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July 1, 2002 - Monday

Happy Canada Day!

Rainy all day.

I went to the apartment this morning and did laundry. I also re-watched Bridget Jones's Diary with Sharon MacGuire's commentary. It was very interesting, except at the end when they cut her off.

I had lost my schedule for the Mikawa bus so I didn't know exactly when the bus left. I was sure of only two times, 11:30 and 3:40. I wanted to get to the mall early so I chose to catch the 11:30 bus. I went to the bank first and paid a bill, but I had to run a bit to catch the bus. I read some of my latest book on the way. I'm reading "Light a Penny Candle" by Maeve Binchy. I am enjoying this one at the moment, but if it has a sad ending I think I'll give up on her. There are too many sad endings in her book.

At the mall, I ate lunch then looked around. I did a bit of window shopping and even checked out Jusco's arcade area. Then, I went and had coffee and a gelato at their cafe while I read more of my book. I had originally planned to see a film, but the two that I wanted to see were also two that Fumihiko wanted to see and I thought it wasn't fair to exclude him. So, I didn't go to one by myself. Sigh.

I went to the other amusement center and discovered that they had a game there that I'd played in Sendai, so I played it for a while. Then I tried another game. I was supposed to meet Fumihiko soon, but I couldn't get rid of my coins! Every time I got near the end of them, I won more. It was vexing in an odd way. Still, finally I lost them and went to meet him.

We applied for a Jusco card for me. I have no idea if they'll give me one or not. After all, I'm a foreigner. I hope they do. Then, I bought him supper and then we went back to the amusement center together. We played some of the same games I had when I was alone, and did really well. In fact, we couldn't get rid of our coins because the movie was starting!

We went to see Kate and Leopold. It was charming. I found Meg Ryan to be a bit annoying, but Hugh Jackman was great. He looked every bit the part of an aristocratic duke. He was very believable, even though he's Australian!

After the movie we went back to the amusement center to get rid of our coins. Fumihiko won quite a few more, but I didn't, so in the end we left empty-handed. Hurray!

We stopped on the way back at Voice, a shopping area to have something to eat. We thought it was spaghetti, but it was actually a rice dish! It was pretty good though so it didn't matter too much.

And that's it. When I arrived home, I discovered that my Cosmo had arrived, so I'll have something to read at work tomorrow or the next day. Hurray!

Good day! Night night!

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