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December 19, 2001 - Wednesday

Busy, busy, busy, but okay.

I had a very busy day today. I taught 6 lessons and found time to do an interview for a child today too. That took a while. But, I digress.

I went to my apartment this morning and took a nap for about an hour. I got smart this morning and decided to get out a blanket and put that over me instead of my coat. It made me much warmer. Then, when I finally woke up I decided to watch some tv that Van had sent me on tape. I watched Friends and part of an episode of Andromeda. I enjoyed Friends a lot. Andromeda, well, it's okay.

I walked to work and arrived just after 11:30. I got stuff ready for the lessons and then ate my breakfast.

Today we did stamping in two of the days classes. That was fun. It's amazing what designs people come up with when they are experimenting. I like to keep things simple, but not everyone does.

My last class was about finding a perfect partner. It was a lot of fun actually. Two of the students were married so I appointed them matchmakers and two students were single women so the matchmakers had to find the perfect guy for them. They got to choose from 3 guys for which I had pictures and profiles prepared. It was fun.

I came home somewhere around 9:30 and ate this really nice tofu and bok choy dish, along with candied fish and rice. Yum. I also tried something different. I brought my computer downstairs to write the entry as I'm tired of going upstairs and waiting for 20 minutes for the room to warm up. I'm running it off the battery so it may get a bit cranky. Poor thing.

And that's about it for today. Tomorrow is a busy day. 6 lessons again, plus a staff meeting.

Wish me luck!

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