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December 20, 2001 - Thursday

A different sort of day.

I got up early and Fumihiko drove me to the apartment on his way to work. I took a nap for a while and then I watched some more TV on video. It was nice for a change. I watched the rest of Andromeda and half of Stargate. Good stuff.

I walked to work and was just on time. Oops. Oh well.

Classes were fine, except the one class didn't show up. That was okay as it gave me a chance to do more prep work. The rest of the classes showed up and went quite well I think.

During our staff meeting we realized that it was the last time this year that all four of us would be together, so we decided to go out and have a mini year end party after work.

So, after work, we all did our paperwork very quickly, and us three teachers headed off to the ramen shop. We ate a lot, and it was darn good. Then we were on our way back to the school to meet the manager when we saw her on her way to join us. We decided to go to karaoke. However, it was getting late so I said that I could only go to karaoke for an hour. I had to meet my husband.

We sang for an hour. It wasn't long enough really, but it was fun. We all had a good time. After the hour was up, we paid and went our separate ways. I walked to my apartment where Fumihiko was waiting for me. I'd called him earlier in the day and invited him to join me there and spend the night. He did.

It was a nice evening, and I was happy to spend another night in the apartment!

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