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December 13, 2002 - Friday

December 13, 2002 - Friday

Cold and snowy, with a bit of sun in the morning.

Today was a busy day. We got up around 9:30 and then went over to the apartment. At the apartment I made breakfast for two people, did laundry, and made my lunch as well. I was a crazy fool! Fumihiko did help me by cutting up the cheese for our omelets and folding my clean laundry. He also washed the dishes afterwards, which was a big help.

He drove me to work, luckily as I would have been late if he didn't. Work was mostly very quiet today. I only had four classes but they seemed to go quite well. I read a story to my child student today and he seemed to enjoy it. I know he couldn't understand very much of it, but it had great pictures and he loved them! It was kind of a pop-up book, but not quite.

After work, Fumihiko picked me up and we went to Kamerotei for dinner. It was very nice. I thought I wasn't very hungry, but I ate a lot! I had ordered egg soup, which I thought would be quite small, but it was really big. We actually shared it. It was good too.

We came home and I ironed my dress for the party on Sunday. I hate ironing, but it was so nice to use a real ironing board, it made the job so much easier. While I was doing that, Fumihiko made us some jasmine tea. Yum. Yum. I love jasmine tea. After I finished ironing, I helped him sort out the traveller's cheques situation. When the post office sold them to us, they gave us some of the papers that they need. The first time they didn't give us the forms we needed, so I was ticked off! If I'd been there, I could have helped them out.

Traveller's cheques all signed and put away, I started to work on my homepage again, while Fumihiko is off taking a shower. I'll have to have one soon I think.

Anyway, that's it for me for today. Tomorrow at work I'll be much busier. Wish me luck!

Night night!

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