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March 25, 2002 - Monday

A lovely clear day, but a little cold.

It was a different day than the one I expected! I woke up the first time around 6 am and when I looked out the window it was beautiful. Fumihiko left around 7:00 and I went back to sleep. I woke up again at 9 and got up. I did a bit of computer stuff, and then left for the apartment.

I biked this morning but the darn gear was in the wrong place and it took me ages to get it in the right place. On my way to the apartment I stopped at a grocery store to pick up some supplies for the apartment and lunch. I also stopped at the post office to deposit a bit of moolah. Not much, but I'm trying to save a bit again.

At the apartment I ate lunch and then Keiko called while I was playing a video. She promised that she would come and visit me. I invited her to play video games!!

When she arrived I made coffee for us and we ate some cake that she had brought. Then we played video games. She did very well considering that this was her first time at it!

She very nicely drove me to Mikawa Jusco where I planned to meet Fumihiko. We had some coffee in Seattle's Best Coffee. It was pretty good, although I never think much of the employees there. They are always kind of rude to me.

After she left to visit her friend, I met Fumihiko and we had supper at Paper Moon. That's another place with bad service. The food was good, but getting the attention of the waiter/waitress was difficult. While we ate Fumihiko explained that his planned work schedule for tomorrow had been changed and he wanted to check his route for the driving he had to do tomorrow. He was afraid that I'd be angry, but I wasn't. There weren't any films that I really wanted to see, and I don't often get to spend the evening with just my husband. I put some good tunes on the cd player and we cruised around Sakata, looking for the places that he had to go. It was fun. We also went to Yura and Kamo. It was a nice clear night and it was fun. I did a lot of singing in the car, so I was happy.

We made a quick detour to the apartment to pick up my bike and grab some of my clothes, then we headed home. At home I discovered not one, but two parcels waiting for me. Yay!!! One was a belated wedding present and the other was a care package from Vanessa. She'd included some of my favourite deodorant and some macaroni and cheese for me...and most enjoyable for now (at least until I eat the mac&cheese) a couple of sections of the Edmonton Journal. Not the best paper in the world, true, but a little touch of home. Hurray!

And that's it. A thoroughly enjoyable day, but very unexpectedly so! I'm almost ready for this week. Wait...what on earth am I saying????!!!

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