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Metaphysical Descriptions of Gemstones


Metaphysical Descriptions & Properties Of Gemstones

Descriptions are from "Love is in the Earth, a Kaleidoscope of Crystals" by Melody

"The Crystal Awareness Guide" by Legion of Light and many, many other sources.

I carry most of the following stones in my store.


Abalone Shell - Can stimulate fertility of both mind and body and can protect us against uncooperative attitudes and actions.

Agates - For Cancer. Tones and strengthens body & mind. This stone grounds us, but gives us energy for completion of tasks.

Ajoite- Enhances emotional health. Goddess energies.

Ametrine - Corrects DNA. In meditation and attunement, it can help one to reach higher states of consciences more quickly; leading to peace, tranquility and cooperation.

Amethyst - "Stone of spirituality and contentment. Amethyst bestows stability, strength, invigoration, and peace, the peace being the perfect peace, which was present prior to birth. It is "warm and cuddly" as well as regal and ruling. It has been used to encourage and support sobriety. It is an excellent stone for one who is attempting to find freedom from addictive personalities (oneself or another). Calming, strong, protective qualities, healing, divine love and inspiration. Enhances one's psychic and creative abilities. Good for meditation.

Amazonite - It is used for people with HIV/AIDS. Know as the "writers stone "because over the years it has worked well with the many writers and speakers that are drawn to our site and our shop. According to Melody, it soothes all chakras and is particularly rejuvenating to the heart center and throat chakra. It enhances communications concerning love. It is also used for improving "self worth". It can be used in the treatment in disorders of the nervous system and to dissipate energy blockages which could propagate the improper flow of neural impulses: like I said, it's a great stone for writers and other creative types that use voice or hands for a living.

Amber - Amber is a fossilized resin. It allows the body to heal itself by absorbing and transmuting negative energy into positive energy. Used for the treatment goiter and other diseases of the throat. It has been used in the treatment of disorders of the kidneys and bladder. Purifies the birthing and re-birthing rooms. It allows the body to heal itself by absorbing and transmuting negative energy into positive energy. It stimulates the intellect and opens the crown chakra. It also transmutes the energy of physical vitality toward the activation of unconditional love. It aligns the ethereal energies to the physical, mental, and emotional bodies, providing for an even flow of perfect order to the requirements of the Earth plane while balancing the electro-magnetics of the physical body.

Amonite - 450-500 million year fossil. These can be used to both heighten and supplement ones accomplishments in business and instill quality and excellence in ones life.

Angel Aura-  

Angel Phantom Quartz-  

Angel Wing Agate - "Angelic Connectors" Can be used to diminish distractions & to further the abilities of concentration. It allows us to realize an alternative solution to a problem or situation, so that the situation or problem will change to a positive one.

Apache Tear - Removes barriers which are self-limiting.

Apatite - Fights off viruses. Helps with mis-communication. It can help to integrate, co-ordinate, and balance the emotional intellectual, physical, and etheric bodies. It can further the connection with UFOs and can provide access to past - life insight and telepathy. Apatite enhances creativity. It is a stone of the future and will bring knowledge to those attuned to it by clearing mental confusion. It truly awakens the finer, inner - self. Wearing or carrying Apatite has successfully produced hunger suppression: an elixir made of the material has also produced the same results.

Aquamarine - Aids healing grief, swollen glands, improves ones vision, promotes tolerance & connects with the higher self. It activates & cleanses the throat chakra. It emits a gentle and compassionate energy. It helps one to be more tolerable and to be less judgmental.

Aqua Aura - Aqua Aura is quartz crystal that has been treated with pure gold in solution and when electrical current is applied in a special machines, fuses the gold molecules to the surface of the quartz. Metaphysically it has the qualities of both quartz and gold. Quartz has a harmonizing effect and aligns the chakra system. Gold imparts a more assertive energy to the wearer and the blue color helps stimulate the throat chakra, improving communications abilities through speaking.

