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Board Quotes

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""Keeping the Faith" is AWESOME! I've seen it 2 times already, it kicks booty! Everyone should definitely go see it. And notice how long Jennifer Elfman's fingers are...they are like abnormally long!! hehehe." -Jill

"Well, just thought I'd let ya know I'm here again. Wow, there's alot of posts. That "mark all read" button is looking awfully tempting right about now..." -Krystal

"Confirmation (from the Lutheran point of view) - the point at which you are considered an adult in the church and to re-confirm (hence the title) your faith that was first received in baptisim (which is done as an infant)
clear as mud?" -Aly

"Someone help me get this song out of my head.
What's the song, you ask?
Anyone remember "I'll be loving you forever" by the New Kids on the Block?
Banging my head against the wall has given me a nice concussion, but the song's still there." -Natalie

"And see, now I'm feeling the slightest bit old, cuz going to a Catholic school, I had to make my confirmation in 7th grade, which was... 8 years ago? Does this Geritol smell bother anyone?" -Natalie

"End quotes......Sorry it's so short...been working overtime lately...longer ones next time. Same (vampire)bat time...same (vampire)bat channel." -Rikki

Dan: "There is a HOT pic of Charisma in a BARELY there bikini... if anyone wants it, I can PROLLY be nice and scan it for ya... :-)"
Zeing: "Dan, my new best friend! How have ya been?"

"But I kept my grades up so I'm aloud on AOL again! Hopefully I can continue to keep them up because if not no AOL all summer. Which would well...suck." -Stephanie

"I lost this in my favorite file. Figured all I had to do was punch in Buffy at keyword, or Horror, Fantasy, or a hundred other things. Well, all the darn thing did was put me on the web. What good is the keyword if it pushes you onto the web???
I'm alittle better now. But just alittle." -Fluf

"Did I mention I went to help "chat". The people there were unbelieveable. Helpful, yes, but I had no idea what they were talking about. They started by asking what build I had. Now what does my cup size have to do with running AOL (leaving this joke open for all males)." -Fluf

"Yay! Fluf's back! Sorry about the fave places thing Fluf...I'd send you David pics but you're not a drooler so I'll just send you a half-ton cyber Hershey's chocolate bunny...enjoy! " -Shab

"I respect that AOL is having growing pains, but I just wish it wouldn't be in MY neck." -Fluf

"All my names are retarded. Laurie Wisconsin. Or Jean Wisconsin. Ooh yeah. Theres a name. The side street- Laurie Washington. Hmm I dont remember crossing the Delaware..." -Laurie

"I either Amanda Babcock or Rae Babcock. The last one sounds like a male porno star's name." -Amanda

Ashli: "did anyone else notice that strawberry seeds look like sperm?"
Tara: "now at first i thought you said strawberrys tasted like sperm. which that would have worryed me"

Adam: "but should my bs get too high, would you like to help me work it off? (="
Lauren: "Sure. I'll buy you a treadmill "

" "what color does red and blue make?" ?uhhh can i use the life line to call my 5 year old?" -Tara, mocking the contestants on that millionaire show

"btw, I just had my first official straying from my diet and had a cadbury's. blood sugar be damned." -Adam

Adam: "you ever notice that there's no porn involving nuns, tara??"
Tara: "yes. wait, what?"

"allow me to massage your tongue back into having feeling!" -Adam

"if someone ruined my rep of being a loser...and never getting a date...and being an incredibly unfunny loser... well, I'd kiss them, but that's irrelevant." -Adam

"Oh you know it! Now why the hell can't that stupid bunny bring something like those two?" -Aria

"Wow, I never knew trees were able to "talk" to each other" -Rozenfreiheit

"I'm not dead yet. well, KO, you found me out. I died last year, but I'm such a good actor, nobody noticed." -Adam

Danielle: "What's wrong with that bunny? Do I want eggs or....James? Hmmmmmmm"
Adam: "well, only one of those can you paint in pretty colors from tip to tail. well, actually, that's not true, but since I usually reserve those thoughts for smg and alyson hannigan, never mind"

"I swear next time i see him, I'm gonna make him say "bloody hell" just to make sure it ISN'T him...." -Denise

Dusty: "Ok, say in a hundred years or so, all the demons, vamps and evil are gone and we get stuck with a 'normal' world in the Buffyverse. Then say Slayers are still called but have nothing to slay. What do they do with there powers?"
Scott: "Um... professional jar openers?
(now hearing the Buffy theme, seeing montage of Buffy wrenching the lid off a pickle jar, Xander opening one of those trick cans of snakes, Willow casting a spell to take care of one of those huge economy size containers of mayonnaise, etc.)"
Nick: "Two words. Fry cook."

