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December 11, 2002 - Wednesday

December 11, 2002 - Wednesday

Cold and snowy day.

Strange things happened in the apartment today. Last night Fumihiko and I turned off the water, and this morning when I tried to turn on the gas, nothing happened. I couldn't have my morning decaf. I was so upset! I couldn't get any hot water either. Tonight Fumihiko and I found the cause and fixed it, so I know what to do if it happens again.

Work was fine except for my last class! No one showed up for the first 20 minutes, but after that people came. I was quite busy today with 7 lessons so I didn't have a lot of time to prepare. However, things went okay I think.

Poor Fumihiko isn't feeling very well so I sent him to bed. I'm not sure if he's going to go to work tomorrow or not. He's really under the weather. I hope he feels better soon. I could do with a bit of extra sleep myself, so I may head off to bed soon.

Oh, before I forget, I went out for lunch today. It was okay. I didn't eat any of the French Fries. I was thinking about it, but decided not to. They looked great, but I was able to hold back. Hurray!

Not much else to say today! Night night.

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