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December 10, 2002 - Tuesday

December 10, 2002 - Tuesday

It snowed today, real snow, not a light coating, but about 10 cm.

I had a good day today. When I got to the apartment though I took a nap. A long one. In fact it could be said that I came close to oversleeping. I just couldn't wake up. I hate that. I didn't even get to watch any videos, I was so late. I did cook my breakfast and lunch though. That was good.

I opened up the school today as the manager and the other teacher were at a meeting. I even took the sign outside. Sigh. I hate doing that, but at least I don't have to do it very often.

Most of my students came today. My first class didn't but the student called so that was okay. In one class I had a newish student and two of his classmates came. It made for a much more fun and enjoyable class for all of us!

I think that the snow made it difficult for some students to come to class, so my last class had only one student in it. It was tough on her.

After work, I changed quickly and did all my stuff. I also brought the sign back in again. That's why I changed early! Fumihiko picked me up and we went for sushi and sashimi to his friend's shop. It was very nice.

We drove to the apartment and turned off the water. I didn't want to have a repeat of the Otaru incident, although I don't really think that it would happen again, here. Still, I've paid enough repair fees for a lifetime and I don't want to pay more!

At home Fumihiko showed me the cards that he'd stamped today. He did very well, and they looked great! He did the same as me, but it was different too. Very cool. I love stamping.

After that, we came upstairs where Fumihiko made us some decaf coffee and then we started to work on our computers! It's very cold, even after an hour it's only 14 degrees in our bedroom. I hate cold weather. Blech. I'm just about ready for posting and bathing. Night night!

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