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December 2, 2002 - Monday

Sunny day, I think. I didn't go out.

We woke up late today! Fumihiko didn't set the alarm correctly so he woke up just before 8am. Usually that's when we leave home. Yikes! Still, he made it in time, so all was not lost. I went to the apartment and wrote my entries for yesterday. I also watched the weekend's TV that I'd taped and did laundry.

After brunch I started stamping. I wanted to make some Christmas Cards and start designing our New Years Cards too. It was fun, I'd forgotten just how much fun it is. I love doing it, but I haven't been able to do any for a while.

When Fumihiko finished his work he came over to the apartment and I gave him some coffee. There was literally nowhere to sit for him as I had stamping stuff on every surface! I finished up, cleaned my stamps and got ready to leave with him.

We went to a yakiniku restaurant, but not one of our usual places. It was okay, but not great. Fumihiko was stuffed afterwards! We dropped off my stamps at the school and our desserts too! I can't eat mine of course and Fumihiko didn't want his, so I hope my coworkers like them.

Then we went to karaoke! We went to Hiyoshi, the really old and cheap place. We only went for an hour, but it was fun. I sang a lot of stuff, including The Beatles and Madonna. Fumihiko did a couple of English songs too.

We came home then and talked with his Mum for a while. I wanted some input from her about my stamps for New Years. As I can't really buy all the stamps that I want to I have to adapt what I have to what other people want.

We came upstairs and watched ER. It was really good tonight, as always. Fumihiko is playing computer games, and I'm prodding him to take his bath. It's about time for it!

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