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April 17, 2002 - Wednesday

A lot of rain, but not too bad for cycling. Really windy.

Yesterday morning I had a dream. I dreamt that I was hiking in the mountains and that I saw an airplane hit a mountain. I mentioned it to Fumihiko when he got up and didn't think about it again. A few minutes later he came back upstairs and told me that a plane had crashed in China (sic). Today I read about the plane crash in Korea of an Air China plane. There were some differences between my dream and the real thing. In my dream the weather was sunny and clear, but the real accident took place in foggy weather. I really hope I haven't become psychic.

This morning I decided to go to the park again and walk, but Mother Nature had other plans. She decided to start raining just as I left. I made it to the park, realized that I'm still a bit sick so shouldn't be out in a downpour, and then came home. I parked my bike in the garage and looked at the empty space where Fumihiko's car usually goes and decided, what the heck! I set the timer on my phone for 20 minutes and did a bit of dancing, a bit of walking and a bit of step aerobics. I worked up a good ol' sweat!

After 20 minutes I came in the house and cooled off while I checked email and stuff. I showered and left for work.

Work was fine today. I was a touch busy, but not too bad. Just the right level actually.

I'm feeling a lot better today, I'm mostly over the cold, thank goodness. Now comes the hard part, where my voice gets all funny as my nose gets plugged up. Sigh. Oh joy.

Anyway, there isn't too much to say today. I'll catch you later? Bye bye!

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