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November 30, 2002 - Saturday

Clear but later a little cloudy and rainy.

I had a very hard day getting up today. I was really tired and it was cold in our bedroom. That made it very hard for me to get out of bed. Sigh. Finally I dragged myself out and got dressed and ready for work. Fumihiko took me to Yoshinoya for breakfast. It was good, I had miso soup, salmon and some cooked beef. After that, he drove me to work.

Work was fine. I was a bit busy, with lots of classes today. My students were great though. They were on time and in good moods, so classes went well. One student even talked about how he liked my page being a bright colour, so this one is for him!

One bad thing happened though, I had a bit of a fight with the manager about a class. It's a lose-lose situation and I can't see that anything good will come of it. Sigh.

After work I had to stay late and do a lot of paperwork. It seemed to suddenly pile up and I had to do it tonight. It was after 10 before I finished. I called Fumihiko's cell phone twice, but I didn't get an answer. I was a bit worried, so I called the house and got his Mum. I had to speak to her in Japanese. Scary! I heard the manager talking at the same time, so I thought that Fumihiko had arrived at the school, but she was so surprised to hear me talking in Japanese that she thought that Fumihiko had arrived at the school. It was all very confusing!

I came home and ate supper. It was very nice tonight, miso soup and steak, salad and a sort of marinated salad. That was a bit too much like what I had for lunch, so I didn't eat much of it.

Fumihiko had gone back to the post office to get the parts of the travellers cheques that we needed, but the guy at the post office gave us too much! He gave us parts that he needs! I used to sell the damn things for a living, it's just too back I wasn't there to straighten things out. (Of course I realize that I might have made things worse, but it might have been fun too!

Anyway, I think that that is me for tonight. I don't have a lot else to say. Take care, and probably catch you tomorrow.

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