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December 19, 2002 - Thursday

December 19, 2002 - Thursday

Clear and a little cool.

What a day! It was actually good in many ways, but also not good either. I went to the apartment and wrote my nengajo. I also took a long nap. It was supposed to be for 20 minutes, but it stretched into 40! I cooked breakfast too and then headed off to work.

Work was work today. Same as usual. I had one class cancel due to nobody's fault and another class had only one student show up in it. Still, it was nice to see him.

After work I was invited to go for sushi, but I refused. I thought that I had to go home and eat my mother in law's cooking, but I couldn't. It was curry, so Fumihiko took me out. We went to Dan, an izakaya. We had nabe there, and I had some sashimi, steak and tongue too. I also managed to spill my entire glass of oolong tea all over the table and myself. Yikes. What a klutz. I'm just glad it wasn't hot oolong tea!

We came home and Fumihiko showed me the present he bought for my sister. Wow. It's amazing. If she doesn't love it (but she will) then she's crazy!

Anyway, that's about it for me for tonight. Have a great night!

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