"::pushes back her repulsion of feet::" -Laurie

Erin: "But on a show where vampires roam the streets, and you have a choice of dating the local demon, or the local werewolf, im sure atrophy was the last thing on their minds."
Adam: "hmm...demon, werewolf, demon, werewolf... let's break out the scales and marbles here!!"
Heather: "mmm demon, werewolf, witch, slayer, steroidboy, ex demon, rat, librarian( hey its just not normal to be a librarian j/k)....Im thinking noone is normal...but then again what's normal?"

"I just figure, if I can imagine there are demons in this world, then I can imagine that freshmen really look like that." Aly, on the cast of buffy being in 20s and 30s playing hs-er's

"I can imagine what Ghengis Khan's slogan must have been--"Milk, it does a barbarian body good!"" -Rozenfreiheit

"it sucks. but my mom's evil, too. all of them are (excluding the moms on this board, of course)" -Adam

"Well a neighbor's a neighbor regardless of the distance. So still howdy." -Aly

"Somewhat indecisive, or perhaps not," -Nick

"Adam, it looks like the extra "p" you wanted from Hap's candy striper thing is showing up elsewhere. :)" -Nick

""The Hanniganites. Comming to DVD, Summer 2362"" -??

"Fire, garlic, and then there's always that weird poison stuff that Faith shot Angel with, gypsies and their damn curses, the slayer, being drunk (cause if they pass out, and the sun comes up and they're not protected by shade of any kind, POOF! no more vamp) wooden bullets, hmm, what else? You know, I've never seen vamps around cheese. hmmmm....... You never know, cheese could be the next big thing in vampire slayage. " -Cyn

Nick: "the earth will be destroyed on May 5, 2000"
Adam: "had to be the day after my b-day. "Happy bday Adam! the stripper couldn't make it, but she'll be here tomorrow." ::meteor hits earth, killing adam immediately::"
Nick: "If it's any consolation, it's not a meteor. If anything, be afraid of the earthquakes. Possibly the tsunamis. But not a meteor. That would be foolish."

?: "i feel like a lot of people don't really complain as much as they should. they keep things inside and end up expressing things in unhealthy ways."
Nick: "Damb true, but you can't stop us from bottling everything up, you little... Whoops, I mean,"Yeah"."

"Never! And anyone who says different... well, there's always my head-on-a-stick thing I was talking about... ::evil giggle::" -Cyn

Adam: "I'd tell you not to MARA but hey, it'd be like kurt cobain tellin people not to do drugs."
Nick: "That would be impressive, considering he's been dead for a while."
Adam: "Nick I swear sometimes, you're the first (or only, in many cases) person to get the exact meaning of my comments. see, I'm also dead, not unlike kurt cobain. so I can't tell people not to MARA. See, everybody? nick got it."

"Thankfully, we never see any monkey blood," -Nick

"rumors of my death were misquoted" -Adam

"Then what are you supposed to do while waiting for your teeth to be ground into by a hard metal drill? Are you supposed to count the bloodstains on the wall? Are you supposed to count the blood-curdling screams? How else can you entertain yourself while waiting?" -Rrozenfreiheit, on the dentist. Don't go to his dentist.