Aventurine (green) - It reinforces ones decisiveness, amplifies ones leadership qualities, and is a willing participant in instinctive action. Emotional tranquility, positive attitudes towards life, brings one into alignment with their center. Independence, health and well being, heals the heart chakra.

Aventurine (red/orange) - This material provides reflective qualities so that one can recognize the flaws of humanity and can remain in the heart space to continue to love this same humanity. It can help one look at a situation incomplete detail, magnifying those aspects of importance. It provides for self-reflection, and allows one to recognize that "In each person you see but the reflection of that which you choose to have that person be." It can be used when fasting, to reduce hunger.

Azurite- It activates and enhances mental powers.

Black Obsidian - Called the "Mirror Stone" it reflects ones personal shortcomings such that they can come to the conscious to be dealt with, then let go of. The most well know of the different colors is Apache Tears black obsidian. Obsidian can help protect against the negativity of others and has a grounding influence helping one to stay focused in the moment. It can also help to stimulate analytical capabilities and precision, and can help promote a forgiving attitude and release of grievances. It relieves stress. Strengthens bone marrow. Rids us of bad habits. Helps us retain physical strength. (Same as Obsidian)

Black Onyx - "for initiating the modes of centering and alignment of the total person with the higher powers." "Can be used to banish grief, to enhance self-control, to stimulate the power of wise decision making, and to encourage happiness and good fortune". It is grounding and can be used to deflect or absorb the negativity of others.

Black Tourmaline - This stone repels and protects against ALL TYPES of Negative Energy.

Bloodstone - Strengthens and oxygenates blood stream. Enhances physical/mental vitality. Strengthens heart, spleen, and bone marrow. Aids in balancing vitamin deficiencies. Reduces emotional and mental stress. "The Stone of Courage" - also for renewal of the physical mental and emotional bodies. Another powerful healer. It helps one toward the direct union with the divine through contemplation, prayer or mediation and love. It has been used to stabilize, as necessary, the flow of blood. Also a very good gem for those in business - self employed.

Blue Calcite - It is a calming stone. It increases your intuition.

Blue Lace Agate - Known as the "Connect With Your Angels Stone". The energy of this mineral is most useful at the throat chakra, the heart chakra, the third eye, and crown chakra. Activating these chakras, it helps one to enter in to high frequency states of awareness. It can be used in the treatment of arthritic conditions and in cases of "hereditary bone deformity: it can also be used to strengthen the skeletal structure." It is useful to enhance the mending of breaks and fractures. It can help to remove blockages from the nervous system and from the capillaries of the body. Used for depression and the emotions.

Boji Stone - They align all the subtle bodies and they  balance and aligns the chakras. They also remove energy blockages. They have also been used in general healing and in tissue regeneration.

Bornite (Peacock Rock)- "Stone of Happiness". It protects one from bombardment of negative energy. Provides insight to the obstacles, which may block ones progress toward a specific goal.

Botswana Agate - Treats allergies, nervous disorders. Rids the body of toxins & counteracts poisoning on all levels. Allows one to look toward the solution, rather than dwell on the problem.

Carnelian - It protects against fear, envy, and rage, and helps to banish sorrow from the emotional structure. The message of carnelian is that since one "is" love, there is nothing to do but to offer the love - each offering of love bringing an exponential increase in the quantity of love returned. Carnelian stimulates inquisitiveness and subsequent initiative. It can assist one in drama and pursuits related to theatrical presentations. Balances creativity & mental. Helps with wheezing.

Cave Pearls -

Chalcedony - "Nurturing Stone" Sacred stone to Native American Indians. Balances the energy of the body, mind, emotions & spirit. Alleviates hostilities, irritability. Enhances generosity and openness. Used for dementia, senility and increases mental stability.


Chrysoprase - It activates and opens the heart chakra. Helps one to find peace within. Treats disorders of the hear and all heart diseases. Can help to heal a Broken Heart", enabling one to understand the patterns of growth in our lives.

