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Davis Family Tree
by Lynda Archard
©: September 2007

September 15th 2007

Possible links

Bits and Pieces I found on the Internet:

I typed in "Isaac Davis" Whitechapel and found this on a Jack the Ripper forum:

Check it here

63, High Street Whitechapel, where Harry Harris was living in 1891 was the location of the Whitechapel Feather Mills, a mattress and bedding manufacturing company started prior to 1861 by an Isaac Davis. His sister Julia married Harry Harris and worked as a housekeeper for a ?Jack Davis who emigrated from Montreal, Canada to help out with the business when Isaac became infirm.Jack Davis and a brother ran a similiar business in Montreal. Isaac Davis and his wife Hannah were living at 23, ComptonTerrace,Highbury, Islington at this time. Various relatives had lived at 63, High Street from 1871 onwards -after Isaac and his wife moved and were either employees or were housesitting.

Isaac Davis's father was at one time a Furniture Dealer living at 1, Bull Court, Spitalfields.I'm afraid I don't know anything about the Harris family, but they may very well have been in the furniture business. ________________________________________

Could the first Isaac have been born to a furniture dealer? Is this why Judah was abroad when his daughter was born?

The Isaac in the article was born in 1831 in the same area of Whitechapel, 3 years before Judah probably before our Isaac was married to Rosetta. Judahs Dad didn't have a son called Isaac, which at that time it was unusual not to call their children after names within the family. Our first Isaac could have had brothers one of whom had a son named Isaac who could be Judahs cousin.

Anyway, This Isaac was 11 on the 1841 census, born to Abraham Davis aged 40 a clothes dealer (who could have became a furniture dealer later) born in England. His Mother was Catherine aged 35 and he had sisters Sarah aged 15, Elizabeth aged 13, Julia 8, Annah 4 and brothers Soloman 6 and Samuel 2.

The reason I researched this was because there was a retired furniture dealer called Abraham Davis living in East Street Newington as a lodger aged 75 years. Could he have moved closer to his family? I can't remember which year it was but it was the time our family lived there. I did save all the documents to my computer of every Davis I found when I researched East Street but I need to go through them. It just seems too much of a coincidence to be born in the same area and then move into the same road of a different location, close to people with the same name. I thought it was worth recording just in case proof can be found later. You never know!

HENRY COX and ISAAC DAVIS, theft with violence : highway robbery, 19th February, 1823 I hope this isn't a relative of ours!

Are we related? Isaac Eliezer Davis (HaCohen) born 1756 A Gravestone from Brady Cemetery in Whitechapel recorded by a Rabbi trying to preserve the details.

Other interesting articles about Davis' in Whitechapel are here:

chd. of Itzik [Isaac] b. Abraham Dan OG _ Westmiinster _ chid of Isaac Davis

I found this here: Great Synagogue burials 1791-1823 It could be useful when searching Gravestones to find our proper name.

Search Tip: When you search using google and the page is so long that you can't find the name or phrase you typed go back to the search and click the word 'cached,' which is underneath the description. Your words or phrase will be highlighted and easy to find.

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The links are now in age order:

© Lynda Archard