"So, as soon as I figured out that I was bored, of course I was very scared. I was like "OH NO! WHAT AM I GOING TO DO!" (Only less loud) and I started crying and died... Then of course I had to have a funeral for myself, cause of the whole dying thing. I hate funerals... So I just dumped my body in a dumpster behind 7-11. Then I felt bad for doing that, so I pulled it out, and tried to chop it up into bits... I chopped of the arm, and blood was everywhere. Okay, not everywhere, but there was blood... So, I sewed my arm back on my dead body, and buried myself in a shallow grave in my backyard. Then I came back in here and made this pointless post. Lol, I'm not on crack, really..." -Cyn

"Okay, I'm losing all sense. I sleep now." -Natalie

"you think the paper boy likes you just because he rides by your front door every morning!" -Tara's sig

"if I offended, sorry. I'll write my local congressman tomorrow in penance." -Adam

"Oh well alright then. You can keep on w/ the showers but no more chocolate for you or every female at this board we'll lock you up and torture you w/ a whi- What the hell am I saying? I better stop before he goes and eats too much chocolate just so can get punished" -Steph

< looks at clock, and begins banging head against wall >
Wait a second...
< resets clock from Australia time to Chicago time >
That's better!" -Natalie

"Hey, did I ever say I was normal?" -Natalie

"Graham's cold. I'm going to be totally selfless and offer to warm him up." -Danielle

"I haven't seen buffy yet and I'm tempted to not tape it. just kill riley, get buffy spayed, let willow and spike go off into the sunset together, giles and olivia have an (on-screen) life, xander do somethin besides get a job and get fired or whatever, and anya doing jonothan. not so tough, is it? I think not." -Adam

"Everyone throw stuff at me now!!!" -Robin

. Faith dancing....
Faith bouncing. And jiggling. And oh my god... those clothes.... GOD I WANT HER!!!!-" -Dan

"ITA?  What's ITA?  All I can think of is itta britta water filta, or possibly Intimated Time of Arrival, or, perhaps closer to what you meant, "I Think Also." Which would make a good button, when you think about it.  And hey, why doesn't someone (besides me, that is) make Hanniganite buttons, that say something like "I'm a Hanni," or "Aly rules" or "Willow Watcher" or perhaps "I'm a Hanni, someone else is a Hanni, wouldn't you like to be a Hanni now?"  I'm also noticing that the partial word "Hanni" looks really odd and could be mistaken for "Hanoi" if one was squinting.
Who should never be allowed to drink Dr Pepper again" -Al

"Here's when I'm starting to wonder what happened to the old lady's kids. I mean, you know when she starts talking that she did something to them. Yep. And okay, I would never let that old bat touch my hair. I'll preen around like a Jezebel, but frell if I would ever let her cut off my hair!!!!!!!" -Natalie

Abby: "Ok realizing this is starting to look like a research paper."
James: "Research Paper?!?!  Oh cryxies, I new I was supposed to be doing something!"

Natalie: "And say bye bye to the hair as she cuts it all off with a knife."
James: "Now that's a damned shameful waste of good red hair."
Randy: "< sob >  It was so pretty and curly."

"I figured it out!  I figured it out!!!  Woohoo!  Score one for the losers!" -Randy

Natalie: "DIdn't you guys learn anything from The Sixth Sense? When it gets cold like that, it's probably ghosts. Duh!"
Danielle: "I didn't even think of that!  I was just thinking of keeping Graham warm"

"See if Tara was more like this I bet I could stand her.  Even with the "I have blond pigtails but the top of my head is entirely brown" look." -Danielle

"One last thing, if I ever see Riley and Buffy having sex again I'm going to be forced to shut off the TV, that's all they do, spell or no spell!  I mean there must have been a good 10 minutes of them rolling around in bed, and personally I'd rather fill up that time with like, naked Spike or something." -Danielle

James: "I knew there had to be a catch to all of this Wesley stuff.  I'm forgetting about Doyle already.  Naughty me!  I need to be punished by the old lady in the Buffy ep!"
Randy: "JAMES!  50 lashes with a wet noodle!"