Citrine - Eliminates toxins from the body. Aids in digestion and their disorders. Promoted the circulation of blood throughout out the entire body. It cleared the Aura. It is one of the few minerals on the planet, which does not hold and accumulate negative energy, but dissipates and transmutes it, working out problems on both physical and subtle levels. Citrine is one of the stones to be called "merchants stone" - placing citrine in ones cash box has produced more income for the merchant. Diminishes self-destructive tendencies. Raises self esteem lightheartedness cheerfulness hope. Warming, energizing and attracts abundance, affects naval and crown chakras.

Copper Nuggets-

Danburite-  This stone encourages you to "let your light shine", helps people to get along with each other. It can be used in the treatment of ailments of the gall bladder and the liver. It also removes toxins from the body.

Dream Quartz-

Desert Rose (Petrified Rose) - Enhances our friendships with harmony, love, compassion and understanding.

Emerald - Tonic for body/mind/spirit. Good for disease of the eyes. "Stone of successful love". It is said to provide domestic bliss and instill both sensitivity and loyalty within the self and within others as well.

Florida Fulgurites-

Fluorite - Excellent for advancement of mind, greater concentration, meditation. Helps one to grasp higher, more abstract concepts. Facilitates inter dimensional communication. Pulls negativity out the body’s energy field. Good for mental disorders & nervous system disorders. Good for PMS and menopause.

Gaia Stone- Goddess connection. Also promotes and enhances prosperity.

Garnet -modern birthstone of January - known as the "stone of health" ridding the body of negative energies and transmuting them to a beneficial state. Also know in the past as a " stone of commitment" - to purpose, to others, to oneself. The loving power of garnet tends to reflect the attributes of devotion, bringing the love of others to expressions of warmth and understanding. It both monitors and adjusts the flow of energy, providing for a balanced energy field around the physical body and aligning the emotional and intellectual bodies with the perfection of "All that is". (From Melody's book Love is in the Earth) Balances the thyroid and their disorders.

Green Calcite - It soothes the heart, the heart chakra and emotions.

Green Jade - Jade facilitates peace within the physical, emotional, and intellectual structures, as well as within the materialistic world. It was said to bring accord the environment, to transmute negativity and to instill resourcefulness. "Very Lucky Stone".

Green Tourmaline - This stone is used to attract success, prosperity, and abundance. Place one in your piggy bank, coin purse or wallet. Good for treating the diseases in the immune system and is also good for weight loss.

Healer's Gold - Also known as Pyrite. Repairs DNA. Good for the treatment of bronchitis, PCP and other lung disorders. Promotes a positive outlook, and facilitates inspiration. It is used by healers. This stone is the source of prana or life force, and balances the energy systems.

Hematite - Circulates oxygen through out the entire body. Slightly grounding, reduces stress, enhances personal magnetism, optimism, will, courage. "Stone for the mind" it helps one to realize that the only limitations which exist are self-limiting concepts within the mind. Stimulates attainment of peace, self-control, and inner happiness. Balances yin-yang energies. Assists in the focusing of energy and emotions for balance between the body, mind, and spirit. Helps transform negativity to the purity of the universal light of love.

Herkimer Diamond - Used for treatment for imbalance in behavior patterns & stimulates psychic ability. Used to treat disorders of the pancreas, spleen, and gall bladder. It stimulates directness and passion, allowing one to recognize both the needs of the moment and the impact of the potential future consequences.

Honey Calcite - Boosts physical and spiritual energy.

Honey Jade - Powerful emotional balance radiates divine unconditional love. Dispels negativity from the third chakra (solar plexus). It has been used by the ancients {and some current} primitive tribes as a sacred stone, assisting one in access to the spiritual worlds.

Howlite - This mineral can be used to calm communication, to facilitate awareness, and to encourage emotional expression. It builds an innate decency within ones character, encouraging those attributes which are the building blocks to spirituality.

Infinite-  Good for Kundalini activation and healing.

