Cross-Cultural Reading
Does the subject interest you? On this page you will find a list of
selected books related to Cross-Culture and
Intercultural issues. Suggestions from our visitors are
welcome. In fact, by giving us your feedback, you will
be helping others in getting as complete a source of
reading materials as possible.
The following titles are essential
reading as a first step in Cross-Culture Communication
and Intercultural questions:
Beyond Culture
Cultures and Organizations : Software of...
Building Cross-Cultural Competence : How...
Multicultural Management 2000: Essential...
International Dimensions of...
Blunders in International Business
Riding The Waves of Culture:...
Culture's Consequences : Comparing...
Lives Across Cultures: Cross-Cultural...
Cross-Cultural Explorations: Activities...
Culture and International Business
Globalization and Education
Culture and Social Behavior
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