"I'm putting my W/X shipperness on the back burner and right now I'm cooking up W/O shippyness." -Danielle

"*I think Oz looks very cute when he's in his first wolf stage and his eyes are big and dark and he has fuzz on his face.  I'm weird like that." -Danielle

"Okay, just a warning: I'm going to need a chair and someone fanning me after I say this (not to mention a bodyguard because Sandy will kill me once she reads it). Anyway, here goes:...David looks hot in a suit (of course) but...Marc Blucas is by far THE hottest guy in a suit, even hotter than David... ::feeling faint but glad to have that off my chest::" -Shab

"call ash from my driveway--new york and north carolina accents meet--scary when dealing with cell phones and both of us are half asleep...convo kinda went 'huh?...and whaaa?' alot..." -Sandy

"aria really is goodness impaired." -Sandy

"We are all about love around here, and we don't want anyone to feel uncomfortable or unaccepted." -Jen

"MUST HAVE THIS TITLE! And why am I writing in caps??" -Hap

" today is um.. national marijuana day. too bad people in my school were celebrating." -Kim

Danielle: "For the life of me, I can't figure out why Christina Aguilera is on Men Strike Back. It makes no sense to me whatsoever."
Natalie: "Maybe there's something she's not telling us..."

"I'm such a dork. like I went all day today w/ my shirt on backwards." -Adam

"< Natalie pulls out staple gun and begins stapling her clothing to the chair she is sitting on. She then leans over, Super Glues her feet to the floor, and behins taping herself to the computer. The hot glue gun is ready for any escapage >" -Natalie

"I MISSED A TROLL POST?! Oh, come on, I love trolls! Damb it. < pouts >" -Natalie, regarding the conspiracy troll post

"and i hope your grandma goes uninsane" -Bree

"And the award for shortest post ever goes to..." -Stephanie

" Haha, it would go craaaaazy!!! Or it could be not as psychotic and just slap you on the wrist like in the Wizard of Oz tree that Dorothy took an apple from. Or you could bring a chainsaw along for those leaf-ripping experiences" -Jessica, on fighting trees

"There's a chance you get it locally, so run around your local supermarket like a maniac screaming "I WANT MY JAMES." Oh, and please videotape this and send it over. I could deal with a good laugh." -Nick

"AWWWW sorry guys..... I was trying to remember everyone...but I.... just... am getting so feeble minded in my old age ;)" -Kris

"Dude, stop drop and roll! Okay, he's stopped and he's dropped, but I don't see him rolling, do you?" -Natalie

"Ah you belong to the Land of the Perpetually Sick also, yes?" -Laurie

"And you get rid of the poltergeist-y energy how? By breaking down the bedroom door of course! Then everything goes back to normal. If only they had thought to do that in Amityville . . ." -Jen

"It's really funny, when the CC is going while Faith's beating on the guy, it says [HEAD POUNDING] I just find that hysterical." -Natalie

"I now have found my true calling in life. Cheese. Yep, you read right, cheese. Why Cheese you may ask? Well why not? Cheese is made from milk, and milk is something we've been drinking since birth. It's something the entire world has in common. The only creatures that don't are the ones that are hatched, like birds, and things like that... not born live. These animals are evil and must be killed. DIE DIE DIE! Okay, done now..." -Cyn

Adam: "Cyn, a question. if one bleeds cheese, does that equal herecy in your church, or are they redeemed as the new messiah? just wondering. "
Cyn: "If they started to bleed cheese a temple would be built in their honor. Then they'd be locked inside where they'd have to bleed themselves for food. There they'd either bleed to death, or starve to death. It would be considered a holy place after they died, and a basket of cheese would be placed on the doorstep every year."
Adam: "oh. cuz, um...I don't bleed, you know, uh...cheese. I, uh, bleed...tofu. yeah that's it, tofu. and not cheese ever!"

"few things scare me: teletubbies, periods (and I don't mean punctuation), and religious fanatics. I just read carrie, which has all three." -Adam

"The master returns! Now it's truly the inmates running the asylum" -Aria

"yes of course, next time i decide to have sex all day, cause i saw it on buffy, i'm gonna remember to use protection, cause i saw that on buffy too. ok i think i'll shut up now." -Tara

"Yes, I would like to have my ashes scattered on Gillian Anderson's breasts! ;-)" -Rozenfreiheit

"I'm happy for you Dan, but that one goes under my "Way Too Much Info" file." -Nick

"I've now made it a rule never to take any job where I could end up being used as fill." -Rozenfreiheit