Iolite- Also known as Cordierite and "water sapphire" is usually a blue to violet colored gemstone - is a pleochroic gem meaning that when viewed from different orientations, it displays different colors. Metaphysical properties include: stimulation of the third eye, enhancement of your inner knowing; helps one to eliminate debt by accepting responsibility which leads to successful management of money; has been a stone worn by Shamans in the past to insure accuracy of visions; also can aid the elimination of disharmony in relationships.

Jade-  Comes in many colors. Jade facilitates peace within the physical, emotional, and intellectual structures, as well as within the materialistic world. It was said to bring accord the environment, to transmute negativity and to instill resourcefulness. "Very Lucky Stone".

Jasper (Leopard skin variety) - "Known as the 'supreme nurturer'. It is often worn by shaman to provide protection. It balances the yin yang energy and balances the physical, emotional, and intellectual bodies with the etheric energies. It stabilizes the aura, providing for a cleansing effect to smooth dysfunctional energies and eliminate negativity".

Jasper (Picture jasper variety) - It can be used to further both the development and continuance of business pursuits - to provide for coordination of activities leading to increase. It has been known as "the stone of Global Awareness" - It promotes "brotherhood" to work together to save the planet. It emits an energy, which promotes the spiritual affinity to achieve perfect accord between humanity and nature; it is one of the "earth Stones" for the age of redemption & cleansing of the earth. It can be used to stimulate the proper functioning of the immune system, and can be helpful in the treatment of disorder associated with skin and kidneys.

Jet - The Stone of prosperity, success and financial fulfillment. It also is good for psychic protection. Also is used for purification of the body.

Cyanide (Blue)- Stone of attunement. It aligns all the chakras automatically. Cyanide will not accumulate or retain negative energy. Wearing it protects the body from the negative effects from others and situations. Helps induce the recall of dreams to promote problem solving while dreaming. Cyanide facilitates meditation and accesses energy when asked upon. It dispels energy blockage, moving energy from the ethereal to the physical body.

Cyanide (Green)- Good for healing the hearts wisdom.

Cyanide (Indigo)- It stimulates mind centers, psychic ability, lucid dreaming and astral travel.

Labradorite  (AKA Spectrolite)- It is said to represent the "temple of the stars", assisting one in sustaining and maintaining, while providing for the understanding of the destiny one has chosen. It assists during traverse changes, attracting strength and perseverance. It symbolizes the moon and the sun. Used for disorders of the brain & stimulates the mental. Assists in digestion, regulation and in the metabolism. Promotes refinement of action and discernment in direction. It allows for recognition that humanity represents "being of light", transcending the limitations of the past and thoughts of the future, and embracing the infinite possibilities of the moment. It can assist in digestion, regulation and metabolism. Also used to clarify eyes.

Lapis Lazuli - Treats disorders of the throat, bone marrow, thymus gland & immune system. Helps with symptoms of: vertigo, insomnia & dizziness. Energizes the throat chakra. Augments strength, vitality, virility, mental clarity, and illumination. Enhances psychic abilities and communication with higher self and spirit guides. Creative expression. It has also been used as a protective stone, sheltering the wearer/carrier from physical danger and psychic attacks. Lapis Lazuli is a "stone of total awareness", helping to expand awareness and intellectual capacity, and allowing for conscious attunement to the intuitive and psychic aspects of ones nature. "The stone of Royalty".

Lemurian Seed Crystal- Heart Awakening and opening.

Lodestone- Naturally  magnetic, and balances the aura.

Malachite - Sometimes called "the stone of transformation" assisting one in changing situations, and providing for the transfer of sacred information to spiritual evolution; clears and activates all chakras balancing and equalizing it can create an unobstructed path leading to a desired goal. Used for people with HIV/AIDS. Facilitates the rise of spirituality and the enhancement of psychic abilities. Strengthens the circulatory system, and the heart. Protects against radiation and can be used in the treatment of asthma, swollen joints, tumors, growths, broken bones and torn muscles.

Meteorite- It expands our consciousness, opens the crown chakra for grounding Light energies.

