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December 9, 2002 - Monday

December 9, 2002 - Monday

Cold but clear day.

I had a busy day, but I didn't go out much! I stayed up late last night, working on line and then went to bed around 4 am. Oops! It was really hard to wake up in the morning.

When I got to the apartment I slept for about 3 hours! When I woke up I cooked my brunch and then did laundry. I watched shows from the weekend. One show that I got a kick out of Will and Grace. Will was in a restaurant and pretended to play a tune on breadsticks. He played the tune from The Friendly Giant, which most Canadian children know very well! The actor who plays will is a Canadian so I wonder if that was a Freudian slip, or a homage? Hmm.

After lunch and laundry I got busy and started making cards. I made over 10 today and they look pretty nice. I have to do more work on some of them, so tomorrow I'll be colouring and so on.

Fumihiko came and picked me up and we went to Cafe Framboise for dinner. It was nice. I had chicken and salad and tea. I had to forgo the bread or rice and dessert though. Fumihiko had steak. It looked good too. After dinner we went to S-mall where I bought groceries for the coming week. It was pretty expensive when I finally got them all. Sigh.

We came home and for the rest of the evening I made more cards, but these ones were for New Years. I did a lot, but I have to go back and stamp more on some of them. They will look really good though. I quit around 11:00pm because I wanted to stop. I wanted to watch ER and work on my homepage. So, here I am! ER was great, as always, and now I'm just waiting to take my bath.

Before I go I have to tell you about a funny thing. Fumihiko and I often smooch a bit when we're in the car, but lately every time he tries to kiss me we get a shock! Something he is wearing is causing static electricity so kissing has become a little uncomfortable. It's a shocking experience!

Night night!

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