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December 12, 2002- Thursday

December 12, 2002- Thursday

Sunny and a bit cold. Still lots of snow.

Today was a different sort of day. Last night Fumihiko didn't feel very well. Well, this morning he decided to stay home from work. So, he called in to work and we went back to sleep. We got up around 10:40 and he drove me to work.

Work was fine today. I had 2 class cancellations so I wasn't too busy. It was nice though. I got a lot of things done. I even had time to create a new game for my students in one class. Yay me!

After school Fumihiko picked me up and said he was feeling much better. However, he isn't going to work tomorrow either. Lucky guy! We went out for supper to M's Dining where we had a nice chat over supper.

When we came home I found that there were TWO Christmas cards waiting for me. Yay! One from my friend Janet, and one from my friend Kim. I was so happy. I put them up in our room, so I can look at them. Hurray!

Fumihiko and I had a long talk about old times, mine from the bank, and his from the police force. No matter how bad I thought the bank was, the police force was worse.

At home, I wrote a bit of email while I made Fumihiko write a Christmas Card to his former teacher. He did a great job of it and I'm sure she'll love it! I'll post this soon, and then I want to shower and go to bed. I'm a bit tired, even though I slept a lot today.That's it for tonight! Night-night!

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