Moldavite- Is a tektite, and was formed during meteoritic action. It is one of the rarest varieties of tektite, was formed over 15 million years ago, and is the only known "gem quality" stone of extra-terrestrial origin.

Morganite- Divine Love, healing the heart chakra.

Moonstone - The energy of moonstone is balancing, introspective, reflective, and lunar. It is capable of helping one with the changing structures of ones life on the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels. Opens our psychic potential. Once called the "travelers stone" it is used for protection against the perils of travel. Moonstone is also a talisman of  GOOD FORTUNE. It is also said to both arouse tenderness within the self and to bring happiness to the environment in which it resides. Relieves female problems, cramps & soothes the birthing process and also the "change of life" & menopause for woman.

Moss Agate - Treats: dehydration & disorders of the eyes. It stimulates digestion. Relieves colds, infections and flu symptoms. Helps improve ego and self-esteem, providing for emotional balancing and strengthening of the positive personality traits.

Mother of Pearl- It signifies faith, charity, and innocence, enhances personal integrity, and helps to provide focus to ones attention. The pearl has been known as a "stone of sincerity", bring truth to situations and loyalty to a "cause". It has been used to inhibit boisterous behavior, and to provide a reflection of the self such that one may see the manner in which one appears to others.

Obsidian - Called the "Mirror Stone" it reflects ones personal shortcomings such that they can come to the conscious to be dealt with, then let go of. The most well know of the different colors is Apache Tears black obsidian. Obsidian can help protect against the negativity of others and has a grounding influence helping one to stay focused in the moment. It can also help to stimulate analytical capabilities and precision, and can help promote a forgiving attitude and release of grievances. It relieves stress. Strengthens bone marrow. Rids us of bad habits. Helps us retain physical strength. (Same as Black Obsidian)

Orange Calcite - 2nd Chakra, opens creativity and enhances sexuality.

Onyx - "for initiating the modes of centering and alignment of the total person with the higher powers." "Can be used to banish grief, to enhance self-control, to stimulate the power of wise decision making, and to encourage happiness and good fortune". It is grounding and can be used to deflect or absorb the negativity of others.

Peacock Rock (Bornite)- "Stone of Happiness". It protects one from bombardment of negative energy. Provides insight to the obstacles, which may block ones progress toward a specific goal.

Petrified Rose - Enhances our friendships with harmony, love, compassion and understanding.

Pearl - It signifies faith, charity, and innocence, enhances personal integrity, and helps to provide focus to ones attention. The pearl has been known as a "stone of sincerity", bring truth to situations and loyalty to a "cause". It has been used to inhibit boisterous behavior, and to provide a reflection of the self such that one may see the manner in which one appears to others.

Peridot- also known as gem Olivine and Chrysolite - is the traditional birthstone of August - color is usually a green yellow - hardness is 6.5 to 7 This gemstone emits a warm friendly energy; works on both the heart and solar plexus chakras; acts to provide a shield of protection around the body; to help prevent outside influences from affecting alignment and balance. Helps one to find happiness within ones self, over coming anger and jealousy.

Petalite- Accessing the higher consciousness.

Petrified Wood - Aligns the back & skeletal system. Treats hearing loss and incontinence. "Stone of Transformation: It provides strength in all areas of ones life. It assists with patience and determination.


Pink Calcite - Love energy and soothes emotions.

Pink Tourmaline - Allows one to trust the power of love. It can promote the feelings of joy and enthusiasm for life by releasing destructive tendencies.

Prophecy Stones-  

Pyrite (also known as Healer's Gold) - Repairs DNA. Good for the treatment of bronchitis, PCP and other lung disorders. Promotes a positive outlook, and facilitates inspiration. It is used by healers. This stone is the source of prana or life force, and balances the energy systems.

Quartz (clear) - "Can bring the energy of the stars into the soul". Traditionally, the natural quartz crystal was said to both harmonize and align human energies, thoughts, consciousness, and emotions - with the energies of the universe and to make these greater energies available to humanity. The natural tendency of quartz is for harmony, and is recognized as a "Stone of Power". Stimulates brain function & power, aids clarity of mind. Dispels negativity in ones energy field and environment, aligns all chakras, a very powerful healer.

