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April 18, 2002 - Thursday

Clear and windy all day, then a bit of rain just after I got home.

I got up and power walked this morning. It was very nice. I slowed myself down a bit, did a bit of a warm up and was able to walk further. Hurray me! I'm still in the process of getting my routine down so I usually end up rushing at the end. Oh well. Still, it's nice to be doing something positive again. I'll likely not go tomorrow though as I have to go and do some laundry at the apartment.

Work was a bit busy, but okay. My kid's lesson went quite well and someone from each class showed up at least so that was nice!

I had to stay late again to work on props for my class tomorrow. Sigh. I hate that.

When I biked home it was very windy and I almost got blown away. Well, not really, it just felt like it.

And that's about it. I'm tired and I haven't got anything else to say. Night night!

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