Shab: "And I would mention how absolutely lovable he is on talk shows but I really don't want to outdo the Drucilla thread. "
Nick: "Like you could if you tried, Shab. :)"
Shab: "Possibly true, Nick. However...never underestimate the power of a drooler or how much I love David!!! ;)"
Nick: "Sorry, but I have to believe that the Dru thread is the most powerful force on this planet. It's like the earth's own black hole. :)"
Shab: "Yes, the Dru thread is mighty on this planet...but David is probably from his own planet (from where hopefully all the inhabitants are David-clones) so they can hardly be compared, can't they? ;)"
Nick: "Well, considering David is from Philadelphia (I think that's the right "P" city. If I'm mistaken, please correct me. If not, ignore this), I think they can be compared."
Shab: " it's not possible he landed in a space capsule and was adopted by his parents like Superman? He is a hero after all and a darn good-looking one, too! (And yes, it is Philadelphia). :)"
Nick: "Nope. He doesn't wear dorky Clark Kent glasses."

"Given Xander's oggling of slayers past, I'm gonna say he'd stick around." -Heather

"It plays all the greaser rock from the 50's and early 60's. Why were there so many nonsense syllables in those old songs? (da doo ron ron ron--binga binga dooly walla bing bong (sp?)--doo doobie doo down down--do wop do wop--do wa diddy diddy do wabba do--etc ad nauseam) Couldn't they think up any real words? And did people back then actually. . .like this?" -Rozenfreiheit

"Well, on the inbelievably happy area, ANGEL HIT BUFFY! HELL FRIGGIN YEAH! HIT HER AGAIN! HIT HER AGAIN! BEAT THE TAR OUT OF HER! Ahem. That was *great*. I love it! Angel, believe it or not, just made it on to my HE KICKS ASS! List." -Red

Lauren: "::still staring at the TV screen, torn between blessing Joss for getting Seth on screen naked, and cursing him for splitting up him and Willow for good::"
Nick: "Never say "for good" unless one of them is dead. This is Joss. He can pick up a storyline faster than a speeding deflowered rose."
Stephanie: "Actually considering this is Joss never say "for good" EVEN when they are dead."

"All I know is that there is no longer an Ozwolf. There is now only Oz and Ozhulk. Don't make him not mellow... You wouldn't like him when he isn't mellow," -Nick

Nick: "Hap full of wine to wine county is like Godzilla to Tokyo,"
Adam: "or Adam at the Playboy get the idea."
Tara: "nah, i find adam being in the playboy mansion, way more scarier then hap being in wine country. :)"

"::covers eyes:: Oh no, I can't bear to see the world as I know it destroyed! Eeeeeek! I'm on the lookout for billows of smoke and the faint sound of sirens coming from the direction of you guys.
::Sig wondering if Lauren actually thinks she could see it from 2500 miles away::" -Lauren, on the Mini-Hannicon

Karyn: "I'm sure I'll have a much more involved post once I'm not typing on my girlfriend's stomach. Uh, take that how you want it, but it was literal."
Nick: "I assume you have a laptop, right?"

"I forgot what the point of this post was.... Oh, yea. Feel better." -Deen

"I'm still in finals too, I hate #2 pencils, people! hate them with a consuming passion-" -Aria

"For now, all I have time to say is:
I told you so.
I knew it.
I was right.
See, how I know things?
I told you so.
Faith rules.
Willow rules.
Tara rules.
I told you so.
and finally...
HA!" -Karyn, who would NEVER brag

"Sorry to hear you had the Demon Date, Nat. Better luck next time. Tip: try swearing to be celibate forever. That will guarantee you'll meet Mr. Right within a week." -Jen

"Breaking away from typical television rhythm? That couldn't be Joss." -Nick

"But, in the end, I think that this will make the group closer, similar to what happened last season. Oh, and we need to see Giles playing the guitar while dunk." -Nick

Nick: "or Willow missing Oz and moving on to Anya."
Adam: "did I miss this ep, nick? (= I think you meant tara, so I'll give you and your spleen benefit of the doubt.
bestiality, lesbianism, ex-demons. that's our willow." Nick: "Well, either it was a typo, or a special director's cut. You make the call."

Nick: "I said "dunk"? Now let's see Kris say I don't make typos!"
Kris: "Well see the thing is, until Adam pointed them out I didn't notice them because I make so many too. So, in my eyes, you're typo free :)"
Nick: "Kris, you need glasses."

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