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December 15, 2002 - Sunday

December 15, 2002 - Sunday

Reasonably warm, the snow seems to be melting.

Today we got up reasonably early! We had to eat lunch before the Christmas Party. Well, I had to anyway! We made yakiniku at home and it was very nice. I do like my yakiniku. After lunch, I went upstairs to get ready. I used my curling iron and a bit of make-up for a change. My dress, that I couldn't fit into properly last year, fit very well this year.

We left on time for the party and got there early. Hurray! And we didn't fight either. I'm so glad! I had put out most of my clothes last night so I was quite stress-free. There was a big traffic jam on the way, but we made it.

The party was fine. Most people showed up. I'm very glad. We had a lot of fun. However, there were some problems. We had to have the party downstairs, and there wasn't much room. Drinks weren't included in the price. We did a work around and I think it worked out quite well. There were lots of kids so it was fun, but also noisy. Santa was a big hit too. I was disappointed because there was no second party. I was hoping/expecting that we'd go to karaoke, but no-one seemed to want to go. Sigh.

So, after the party, Fumihiko and I went to Mikawa mall. He wanted to play coin games, but I didn't really want to. We checked out the movies and found that Minority Report was playing in about an hour. Since we had a lot of time, we went and played coin games. I got tired in a few minutes so I checked out the cd store, and walked around the amusement center. Fumihiko finished a little before the movie started, then we went upstairs. The movie was great. I really enjoyed it. I wasn't sure what to expect exactly, but I thought it was interesting. In fact, if I hadn't seen Changing Lanes so recently I'd probably put it as one of my top movies of the year.

After the movie I went to Jusco and bought a small suitcase. I hope to do a lot of shopping soon, so I may need extra room.

Next, we drove to Sakata and had dinner at M's Dining. It was nice. I drank some coffee, which may have been a mistake, but I'm not sure. After supper we came home, via the gas station. Fumihiko always says that he has enough gas to drive to Yamagata, even when the gas light is on, but I never believe him. I told him if the car stopped and I had to walk, I'd get really angry. So, he picked some up.

At home I watched the end of Ally McBeal and then started to write this. It's been a good day. Tomorrow, card-making....argh!

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