Red Calcite - 1st Chakra, awakens and balances.

Red Jasper - For Cancer & tissue damage. Aids the dreamer to remember the aspects of a dream that may be important in ones life. Treats immune system disorders.

Rhodonite - Has been called "the stone of love" and helps one to achieve to his/her greatest potential. It activates and energizes the heart chakra, and conveys the resonance of unconditional love to the physical plane. It dispels anxiety and promotes coherence, bringing the user and observant nature and facilitating attention to details and interrelationships.

Rhodochrosite - This mineral has been called a "Stone of Love and Balance", providing balancing and love on all levels for all bodies. It contains pulsating electrical energy, which emits the strongest power in the universe, the power of love. Rhodochrosite is also an Earth stone for healing of the Earth and for showing love to the Mother of us all. It helps one to serve the planet in Her time of need, allowing for one to recognize that the responsibility is actually a joy. It removes tendencies toward avoidance or denial and helps one to be willing to both accept and to integrate "new" information while maintaining a clarity of intellect and a moderate ideal of practicality. Aids: the heart, kidneys, spleen & blood circulation. Heals emotional wounds.

Rose Quartz - "Stone of Love & Self Love". It emits a calming, cooling energy, which can work on all chakras to gently remove negativity and to reinstate the loving, gentle forces of self-love. Good to wear in a chaotic or crisis situation. It is "the stone of gentle love" bringing peace and calm to relationships. It can be used for spiritual attunement to the energy of love. It is a rejuvenating agent for both physical body and the emotions. It is an excellent energy for healing emotional "wounds". An excellent stone to give to express friendship. Used for healing of emotional wounds of the heart.

Ruby - Stone of Nobility. Stimulates the heart chakra. It has been used to induce stability in one economic status; it has been said that as long as one has a ruby, wealth will never depart. Used for the treatment of a fever, and heart disorders relating to blood flow through the ventricles. It can be used to decrease the length of time required for chemicals and toxins to exit the body. Protects the wearer/carrier against unhappiness and distressing dreams.

Rutilated Quartz- Enhances life - force, strengthens immune systems, and brain function. Gives more energy on all levels. Eases depression. Facilitates communication, increases clairvoyance. Highly electrical, more intensity than clear quartz, transmutes negativity, enhances communication with spirit guides. A great physical healer.

Sahara Fulgurites-

Sapphire - This mineral is used to get rid of unwanted thoughts and bring joy and peace of mind--instilling joy and beauty. "Stone of Prosperity". Used in the treatment of disorders of the blood, to combat excessive bleeding, and to strengthen the walls of the veins. Treatment of cellular disorders. Good for mental powers and self discipline.

Selenite - This mineral provides clarity of the mind, expanding ones awareness of the self and your surroundings. Telepathy and interdimensional travel. Used to access past-lives as well as future lives. Used to align the spinal column. Used to treat cancer, tumors, age spots, wrinkles, and light sensitivity. Used to correct disorders and deformities of the skeletal system, and to stabilize epileptic disorders. Said to expand ones lifespan.

Serpentine - For Diabetes & pancreas disorders and hypoglycemia. Eliminates parasitic infestations within the body, and to increase the absorption of calcium and magnesium. Balances the blood sugar. Used to treat the immune system. Used for

Shaman Stones- Healing Journey.

Shiva Lingams- Activates the Kundalini. It is also for sexuality.

Smoky Quartz - It can be used to gently dissolve negative energies and emotional blockages. It can be used to initiate a powerful force field which will absorb many forms of negativity, both from within ones self and from other forces. It promotes personal pride and joy in living. Smoky quartz has been used to regulate creativity in business, and to encourage astute-ness in purchasing. It works to diffuse communication deficiencies and to dissolve mental and emotional blockages, which limit perception and learning. It increases fertility. Grounding and protection.

