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December 1, 2002 - Sunday

Sunny and warm, lovely day

We got up late today. It was great! Then, we went out to eat lunch. We went out for lunch to the Daichi Hotel. They have a lunch buffet and we went. It was very good for a change. We had pork satay and I filled up on lots of salad. Yum yum. I also drank 3 cups of coffee, full caffeine. Oh dear. That was dumb. I also saw an ex student there, and we got to talk for a couple of minutes. That was a nice thing!

After lunch we headed off to Marica where I checked to see if my hairdresser could take me. She could, but I had to wait for a while. I browsed through some magazines, and then she did my hair. How is it? Great! It's really short again, which I love, and it looks sort of cute/punky/hip. It is always such a treat to get my hair done here. When they wash it they massage your head. Nice! After I paid, she even gave me a present, of a cup. How nice!

After I finished Fumihiko and I headed off to Mikawa to see if there was a movie we wanted to see. There was. I had wanted to see Changing Lanes as Roger Ebert, my favourite critic, said it was an excellent movie. I wasn't sure if Fumihiko would like it, because it seemed a little too serious. I think that actually it was me who wasn't sure I'd like it! We were lucky too, because it's December 1st, it was only a thousand yen. Well, it was a fantastic movie. I can't remember a movie that I have watched in the last few years to have been so gripping.It was amazing. See it! We discussed the movie for hours afterward.

Fumihiko was hungry after the movie (okay, I was too!) so we went to the little French Restaurant in Mikawa for dinner. I had a "hamburg" not a steak for a change. Everything was very good and I got Fumihiko to order things for me without sauce and to cancel my dessert. Otherwise, he ends up eating 2 of everything and that isn't good for him. Dinner was lovely. The restaurant was quite busy for a change, but everything tasted great. After our meal, we were the last people there! Oops. We left and the chef gave me a piece of pie to take with me since I didn't have dessert. That was very nice of him! I gave it to Fumihiko's Mum.

We came home, where Fumihiko tried to play my computer game and did very well at it too, I might add. My original plan was to write Christmas cards, but I only got a couple of them done. Still, I guess two is better than none! I finally got Fumihiko to take his shower and then I'll take mine. We'll go to sleep a bit after that. It was a great day! Night night

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