m not good enough. Look at me- I have the knowledge but here I am screwing up my life again. Yeah, real bright- go me…not. Alright that’s enough ranting, this is long enough as it is. Take care.
First thought: What in the Hell was I thinking/doing last week. I was so far gone it’s scary. I can’t tell you how many times I felt like putting my car through a tree, or taking a blade and having fun. I mean if you really think about it, just a flick of the wrist, for blade or car and your gone. Or at least very fucked up. Looking back to last week, I was definitely out of my mind. I was thinking all kinds of crazy shit. I shudder just thinking about it. How do I fly off the handle like that? What suddenly pushes me over the edge??? Ah, that’s enough thinking about that. Second thought: My role in my family. I’m the kid to make my family look good. I was thinking, that to my mom, because I have become successful she probably doesn’t think she’s done anything wrong. And for the life of her, she can’t figure out what I have to be depressed or anxious about. If I were to think about it, I’d say from the outside I’m pretty successful. Great job, great school, good grades, pretty self sufficient- I am doing pretty great in this world, compared to a lot of people. Yet on the inside, I’m pretty homeless and aimless. But the outside me my mom can show off to other people. I can’t tell you how many times she has told me that she talks about me all the time and how people comment about me to her etc. I know that makes her feel good because it makes her feel like she has done a good job, at least that is my perception of it. So as long as my inside me doesn’t interfere with the outside me, then she’s fine with that. My mom is a very outward person, meaning she cares a lot about looks. Though talking to you, she may convince you otherwise. So as long as I stay the “good” child, she’s fine, but the moment I crumble her perfect image, the moment I slip up and make her look like she’s done something wrong…that’s when I run into trouble with her. Lately I’ve been wondering why I get along so well with her. I wonder if it’s because I haven’t had a break down in a while. I’ve been pretty normal lately. No hospital since October, no real big fights etc. In fact, I’ve done nothing but good, from my job promotion to the work I’ve done with the kids etc. The outside me is perfectly intact with no sign of the inside me invading that territory. Ugh, who knows, maybe I’m just making this shit up and it’s not really true. Next thought please. Third thought: I’m not sure I really had a third thought, except that I’m really tired of talking about my mom…it sounds like I’m fucking whining and it’s getting on my nerves. I won’t see her for a while, so it’s all fine and dandy, I can’t stop thinking about her and what my next move has to be- ugh I need her out of my head.
Fourth thought: I’m starting to get in a crappy mood, so I’m going to end these
rants and get in a good mood. I am definitely doing better though, as everyone can tell in my rants- I pretty much flipped out. That is scary to me, because at any time I could have done something I regretted…but at the same time, that is how I know I am getting better- because I DIDN’T do something. I think in the past I would have definitely cut or downed a few pills. But I didn’t, which is a relief. This week I also bought some Vitamin E lotion and started using that…gotta get rid of these nasty scars, so let’s hope this at least fades them a little so I’m not afraid to get a tan. Well gotta go work- later everyone!
7-3 (4:21pm) And so here I am. At the end of my rope again. So exhausted that I can’t see straight and I sure as hell can’t think straight. I stopped really talking to anyone, including my counselor…I just shut everyone out, because in my head that was the safe route. No more turning over ugly stones, no more forcing myself to the truth, no more trying to protect the rotten thoughts in my brain. No more fighting my defenses- which is the most difficult thing to do. Out of everything, those remain the most out of control. But, I’m trying again to fight them and get them under control, as well as the rest of me. Today, I took the rest of the day off. I feel crappy and I’m exhausted. Granted I’m making that day up on Sunday, but at least for today I can breathe. I am even thinking of taking off a Thursday to Sunday to fly down to Ohio and mend some more broken fences with my father and brother. Why? Because as much as I’ve fought it, they are both a part of my life and I can’t deny that. And that would give me a breather, away from work and away from my family here. I love my mom etc but I’ve seen them almost every single weekend, and yes I need a break from them as well. And if I were to stay here, I would most definitely work instead of taking a break. I don’t know if I’m on the right path again, but at least I’m coming out of the fog that I’ve found myself in these last few weeks. Now that’s not saying I might post again freakin’ out about something ;-) I am no doubt sitting in a depression, but at least for this moment in time I am calm…and for me, a moment of calmness is pretty damn good.
7-3 (1:00am) So I just don’t know what to do anymore. I’m caught in a stand still. It’s like I’ve reached my limit with everything, and now I just don’t know what to do. And that is what scares me so much. The last time I was like this was my first time crashing. I did everything for everyone, did everything I was supposed to do. But like everything, I reached my limit, there was no more I could do. Yet people wanted more, and down I went. So I give up, I don’t know how to live life anymore…apparently I’ve been doing a pretty shitty job. So what do you do when you have nothing left to give?
What bothers me the most I think is my behavior during these times. Like I mentioned before- Inside I couldn’t be more fucked up, I feel so much inside, I am so angry, sad, scared and whatever the hell else…but outside I couldn’t be more pleasant to everyone. Sometimes I want to say something, but I just can’t bring myself to do it. Which I’m an idiot for not saying something to help myself. But I’d rather torture myself than even think about asking another person for help. I can’t do it. I’m not someone else’s problem, just me, it’s my problem, so why should I burden someone else with such crap. I guess that’s one thing I just can’t seem to ‘unlearn.’ Well I better stop writing before my thoughts get worse. I’m brain dead tonight…tired of thinking, tired of writing…just pretty much tired of everything. Tired
of these unwanted thoughts,
These times make me think of over two years ago when I almost killed myself...should have done it then and saved myself all this shit. That's when I had the most guts to do it. Sorry I'm bitching like this...I just feel...I just can't same to get ahead. Why in the fuck do I keep getting so damned depressed. I have everything going for me, I mean everything. And here I am praying to God to kill me or give me the guts to do it myself. I feel myself splitting again. On the outside I seem so very normal...I can smile and laugh with the best of 'em. But on the inside I"m thinking dreadful thoughts, as soon as I'm out of view of someone, my smile get's wiped off, and who the hell knows what I look like but it's not good. I'm also at the time where I can't tell anyone. There used to be people I'd tell if I was in a shitty mood, I might have even discussed why...but now I just avoid the questions and make life seem peachy. And I don't know what to fucking do about it. Especially since I don't know what precipitated all this. Every time I think things are going smoothly this shit happens. It's like my mind is protecting me from something. I get to close, nope, gotta move back...time to get way depressed again so that's all I think about then. I'm so fucking unhappy right now and I don't know what the fuck to do about it. I am so tired of feeling this way. Hell I even let a tear slip down...well sorta, the eyes watered, but nothing fell. Shit I can't even do that right. I wish I had just done the deed way back then to save myself and everyone else this shit. Current
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