Sodalite - This blue mineral helps one to stimulate communications and psychic abilities. Also balances male/ female polarities - alleviates fear, calms and clears the mind, brings clarity and truth. Opens psychic abilities. It is slightly sedative and grounding. Aids pancreas, balances endocrine system, strengthens and balances metabolism and lymphatic system. Known for 3rd Eye activation.

Snowflake Obsidian - It allows one to recognize the unnecessary pattern which remain in ones life and to re-design ones thought patters to provide relief from undesired conditions. It is "the stone of purity" and balance to the body, mind, and spirit. It is a stone with calming abilities-also known as the "Dream Stone". Promotes restful nights in children as well as adults, and prevents "nightmares".

Spectrolite- It is said to represent the "temple of the stars", assisting one in sustaining and maintaining, while providing for the understanding of the destiny one has chosen. It assists during traverse changes, attracting strength and perseverance. It symbolizes the moon and the sun. Used for disorders of the brain & stimulates the mental. Assists in digestion, regulation and in the metabolism. Promotes refinement of action and discernment in direction. It allows for recognition that humanity represents "being of light", transcending the limitations of the past and thoughts of the future, and embracing the infinite possibilities of the moment. It can assist in digestion, regulation and metabolism. Also used to clarify eyes. (also known as Labradorite)

Spider Jasper- A powerful talisman of self healing and well-being. It activates the root chakra, bringing in more life force energies, and protects against negative influences in both one's inner and outer influences. Outwardly, it offers and invisible protective shield from the negativity of others, and inwardly, it brings to awareness aspects of oneself that are unconsciously negative. For this inner purification, sleeping with this stone is highly recommended. The answers will come in dreams.

Sunstone - Relieves Ulcers. Treats rheumatism, aching feet & spinal problems. Can be used to dissipate fearfulness, alleviate stress, and increase vitality in men and woman.

Tektite - It is a form of meteoric glass from outer space. It is said that it is a piece of our moon or a piece of the planet Mars. Tektites can be used in the treatment of fevers, to reduce transmission of disorders, and to dispel transmitted diseases, especially those which have no immediately known origin. Carry one to strengthen ones energy field.

Tiger-Eye  (golden brown)- It is helpful for individuals seeking clarity and for those who must deal intelligently with the scattered details, which must be brought together in some pattern. It can be used to enhance the psychic abilities and can assist in the gentle attunement of third eye activity. This stone is best suited to earthy people. It has been used to stimulate wealth and to enhance the stability required maintaining wealth. Produces soothing vibrations, generating a calmness to unsettled turmoil, and allowing one to enjoy the actions of being unfenced and uninhibited. Can be used to enhance self-empowerment.

Tiger-Eye (Blue)- Good for digestive system, spleen & colon.

Tiger-Eye  (Red)-  Grounding, strength & protection. 

Topaz - "Stone of True Love",  Promotes success in all endeavors. Aids in individuality and creativity. Replaces negativity with love and joyfulness.

Tourmalated Quartz - You get the energy of black tourmaline which deflects the negative energy of others plus the alignment and harmonizing energy of quartz. Black tourmaline also has a grounding effect helping one to stay protected and focused in the present. Quartz tends to raise the vibration of any other crystal or mineral in the area. Balances male - female energies within one's self.

Tourmaline- Nurturing the heart chakra.

Turquoise - Tones, strengthens entire body, aids tissue regeneration, circulation, lungs, respiratory system. Creative expression, peace of mind, emotional balance, communication, friendship, and loyalty. Throat chakra.

Unakite - It acts to balance the emotional body, bringing it into alignment with the higher forces of spirituality. It can be used to help one go beneath the physical symptoms of dis-ease and to allow for the determination of the root cause underlying the condition; the cause becoming apparent in the cases of the physical, mental, emotional & spiritual planes of existence. It can be used in the treatment of the reproductive system, and to stimulate healthy pregnancies while facilitating the health of the unborn.

Zincite Crystals-



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