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December 14, 2002 - Saturday

December 14, 2002 - Saturday

Cold and snowy today.

We woke up late today. In fact we woke up just a few minutes before I had to leave. We didn't get to go out for breakfast. Fumihiko drove me to work, and I went into Jusco and bought some stuff for brunch. I had cold salmon, which was very nice.

I was a bit busy at work today. I had six classes, and the first four were all one person! Still, they went rather well, and I enjoyed them.

After work, Fumihiko picked me up and took me home. He'd made a nabe for us, like the one we ate at an izakaya. It was really good. As I took the last of it in my bowl, Fumihiko remembered that he'd promised some to his mother. Ooops. But, it was too late. I'd already put tons of pepper in it.

We came upstairs and started working on our computers! I watched Will and Grace and now I'm watching a Kenneth Brannagh-Helena Bonham Carter movie. It's....interesting!

Tomorrow is my Christmas Party, so I hope to get a good night's sleep. Talk at you later!

Night night.

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